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Thread: Is it possible that I am maybe just a little too good looking?

  1. #1
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    Is it possible that I am maybe just a little too good looking?

    Alright alright before you call me mr. conceited and a slew of verbal abuses let me explain myself.

    First of all I have a self-esteem of a snail covered in salt so take that in my mind, I am not some prick who thinks highly of himself.

    Ok I am not Abercrombie or Calvin Klein model or anything like that, but I consider myself rather good looking and I have been told I am and should model (I laugh at that because that is just too much) anyway add that fact with the fact I workout alot and have a muscular physquie maybe I am just too intimidating for girls?

    For example, those of you who follow my threads know I get checked out by pumas and cougars left and right and get checked out by girls my age too (college), but I am starting to think I just send out that "wave"

    For example, you know how 9's and 10's actually sometimes have hard time getting guys? You know because most guys out there (except the casanovas) think "Oh she probably can get all the hottest guys she wants so why shoudl I bother?", but even these types of girls still get guys because guys still hit on girls left and right and go up to them and guys are horndogs.

    In guys' case this doesn't happen because traditionally while girls will check you or stare at you, they aren't going to come up to you while you are walking in the mall and start hitting on you (at least not in my case). So in this case similar to how you see a hot woman walking in the mall or a store or whereever that isnt a "social scene" nine times out of ten you check her out and say "I'd hit that" and thats that.

    Add that with the fact that I don't drink alcohol and I am down from college working in a town where after 10pm the social life is dead, you can see my dilemma. Going to bars and clubs and not drinking blows.

    But alot of times I will go if its going to be worthwhile and I know I can pick up girls in THAT scene because thats where girls try to hit on guys or get picked up as opposed to walking in the mall/store/whatever

    It's starting to piss me off because all you bastards are posting your problems like "I am made my girl queefs during sex" and I am like I would take that problem over having girls check me out and not have the balls to come up to me but rather sit with their friends.

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Just from the title, the answer is NO

  3. #3
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    I'm too good looking too! I even jerk off while looking at me own pics....

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Just from the title, the answer is NO

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    I'm too good looking too! I even jerk off while looking at me own pics....
    Im that good looking i dont need to jerk off i just cum instantly when i see myself in a mirror...

  6. #6
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    If you notice girls actively checking you out than go talk to them. You don't even have to hit on them just start small talk and if she's interested she will flirt. Your not too attractive there's no such thing. I have been told I'm "hot" and that I should model and all that also and girls still hit on me. You said your self esteem is low and that may be your problem. Confidence is a proven chic magnet.... Try it out

    Are you sure that there not staring because of some facial disformity or something.... Jk!

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Im that good looking i dont need to jerk off i just cum instantly when i see myself in a mirror...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Im that good looking i dont need to jerk off i just cum instantly when i see myself in a mirror...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Im that good looking i dont need to jerk off i just cum instantly when i see myself in a mirror...
    that's weird! hahaha!

  11. #11
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    i have some buddies that are average guys but man can they talk up a everytime for em

  12. #12
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    I dont need to chat chicks up, i just look at them and they sense my vibe....

  13. #13
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    dont get self esteem confused with sacared. if your scared than just say it. lot of guys are scared of rejection.

  14. #14
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    I walk into the room and girls take off their clothes and jump ontop of me, but then again I work at a womens prison....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    If you notice girls actively checking you out than go talk to them. You don't even have to hit on them just start small talk and if she's interested she will flirt. Your not too attractive there's no such thing. I have been told I'm "hot" and that I should model and all that also and girls still hit on me. You said your self esteem is low and that may be your problem. Confidence is a proven chic magnet.... Try it out

    Are you sure that there not staring because of some facial disformity or something.... Jk!
    Yeah, like I said my self-esteem isn't exactly way up there. I do have major muscle dysmorphia which only hurts it, but when I do talk to girls I am not some sweating and mumbling bafoon, I am a smooth and energetic talker. But getting to that point from her staring at you is the problem. Also throughout high school, I was wicked skinny (6'0 134 lbs) so towards the end I changed that and I have now just reached that point where I am pretty muscular (especially when you consider I am only 22) so this body brings me the girls while inside that skinny kid is still kind of there.

    And no I don't have any deformity lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    i have some buddies that are average guys but man can they talk up a everytime for em
    Yeah I know those types, envy the hell out of them, but like I said talking to the girl is really not my probably its getting from

    A) She checks you out

    B) You walk up and start a consversation

    thats where my problem lies, after that its usually a homerun.

  16. #16
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    By looking at my pics girls cum instantly...

  17. #17
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  18. #18
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    I can make a chick orgasim by just looking at them, if i flick a booger at them they tend to get pregnant...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I can make a chick orgasim by just looking at them, if i flick a booger at them they tend to get pregnant...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT,MAN View Post
    dont get self esteem confused with sacared. if your scared than just say it. lot of guys are scared of rejection.
    Oh there def. is the fear of being rejected especially when I am at this stage, I got the looks, I got the body, and I got the personality, so if I do get rejected by mind would simply trigger a defense mechanism saying "your just not muscular/cut enough yet get bigger"

    But I also do have low self-esteem, I battled depression and a drug experimentation and that ultimatly put me at a whopping 6'0 134lbs before I defeated my depression naturally and began working out (for fun) which became an obbsession and now I suffer from the thinking that I am "not big enough". So self-esteem does have a big part in it, but I don't let it show. Like if you see me walking around you wouldn't say "that guy has self-esteem" I hide it inside and cover it up in public, but its there.

    It's not that I don't get girls or get hit on, its just that I reached the point where I am like "I am tired, I am tired of obbsessing over my body and tired of thinking I am not good enough and hiding it" I just want peace, currently I am battling another drug addiction and will probably enter rehab in dec. so things arent working out right now, I feel like I am not getting my full ***** getting potential that with this body and looks I just be banging alot more or getting alot more girls than I do now.

  21. #21
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    Look up in the sky...
    Just when you thought it was safe to tie your horse up to any hitching post, along came the rifleman!

  22. #22
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    I was in the same boat as you minus the drug problem. I was 6' 145lbs and once I got bigger my reaction was the same as yours. I was under the impression that girls would just line up and bend over lol. Then I noticed all these goofy lookin dudes getting hot girls all with confidence and it's worked for me. I'm not some ladies man by any means but I def have raised my pvssy getting potential. Just try to look past the rejection part and try it out. It's all about practice lol

    Nobody wants to suck dlck at fvckin pvssy!

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    The good girls might have the same problems as you. I have self esteem issues thinking I'm not thin enough and so on, and I have never approached a guy before, I always think that if they are into me then they will come up and approach me.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    The good girls might have the same problems as you. I have self esteem issues thinking I'm not thin enough and so on, and I have never approached a guy before, I always think that if they are into me then they will come up and approach me.
    * walks into a bar saw katsmeow, jbm approarch kats then jbm asks... hi! sexy am I good looking? *

  26. #26
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    i think everyone on here some sort of self-esteem issues, theres one thing out there that makes me more confident than anything, but we can't talk about that stuff here.

  27. #27
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    Sep 2004
    You're just like me. I get hit on, but I often have problems knowing what to do after recognizing it. "I couldn't help but notice you looking at me..." usually works.

  28. #28
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    Girls usually look at me and run away or start crying and call the cops, or spray me in the face with mace & kick me in the nuts, Its all just a bit of a turn off but I can usually get past it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BritishColumbian View Post
    Girls usually look at me and run away or start crying and call the cops, or spray me in the face with mace & kick me in the nuts, Its all just a bit of a turn off but I can usually get past it.
    BC is this you?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I was in the same boat as you minus the drug problem. I was 6' 145lbs and once I got bigger my reaction was the same as yours. I was under the impression that girls would just line up and bend over lol. Then I noticed all these goofy lookin dudes getting hot girls all with confidence and it's worked for me. I'm not some ladies man by any means but I def have raised my pvssy getting potential. Just try to look past the rejection part and try it out. It's all about practice lol

    Nobody wants to suck dlck at fvckin pvssy!
    Yeah, I understand its just I feel that with the looks I have and the body I have (again I don't have Arnold's body and Brad Pitts Looks but I consider myself fairly good looking, I have had random woman stop me on the street to tell me that of course they were older woman since no 20 year is going to stop you and say you are really good looking guy) I shouldn't have to be doing this "going up to them and making HER want me".

    Not to mention if I am the one who hits on them then these girls get an inflated head and they must be hot **** if someone like me would hit on them (my standards are very high but when on cycle they tend to lower to allow the 7's into game)

    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    i think everyone on here some sort of self-esteem issues, theres one thing out there that makes me more confident than anything, but we can't talk about that stuff here.
    A big cock? haha

    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    The good girls might have the same problems as you. I have self esteem issues thinking I'm not thin enough and so on, and I have never approached a guy before, I always think that if they are into me then they will come up and approach me.
    lol are you saying im a "good guy"? I mean some girls have made it obvious like one example I can think off the top of my head that happened recently was I was walking down a strip mall and there was a blonde and her friend eating at an outdoor resturant and I noticed her and thought she was good looking but she was just talking to her friend. Anyway as I passed (i was with a friend) she turned and waved at me and my friends liike "dude i think that girl knows you" and I just said "nah I dont know her" and kept walking than the girls made a sound and he said "bro I think she does" and im like "no shes just checking me out, I saw her I dont know her"

    So stuff like that happens but I dont take advantage of it or my friends will tell me "bro did you see the way that girl was looking at you?" and I would be compeltely oblivious to it since I can't keep track of everyone around me 24/7.

    So what pisses me off is I feel like I am shooting myself in the foot in terms of getting woman, now dont get me wrong I dont want to be a man whore, actually if I Could I would be but thats just not me. I like having girlfriends like having to spend time with instead of a different girl every few days type deal, thats just not me, I tried doing it and I didnt like it.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    You're just like me. I get hit on, but I often have problems knowing what to do after recognizing it. "I couldn't help but notice you looking at me..." usually works.
    Yeah, I always have a host of cocky comments to say to a girl like "You know its impolite to stare at someone..." or something along those lines, but I always just forget about the girl and then regret it later.

    For example, this one girl who is in a soroitory that my fraternity had a social with was eyeballing all the time and when I would joke around with her I would look up and catch her just staring, like just staring in a dazed way. She gave me her number and everything I had a some coffee with her than blew her off when my cycle started and never talked to her again.

    See the mistakes I make man?

  32. #32
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    You just have to make yourself come up to girls and talk. The more natural both parties feel the better. Dont use pickup lines, just start some chit-chat. I think the immediate "hey whats your name" opener is a big mistake too. Think about how you might approach a guy with some ****ing get right to the question, you dont ask for his name first. it doesnt even matter. think about it that way and it will be more natural and less awkward.

    you might get rejected, just pick up on how shes acting. but who cares if you are rejected..youre a man right?? you can take it right?? decide how you wanna live your life, you mentioned something about missing out on life bc havent banged as many women as your friends or whatever..but does it really matter? do you honestly want a few extra meaningless hookups?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    You just have to make yourself come up to girls and talk. The more natural both parties feel the better. Dont use pickup lines, just start some chit-chat. I think the immediate "hey whats your name" opener is a big mistake too. Think about how you might approach a guy with some ****ing get right to the question, you dont ask for his name first. it doesnt even matter. think about it that way and it will be more natural and less awkward.

    you might get rejected, just pick up on how shes acting. but who cares if you are rejected..youre a man right?? you can take it right?? decide how you wanna live your life, you mentioned something about missing out on life bc havent banged as many women as your friends or whatever..but does it really matter? do you honestly want a few extra meaningless hookups?
    Mike you tell the truth man, but I have alot of demons right now including one that is just not possible to fight right now. I just feel I am not putting myself in opporutnities to get with girls, I usually am so into my diet/workout/work that I barely have time to go somewhere where there are woman my age, i usually hate the bar/club scenes even though I am in a fratenrity because thats not the place i want to find "that girl" i mean usually in those places u end up with 1 night stands or something (at least I did) and the ones who do end up coming home with you at the end of the night probably did that to someone else before too.

    That's another thing that turns me off girls who have had sex alot, I don't know why. One of the biggest turns on I feel is a girl who is a virgin and is hot (obiviously that doesnt happen very often) or someone who has only been with a handful of guys, I hate the girls who have ****ed 10-20 dudes its an ultimate turn off to me.

    I feel at this point I shouldn't have to work for it, I mean call me selfish or lazy, but I've reached the point physically where putting the least amount of effort should get me whatever I want.

    Maybe I need a really good wingman, one of my friends I go out with when I visit him (he goes to a different college) can go up to any girl and within 5 minutes be kissing them and he is good looking (no homo) but he isn't jacked (hes lean) and he isn't tall (about 5'8) so he helps me alot and he tells me its just about confidence and I know that already, trust me I know the whole game, its just I don't execute.

  34. #34
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Im that good looking i dont need to jerk off i just cum instantly when i see myself in a mirror...
    I don't even need to look in the mirror, I cum just from thinking of how ridiculously good looking I am

  36. #36
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    its all about practice man.
    Even if you walk up to a girl and she is not interested in you, it really does not mean shit.
    Cause not everyone might find you appealing or good looking or like your personalty.

    It works vise versa so you just keep trying also, im the type that doesnt go looking around to be honest with you.
    I have always thought hey if its ment to happen it will before you even know it, you will connect with someone.

    Sometimes you dont get the right one first go or second or third, it is a big world so it takes time, some are just very lucky.

  37. #37
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    but if you are just talking about getting laid, oh theres plenty of those out there hehehe.........

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    That's another thing that turns me off girls who have had sex alot, I don't know why.
    Men who are 100% secure with themselves and/or mature do not have this issue.

    One of the biggest turns on I feel is a girl who is a virgin and is hot (obiviously that doesnt happen very often) or someone who has only been with a handful of guys, I hate the girls who have ****ed 10-20 dudes its an ultimate turn off to me.
    That's a selfish thing to say man. So you're allowed to screw 10-20 people but she's not allowed the same privilege?

    A woman who is sexually active, safe, and honest about it is a fine catch my friend. She is a woman with experience. Your 'hot virgin' would not be nearly as good in bed as a girl who's had some dick in her past.

    And guess what? Studies show that women (and men) who marry as virgins are more likely to get divorced, because as they age a lot feel like they've missed out on something - ie, the grass is always greener sort of thing.

    The women who've had their wild times in college etc have had life experience and know what they want from a man in bed. Hence they're more likely to marry someone who satisfies them sexually and good sex is a huge component of a successful relationship. The virgin doesn't know any better and will always wonder 'what else is out there' because of her lack of frame of reference.

    Believe me man, if this bugs you then you will have to sort out your own demons to be happy in a relationship. In this day and age it is common for a girl in her twenties to have had 10 or more sexual partners.
    Last edited by Polska; 05-25-2009 at 12:39 AM.

  39. #39
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    3 words..... Get over yourself

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chitown Raider View Post
    3 words..... Get over yourself
    Word. Using the excuse that you're 'too good looking' to land a good girl is ridiculous upon itself.

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