Alright alright before you call me mr. conceited and a slew of verbal abuses let me explain myself.
First of all I have a self-esteem of a snail covered in salt so take that in my mind, I am not some prick who thinks highly of himself.
Ok I am not Abercrombie or Calvin Klein model or anything like that, but I consider myself rather good looking and I have been told I am and should model (I laugh at that because that is just too much) anyway add that fact with the fact I workout alot and have a muscular physquie maybe I am just too intimidating for girls?
For example, those of you who follow my threads know I get checked out by pumas and cougars left and right and get checked out by girls my age too (college), but I am starting to think I just send out that "wave"
For example, you know how 9's and 10's actually sometimes have hard time getting guys? You know because most guys out there (except the casanovas) think "Oh she probably can get all the hottest guys she wants so why shoudl I bother?", but even these types of girls still get guys because guys still hit on girls left and right and go up to them and guys are horndogs.
In guys' case this doesn't happen because traditionally while girls will check you or stare at you, they aren't going to come up to you while you are walking in the mall and start hitting on you (at least not in my case). So in this case similar to how you see a hot woman walking in the mall or a store or whereever that isnt a "social scene" nine times out of ten you check her out and say "I'd hit that" and thats that.
Add that with the fact that I don't drink alcohol and I am down from college working in a town where after 10pm the social life is dead, you can see my dilemma. Going to bars and clubs and not drinking blows.
But alot of times I will go if its going to be worthwhile and I know I can pick up girls in THAT scene because thats where girls try to hit on guys or get picked up as opposed to walking in the mall/store/whatever
It's starting to piss me off because all you bastards are posting your problems like "I am made my girl queefs during sex"and I am like I would take that problem over having girls check me out and not have the balls to come up to me but rather sit with their friends.