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Thread: This has to be one of the most disturbing things ive read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    This has to be one of the most disturbing things ive read

    this is just horrible.

    Police: Taser use on disabled man justified because he had umbrella

    Alabama police are apparently prepared if Batman’s nemesis The Penguin and his weapon-umbrella army ever attack.

    “Officers who used pepper spray and a Taser to remove a man from a store bathroom found out only later he was deaf and mentally disabled and didn’t understand they wanted him to open the door, police said Tuesday,” the Associated Press reports. “A spokesman for the Mobile Police Department said the officers’ actions were justified because the man was armed with a potential weapon — an umbrella.”

    Alabama’s Press Register has more details:

    After forcibly removing Antonio Love from the bathroom of the Azalea Road store, officers attempted to book the 37-year-old, on charges of resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and failure to obey a police officer, but the magistrate on duty at the jail refused to accept any of those charges.


    Christopher Levy, a Police Department spokesman, said the officers didn’t find out that Love had a hearing impairment until after they got him out of the bathroom and found a card in his wallet indicating he was deaf.

    The officers’ decision to take Love to jail — even after they discovered his disability — as well as their conduct throughout the incident is still under investigation, Levy said.

    Use of the Taser and the pepper spray appear to be justified according to the department’s policy, he said.

    The paper reveals that “[n]o credentialed interpreter was ever made available,” even though “[f]ederal disabilities law requires law enforcement to seek a translator” in such instances.

    “Levy said an interpreter was called for but later cancelled when the officers learned that one of the responding ambulance workers knew sign language,” the paper reports. “Late Monday, Love said, he was never told through an interpreter or shown on paper his Miranda rights — the right not to disclose information and the right to an attorney — required to be told to arrested persons.”

    “He didn’t know it was a policeman until they busted the door in on him,” his mother told the Associated Press. “He had a knot on his head from where it hit him.”

    The “internal investigation will include a review of Love’s complaints that officers laughed at him after realizing he was deaf,” the AP reports Levy said.

    Alabama’s Fox10TV reports, “The incident happened around 11:00 a.m., and when he was returned home, it was 4:00 in the afternoon. He was never arrested. Love’s mom doesn’t understand.”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No, something more disturbing is there is a board that dudes castrate themselves on (for pleasure) and write stories about it and talk about why they want to be castrated.

    The world is a crazy place, there are also forums out there about people who believe the world is flat and all the pictures are a big world government photoshop conspiracy.

  3. #3
    wow this doesnt even seem that unjustified. **** that. i ****ing hate cops, but i dont think tazering that dude was that out of line. first of all, we have no idea what the **** was going on other than what this guy was telling us. this seems misinterpreted at best. i dont wanna have to try and arrest a retard who couldnt figure out what was going on, probably would have put up a fight if the officers tried to arrest him. nothing much scary here. like i could think of tons of shit in the topic of tasering that was way worse than that.

    Missouri Police taser injured boy 19 times
    David Edwards and Diane Sweet
    Published: Saturday July 26, 2008


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    KY 3 News' Sara Sheffield reports on an injured teen from Ozark, Missouri who was tasered up to 19 times by police.

    Passing motorists called Ozark police out of concern for the teen as he walked along the busy overpass. When the police arrived, the young man was lying on the shoulder of the highway directly underneath the 30 foot high overpass with a broken back and foot.

    Doctors believe 16-year-old Mace Hutchinson broke his back and heel after falling, as his injuries are consistent with such a fall. The boy's family does not understand why police would have tasered the the teen 19 times after he was so seriously injured.

    The teen's father said that the use of the taser caused Mace to develop an elevated white blood cell count, leading to a fever that delayed the young man's otherwise immediate surgery by two days.

    Ozark Police Capt. Thomas Rousset attempted to explain why the taser was used:

    "He refused to comply with the officers and so the officers had to deploy their Tasers in order to subdue him. He is making incoherent statements; he's also making statements such as, 'Shoot cops, kill cops,' things like that. So there was cause for concern to the officers."

    Ozark police say that while there remains unanswered questions in the case, the reason for the use of the Taser is not one of them.

    This video is from KY3 News, broadcast July 24, 2008.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    North dakota
    Both stories are awful. Cops involved should be fired and be punished with probation or time behind bars imo.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    last week i seen a story about an 80 year old lady that was tasered for resisting arrest. it is getting so far outta hand its not even funny. cops these days are a bunch of sissys.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    just another reason i hate cops....

    man jigga, that is a messed up story.....a dishwasher at a country dinner has more training then these fvkin pigs...

    cops are the kids that we all picked on in high school....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The 305
    another cop story with them abusing their power...when, i mean when does this come to an end.

    fvcking punk ass cops - hate'em all!

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