Next time don't ask. Tell her.... You got three holes and two hands, cover the two I can't use.
lucky, i havent hit the anal club yet. still waiting for that glorious day.
Id like to welcome Stack it to the Anal love club. We will be mailing you the coupon for KY.
Don't use any lube next time and see if you can make it squeek.
What???? no ****ing details????/i fvcked her in arse...thats all....did she moan cried like a bitch.......did u cum in there no details...fvck.....
congratulations on ur first experience.
Ill try to give details without getting too personal..... Ok here's how the night went
Were at the club and she's telling me how bad she wants me and how I can do whatever I want to her so I jokingly say can I put it in your butt. Surprisingly she said we can try. We leave the club and on the way home she just reaches over and unzips and starts going to town (first time for roadhead too btw). We get home start messing around and I remind her of what she said and she went along with it. She told me I could cum in there but she stopped me after about 3-4 minutes cuz she said it started to feel like she had to poo. She said she liked it but it felt wierd at the same time.
Importance..... the word is importance.
and your first roadhead ta boot!
It does take a while for them to get used to it.
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