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Thread: Chronic Fatigue/moregunsthanroses+ultraaman

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Chronic Fatigue/moregunsthanroses+ultraaman

    I wanted to follow up about Chronic Fatigue. Moregunsthanroses and Ultraaman, have you guys come up with any more ideas regarding treatment? My doc said I could try HCG, even though all my labs are normal, and my T is only slightly low. He says he has NOT seen a lot of improvement in patients who use HGH for chronic fatigue. Don't know if HCG would help or make things even worse. Tried to PM you guys but the forum wouldn't allow me to- maybe cuz I haven't been on the boards in so long. Anyone else feel free to chime in if you have or know about CFS...

  2. #2
    Hey man I haven't had any treatment developments over the past few months. For the most part I dont have any faith in doctors I didnt even bother getting my test level checked I knew they wouldn't give me anything even with it being very low.

    I decided to hop on a cycle frusterated feeling so horrible.

    What gets to me is that sometimes people suggest I'm depressed thats why I'm tired all the time. People dont understand that because they havent been through the physical sickness that you have.. Sorry just a bit of a rant lol

    I'm on test/tren right now for the most part I feel better noticeable less fatigue and a better mood overall, still far from normal. I think the estogen conversion sides are starting to hit me a bit though.

    About HGH I've heard it can help with energy and getting better sleep among other things nothing too drastic though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I had CFS it only lasted for about 3 months, I took a lot of vitamins..just let my body rest and do its own thing.

    How long have you had CFS? Mine was only because I had mono and it was a typically side effect there after.

  4. #4
    I've had mine for almost a year now. You're pretty lucky if it went away after only 3 months!

    I've seen some improvement a good part of it has been since I've been back lifting and on test. Still very far from where I want to be.

    Did you have pain in your neck lymph nodes?

    Theres one integrative doctor I used to see who's largery about vitamins and supplements(I've used them alot over the years), I tried that for a while and it just made my lips worse. Don't get me wrong there are lots of benefits it just wasnt something that worked with my body at that time
    Thankfully my lower lip is alot better thanks to some ointment from the dermatologist its almost like a normal persons now lol.

    I've wondered if I ended up with Generalized Adaptation Syndrome and now I'm in the exhaustion stage.
    Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 06-04-2009 at 08:28 PM.

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