Ok, i have to get this off my chest...so im driving into work this morning and listening to sports radio as i always do and the host of this particular show in miami is going to interview Selena Roberts, the author of the new A. Rod book.
This women has gone completely out of her way to destroy one mans image. She is as i understand a reputable journalist in the field and IMO has used this to make her book credible. She goes on in this book to site pitch tipping in the majors, high school steroid use, steroid use while with the Yankees, divorce, strip club going, infidelity and a laundry list of other things. Oh yeah and by my estimation...he is just being a man...
Now here is the freaking kicker....more than half of the of the allegations are accredited in her book to "un-named sources"! Un-named sources, are freaking kidding me???? If you are going to come out with these type of serious allegations, you better have some credible sources, of which she few!
What a crock of horse shit this is...you mean to tell me some women or man for that matter who has the power of the pen in the media can go out and simply tear a very well established person...and like him or not A-Rod is a phenom on the baseball field, he leads all all-star ballots year in and year out. so because YOU simply dont like him YOU are going to put it on YOUR shoulders and crumble this mans/persons image simply because you can...and with un-named sources????!!!!
This just really got under my skin and reinforces my dislike of the so could media. I NEVER, NEVER watch the news...especially local. World news...ehh, from time to time but national and local...this bitch needs to slapped right in the ****ing face by A-Rod and but her ass back in her place.
And this rant isn't because of her killing A-Rod...its just the fact of one person publicly tearing down another...and for WHAT???!!!
go find some story on some mexican kid that brought over the swine flu...trust me, you will be more respected.
Selena Roberts = Bitch