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  1. #81
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    haha but a criminal can go buy them out the back of a car with no ANYTHING, but no, lets not try and stop that. Lets stop the NON-convicts from protection themselves because in your head you can go home and thing you have made a difference when in fact you have, but not in a GOOD way.
    you liek milk?! ME TO!

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    thats not correct about being at fault if ur life is not threatend.
    u can also pull if u are trying to stop a forcible felony(rape, someone else life in threat).
    stat, every time a cop shoots, 7 out of 10 miss....and that is a cop who shoots often(or should), imagine the percentage if the person was not trained..where do u think them bullets go.....innocent people...
    i am not military, however have taken a bunch of shooting classes involving moving targets, and it is not easy...
    Yeah I know what the class says, It was a direct quote since he said "2 guys get in an argument and the non criminal shoots the other, who is to say" somehting along those lines im tired.

    Yeah when your under stress its different then just out for fun shooting. I have been in the military. The YELL just to keep you on your toes and make the situation stressful.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    you liek milk?! ME TO!
    Im sorry I actually have a job and was in a hurry.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    Im sorry I actually have a job and was in a hurry.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    As far as cops being "trained" etc it's total B.S. Like I mentioned before I'm a master pistol shooter and I've shoot matches and set up practices all the time. Over the past 10 years I've shot with dozens and dozens of cops and I can honestly say they are typically the most unsafe and lowest quality shooters. Ask any pro shooter and they will agree with this statement. I'm not saying all cops are bad shooters but "MOST" of them see a firearm as a tool and they don't typically practice with it.

    As an American we have the right to self defense and if owning/carrying a firearms increases my chances of survival in a self defense situation then how can you be against that? Most firearms are used for self defense. The problem is the media never reports these stories because they NEVER want to show firearms in a positive view.

    When you are in a situation you call the police. Why? Because they have guns. So, owning one yourself you avoid the waiting time for them to arrive in which you will prob. already be dead.

    A firearm is the great equalizer.


    The liberal hypocrisie is amazing. Take for instance this interview, with Rosie O'Donnel. She is a staunch advocate of gun control, for everyone else. However, she has armed bodyguards for her and her children. So if you cannot afford $50,000/year for an armed licensed bodyguard, then apparently you don't have the right to self defense in Miss O'Donnels mind.

    Liberals think the woman who gets raped and strangled is somehow morally superior to the woman who uses a concealed weapon to kill her attacker. The Police are not mandated to "prevent crime," in fact most of their job involves trying to solve crimes after the fact. Countless amount of violent crime occurs in this country, and the police NEVER solve the crimes. In fact in some liberal bastions in this country, homeowners are prosecuted by over zealous ADA's for lawful self defense. Judges allow frivolous wrongful death lawsuits to be brought against private citizens when they are defending themselves. Democrats love to make villains out of the good guy, and give the criminals more rights than the victims.

    It is an undeniable FACT that gun control ONLY HURTS LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. End of story.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    One other thing. Some of you seem to think that it's your right to own a gun in the event of a revolution or you need to defend yourself from the Government.

    Can I just ask, how in todays age, would it even be remotely possible to launch a revolution? So what, a load of civilians have some shotguns and rifles...what is that going to do against the might of the military and all its tech, should the masses decide its time for a revolution? What will your right to bare arms do in the face of being bombed to shit from high altitudes? Prehaps there should be an update in the constitution about having the right to own an F 14 Tomcat?

    Im not saying you should have no rights to own guns, but I do think there are some slightly paranoid reasonings behind thinking you need to own a gun, and I agree that prehaps there should be some sort of training required to own a gun.
    There's a few hundred thousand insurgents creating problems for the U.S. military in the middle east right now. Considering that what do you think the 80 million gun owners in America could do?

    Either way, I'd rather have a fighting chance than just bend over and take it in the ass.

  8. #88
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    First off we're not going to have another revolution. However, if we did how many of the soldiers in the military will flee and join the Revolution? After all how many American Soldiers will be willing to kill other Americans?

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