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Thread: E:60 (ESPN) - Gregg Valentino

  1. #1

    E:60 (ESPN) - Gregg Valentino

    Anyone watch this? Complete garbage until the end.

    Here is an article but I don't have the actual video. Maybe someone can find it for us.

    The article basically has Valentino talking about the myths of steroids but then at the end of the article it talks about ALL the risks are not 'worth' it. the end of the actual video you see the sports reporters sitting around a table and they guy that conducted the interview with Valentino says they put him through a bunch of different health tests. From Catscans, to blood work, etc. He says, and I quote, that Valentino is 'suprisingly fairly healthy.'

    So ESPN has contradicted themselves enormously! We all know, and it is clear by looking at him, that he ABUSED steroids. Yet he is probably healthier than most fvcks at Starbucks cramming down muffins.

    Wow, ESPN, imagine if they were legal and could be done with a doctors oversight!?!? Disney sucks...

  2. #2
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    Greg Valentino is a whore.

    He can trash talk roids all he wants, but they are the only reason anyone on this f*ckin planet knows who he is.

  3. #3
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    i like him, he can hit a 90mph fast ball

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Steriods are american as apple pie!!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    although i dont agree with everything he says, i personally like hearing him talk because yes he was a complete idiot but he talking from his experience..and i do agree that steroids are as american as apple pie

  6. #6
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    i think he sounded like an idiot in the man whose arms exploded but editing can make that happen...he sounded much better in bigger stronger faster.

  7. #7
    You are all missing the point. They put they guy through a battery of tests and he came out that he really did not do much damage, if at all, to his body. And he was an extreme abuser of steroids.

    So two cycles a year is not going to make A-rod or myself suddenly fall over holding our chests.

  8. #8
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    How come no one (including Valentino) points out the fact that his freakish proportions are from synthol, not steroids. He's been propped up by the media for steroid abuse but no one ever states the FACT that it's synthol that made him look like that, not steroids!!!!

    I really wish a top bodybuilder or strongman would get on TV and finally tell the truth about steroids instead of whoring themselves and selling out about the stuff. I know Bill Romanowski tried a little bit, but his violent streak overpowered any truth he was telling.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    How come no one (including Valentino) points out the fact that his freakish proportions are from synthol, not steroids. He's been propped up by the media for steroid abuse but no one ever states the FACT that it's synthol that made him look like that, not steroids!!!!

    I really wish a top bodybuilder or strongman would get on TV and finally tell the truth about steroids instead of whoring themselves and selling out about the stuff. I know Bill Romanowski tried a little bit, but his violent streak overpowered any truth he was telling.
    Thank you...good point...

  10. #10
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    I wish he would go away.

  11. #11
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    I hereby replace the word greg valentino with douchebag

    from now on, I refer to greg valentino as douchebag......The name greg valentino no longer exists in the english language....he is now from this point on known as douchebag.

  12. #12
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    thats such a lame 80's term

  13. #13
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    How come no one (including Valentino) points out the fact that his freakish proportions are from synthol, not steroids. He's been propped up by the media for steroid abuse but no one ever states the FACT that it's synthol that made him look like that, not steroids!!!!

    I really wish a top bodybuilder or strongman would get on TV and finally tell the truth about steroids instead of whoring themselves and selling out about the stuff. I know Bill Romanowski tried a little bit, but his violent streak overpowered any truth he was telling.
    This is why he is a cockface. And to be honest I don't think it's synthol either, that shit would fade just as fast as spot injected steroids. His arms still look retarded and are 25 inches or so, the synthol and roid oil would have been long since gone from those silly limbs.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    starting to think the man has retarded arm implants..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I read that synthrol can stay in your arms as long as 5 years. So it should definately be able to stay in there for a couple of years anyway.

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