I was on my heavy set for dumbell bench, using 130's because thats as high as they go, and I sorta dropped the weight toward the end of the set. Not on purpose. I hit failure before I normally do and didn't have enough in me to set them on my lap then place them on the floor as usual. They went down fast but controlled. Not something I normally do.
If you were about to do a set of hammer curls, or any other exercise using a smaller weight, would you stand less than four feet from the guy on his fourth set benching heavy dumbells (given there are sevaral other nearby locations to do a few sets)? Am I being rediculous here? Maybe I'm unusual but if I see somebody going all out with a heavy weight I give them some space.
Long story short the weights landed on either side of the bench I was using (still in my hand not like I shot putted the 130's). It was maybe 4 feet from a guy doing hammer curls. His friend standing next to him said "Be careful you can get killed in here" to the guy doing hammers. I removed my head phones, and asked him if he was talking to me. He didn't say anything so I asked again "Did you want to say something to me?" He looked down and said naw man naw just making a joke. I'm conflicted. I probably should've just been like oh cool or yea my bad. But I just kinda felt ticked and not sure if I was the idiot for not lightly setting down my weights or the guy was being an ass? Funny I get the feeling he wouldn't have said anything knowing the headphones were shut off. Not sure if I was in the wrong there? What would you do? Ignore it, comment, apologize?