How about instead of always being selfish and thinking only about what you can get for yourself, you do something for him, like take him out to a nice dinner, or a picnic. Right guys?? Right?? ....guys??
How bout he just screws the vets wife and gets her to steal it for him?
LoL..great tips sure all of them will work!!! hahahah.
Ha, yesturday i went over to pick one of his cars to detail it and the guy was wasted lol he was funny as shit, he was trying to get me to drink, AND IT WASNT JUST ME AND HIM (lol i know what most of you were thinking reading that from the comments you made earlier) anyways his wife and some hotties was there too. Today we worked out chest and the dude Fing KILLED ME. Reps and weight im actually really pissed bc he is like 55-60. His skin looks really healthy im almost wondering if he isnt on hgh but who know, hopefully i will find out his secrets lol
Oh and tomm we are doing bi's for 45, going home for an hour then comming back for tri's for another 45 min. Cant wait to try it, he says he trains 2-3 times a day and its all heavy lifting. And he drinks like EVERY day too, i dunno how he can recover
for his age thats great, keep us posted on this...
yeah def will, this guy is a really good guy and funny as shit
HOLY CRAP, so i worked out with him on sat and sun, HE KILLLED ME IN EVERYTHING!! he's over 60 years old and one of the strongest person i have ever worked out with. He also worked out 3 times a day sometimes and drinks like everyday lol. I dont get it! Super stong and guy lasts for ever, im def going to try get it out of him to see what he is on. The only thing he has mention is that he took superdrol but theres more to it i think
You should just sleep with him already.
It's such a cute little crush...
He did say he lasts forever... j/k
lol ohhhhhh sssssssstopp it sssssilllyyyy!
BRO... after 2 weeks of consistently working out with and hanging out with this guy... you are good to go... DROP THE QUESTION !!!! All he will say is NO BOY THAT STUFF AINT FOR ME OR YOU !! orrrrrrr... SURE WHADDYA NEED YOUNG MAN... I GOT IT ALL !!!
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