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  1. #1
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    Mike Vick cut by Falcons...

    should he play again?

    I think so...he paid his debt to society so why not?

  2. #2
    jbm's Avatar
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    Sorry I don't know what to say! lololol.... I'm from a different world!

  3. #3
    amcon's Avatar
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    hell ya, and every one should where a k9 patch on their arm just to remind the other pallay's he kills dogs with his bare hands

    he should def play - his dogs were all in great condition and all but one were adopted out to either homes with kids or in to hospitals to work, the one was put to sleep for some reason.

    he paid his debt that he prob shouldnt ever been in jail for

  4. #4
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    Society should have no say on whether a person gets their job back after committing a crime - the corporation he works for should. We decide his punishment for doing somethting illegal in the form of fines and jailtime. His management decides whether or not to employ him.

    The question should be, is he ready to be reintroduced into society, and yes, he's paid his debt, and that of many others who were slapped on the wrist for the same crime.

  5. #5
    Hunter's Avatar
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    he is going to be a public relations nightmare. I say let him play but fact of the matter is he is going to be a public relantions nightmare, for whatever team picks him up.

  6. #6
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    He paid his debt to society. And as long as he can win games everyone will forget what he did. But if he looses then watch out.

  7. #7
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Whoever signs him will have to deal with bad publicity. Personally, I'd rather not have him on the Green Bay Packers.

    He had the world by the balls and foolishly risked it all. Not sure why so many feel sorry for him.

  8. #8
    IM708's Avatar
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    By NFL rules he shouldn't even be allowed to return.

  9. #9
    bushido3374's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    Sorry I don't know what to say! lololol.... I'm from a different world!
    How about "take me to your leader"?

  10. #10
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93;46***23
    Whoever signs him will have to deal with bad publicity. Personally, I'd rather not have him on the Green Bay Packers.

    He had the world by the balls and foolishly risked it all. Not sure why so many feel sorry for him.

    Don't want him on my team either. If he ends up on my team I'll be a loyal fan somewhere else.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Let him play.

  13. #13
    Charger527's Avatar
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    What did he do??

  14. #14
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    What did he do??
    involved in a dog fighting ring. He ended up taking a plea agreement to avoid a trial in which more evidence would have came out and probably hurt his character even more.

  15. #15
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    What a retard, people cease to amaze me, he would of been earning a huge amount of money, why do something like that, i hope no team sighs him.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    What a retard, people cease to amaze me, he would of been earning a huge amount of money, why do something like that, i hope no team sighs him.
    I doubt any team will sign him be a public relations nightmare.

  17. #17
    Charger527's Avatar
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    you would not think so, but people forget over time, all depends on how good he is.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    What did he do??

    A search warrant executed on April 25, 2007 as part of a drug investigation of Vick's cousin Davon Boddie led to discovery of evidence of unlawful dog fighting activities at a property owned by Vick in rural Surry County in southeastern Virginia with extensive facilities which had apparently been developed for that purpose.[31] Widespread media publicity quickly gained momentum as state officials investigated, soon joined by federal authorities and their own investigation. As the separate state and federal investigations progressed, more and more details of the 6 year-long operations of an interstate dog fighting ring were revealed, with some portions involving drugs and gambling. Gruesome details involving abuse, torture and execution of under-performing dogs galvanized animal rights activists and expressions of public outrage. Vick and several others were subsequently indicted on both federal and Virginia felony charges related to the operation.

    Federal criminal prosecution
    Speech made to U.S. Senate Following the Indictment of Michael Vick on federal Dog-fighting ChargesIn July 2007, Vick and three other men were charged by federal authorities with felony charges of operating an unlawful six-year long interstate dog fighting venture known as "Bad Newz Kennels" at Vick's 15-acre property in Surry County, Virginia. Vick was accused of financing the operation, directly participating in dog fights and executions, and personally handling thousands of dollars in related gambling activities. Federal prosecutors indicated they intended to proceed under the powerful provisions of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.

  19. #19
    skinnykenney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    hell ya, and every one should where a k9 patch on their arm just to remind the other pallay's he kills dogs with his bare hands

    he should def play - his dogs were all in great condition and all but one were adopted out to either homes with kids or in to hospitals to work, the one was put to sleep for some reason.

    he paid his debt that he prob shouldnt ever been in jail for
    all but two Bro one was too agresive and one was sick.

  20. #20
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    he's not the greatest QB.

  22. #22
    J431S is offline Banned
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    rules are rules.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bushido3374;46***35
    How about "take me to your leader"?

  24. #24
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post

  25. #25
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    I agree he was a retard for doing what he did, but he did do 3 years in a federal pen and lost 300 million. He paid his debt, let him try again.

  26. #26
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    I say let him play, we all make mistakes and we learn from them.

  27. #27
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    my black co-worker said to me "you can get the dude outta the ghetto, but you can't always get the ghetto outta the dude".

    vick had more money than one can imagine, but he resorted to dog fighting to satisfy his buddies/himself as a fukkin hobby.

    the fighting isn't the worst of it,, it was the way they killed the dogs that sucked at it,, by drowning and other torture.

    personally, i can give a fuukk if he ever plays again.

  28. #28
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    the guy will not be allowed back in the NFL as long as the current comish is in charge.
    Vick lied right to the comish face, and this comish really rules with an iron fist.

  29. #29
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    He broke the law, he did his time. Lost millions. He is too talented NOT to be able to play. Yes it will be a PR nightmare at 1st. After one or two BIG plays it will be history and ticket sales will go thru the roof as they did in ATL.
    You cant deny talent and gamebreaking ability.

    Everyone forgot that Kobe analy probed a young lady in denver. took him one year to get back to superstar status.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    He broke the law, he did his time. Lost millions. He is too talented NOT to be able to play. Yes it will be a PR nightmare at 1st. After one or two BIG plays it will be history and ticket sales will go thru the roof as they did in ATL.
    You cant deny talent and gamebreaking ability.

    Everyone forgot that Kobe analy probed a young lady in denver. took him one year to get back to superstar status.
    People care about pets more then they care about other people most of the time. I know I do.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    People care about pets more then they care about other people most of the time. I know I do.

    I do agree with that, Yet I dont agree with the notion that he cannot be forgiven and play again.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    I do agree with that, Yet I dont agree with the notion that he cannot be forgiven and play again.
    Personally what I think he did was beyond disgusting but he did his time and imo deserves a 2nd chance. We give everyday people second chances why not him?

    On a side note I would never want him to win or play giants but he does deserve a 2nd chance.

  33. #33
    scerpico22's Avatar
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    i think he will get the chance to play again BUT it depends what team is willing to take the chance on the PR hit because it will happen. Not that it is fair or right but the guy paid his price and deserves another chance.

    he just may not be able to get it...

  34. #34
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    Some people are beyond redemption in my opinion.

    Do rapists, paedophiles, serial killers deserve a second chance as well?

    I don't buy this "paid their dues" I said, some people are beyond redemption. None of those dogs were even given one chance or a choice. **** Michael Vick.

  35. #35
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    You don't have to watch him play. I think everyone will agree that Vick will never harm another animal. His problem wasn't something can't be fixed. And yes, rapists, pedophiles, chronic drunk drivers, drug dealers, all get second chances. I've got 15 convicted sex offenders living within 2 miles of me. I've been in two accidents with people who had 5+ DUIs.

    They keep people who they feel will not get better in jail or kill em. The state knows Vick won't do this again, they wouldn't let him go if they thought he would.

    We can argue over whether he was wrong or right for what he did, but he got more punishment for the crime than anyone else.

    Who's beyond "redemption" implies you believe we answer to a higher power. And if you do, then what authority do you have to judge someone when you are being judged yourself? Makes no sense.

    I think he's a turd for what he did. I'll never forgive it. But that doesn't mean I haven't done some crappy things in my life that affected people negatively. I feel I deserve to have a life of my choosing, and so does he.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    You don't have to watch him play. I think everyone will agree that Vick will never harm another animal. His problem wasn't something can't be fixed. And yes, rapists, pedophiles, chronic drunk drivers, drug dealers, all get second chances. I've got 15 convicted sex offenders living within 2 miles of me. I've been in two accidents with people who had 5+ DUIs.

    They keep people who they feel will not get better in jail or kill em. The state knows Vick won't do this again, they wouldn't let him go if they thought he would.

    We can argue over whether he was wrong or right for what he did, but he got more punishment for the crime than anyone else.

    Who's beyond "redemption" implies you believe we answer to a higher power. And if you do, then what authority do you have to judge someone when you are being judged yourself? Makes no sense.

    I think he's a turd for what he did. I'll never forgive it. But that doesn't mean I haven't done some crappy things in my life that affected people negatively. I feel I deserve to have a life of my choosing, and so does he.
    great post

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    You don't have to watch him play. I think everyone will agree that Vick will never harm another animal. His problem wasn't something can't be fixed. And yes, rapists, pedophiles, chronic drunk drivers, drug dealers, all get second chances. I've got 15 convicted sex offenders living within 2 miles of me. I've been in two accidents with people who had 5+ DUIs.

    They keep people who they feel will not get better in jail or kill em. The state knows Vick won't do this again, they wouldn't let him go if they thought he would.

    We can argue over whether he was wrong or right for what he did, but he got more punishment for the crime than anyone else.

    Who's beyond "redemption" implies you believe we answer to a higher power. And if you do, then what authority do you have to judge someone when you are being judged yourself? Makes no sense.

    I think he's a turd for what he did. I'll never forgive it. But that doesn't mean I haven't done some crappy things in my life that affected people negatively. I feel I deserve to have a life of my choosing, and so does he.
    Do they get second chances at freedom.....yes. But they wont get respectable jobs again. They all will have felonies, as will Vick.

    Personally I feel he paid his debt to society and it is not my say whether or not he gets his job back in the NFL. I have season tickets with the Falcons and personally I am pissed that he made me sit through 1 year watching Joey Harrington at quarterback. I do think that whether these players like it or not, they are Role models, kids look up to them. i think Roger Goodell has a serious question to ask, does he really want Vick representing the league. I would not want it but I am not the commissioner. Vick was probably the most exciting player that I will ever see play....with that being said I hope he never puts on a uniform again in the NFL.

  38. #38
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    I will agree on the issue of being a role model. But, with steroids , shootings, rec. drugs, beating/raping women that all the other stars do on a regular basis, this is just right in line with that.

    I hate the fact that if one day I have a son, and want him to play ball, I'll be hesitant to let him dream of being the athletes of today. But, it is another tool to help build character of today's kids. There are many lessons to be learned from this case.

    I only believe he should be ALLOWED to play. If I were a head coach, I'd be doing everything I could to rid my team of distractions, and wouldn't want him involved. But the question was should be able to play. That is simple. He should be allowed to get a job in the NFL IF, IF someone wants to hire him. Just like all those other folks listed above. They could get jobs, IF someone is willing to risk hiring them, but there is no law that states they can't.

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