It's the fat percentage of your total body weight correct?
Why do people obsess over the number and not the way they look? (except for grossly obese people fighting for their lives, and those in bodybuilding contests)
How do you give a range of 8-10% body fat? WTF? if you weigh 200 lbs, you are saying you have between 16-20 lbs of body fat. At that point, how the hell do you determine this? I mean, at 8%, shouldn't you have veins popping out of your legs and abs? If that isn't there, why are you saying you are at that BF?
I guess this is more of a rant about people who obsess about their bf%, and yet, don't get the proper tests done to determine it. Not only that, but if you aren't in one of the two groups listed above, what the hell does it matter?
Sorry, tren and the ExGF making me angry...I'm done.
Sorry edited title