dumb brit
haha damn i wanna party with that guy.
i heard theres a new jackass movie comin out.. matt should audition
My head still hurts...
You should have seen what i did to the fire truck..
I still have a hard time beleiving how stupid some people are and then they are so dumb as to broadcast it
that guy is an idiot, but pretty hardcore at the same time.
lol yeah hes definatly a brit, we dont do that type of stuff here in aus..
Yep he is Brit but you should see a drunk Irishman now that is entertainment. They just burn down football stadiums and beat the piss out of anybody with in a 1 mile radius.
That is the type of guy that would never back down to a fight.
Wow what an idiot.
Hate the brits,would never visit England.
Darwin award goes to....
The funniest part is the description:
This crazy dude smashes his head seven times against a car windshield. He was probably knocked out cold after seventh hit but is too stupid to realize it.
.. yeh.. uh.. cause when you're knocked out you can still be too stupid to not realize you're knocked out. wtf
must have been posted by a brit as well..
judging by the 2001 holden commodore sitting in the driveway its australia... and he must be the cock head who drives the peice of shit... go the fords.... aussie aussie aussie
I thought he was an Aussie!!
The twat headbutting the windscreen!
it wasnt matt
i dont see any sheep in the backround
def not matt
The guy filming it sounded English, **** knows where that nutter smashing the windscreen was from. It sort of sounded Northern, "a bit Geordie like".
That guy sounds canadian. That vid was cool though looks like one of our pissed up days out, back in the day that was lol
Last edited by wharton; 07-17-2009 at 04:21 AM. Reason: typo
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