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  1. #1
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Should we sterilise people that are unfit to have children?

    Yes the term is quite ambiguous, but take this example:

    Yes its The Sun, and I despise the newspaper, but the article is genuine. Another pair of worthless human beings milking the good ole Western system. And im sure this happens in all parts of America, Canada, Europe and Australia.

    The story goes, this woman has been proven as not capable of looking after her children and as a result has had 13, yes thats right, 13 children and is pregnant again. Now this although slightly unusual has a twist and that she has had all 13 taken into care as she was judged to be an unfit mother.

    So here is my point as this subhuman has said she will keep on having kids till she can keep one and the court is duty bound to remove them.
    What should be done in this case? Should she be force ably sterilized (She and her partner are living off the State) even though its a bit late.
    Should the authorities allow her to keep a child knowing this will stop her having more but put a child at risk.
    Should she be locked up and if so under what law?
    What kind of person would keep having children just to spite authorities.

    Yes I think she should be sterilised, she is completely unfit and subhuman in my opinion. But how do you forcibly sterilise someone? Take them by force? Issue a court order or what?

    But then you open up pandoras box, because other questions will arise on who else should we sterilise. Rapists? Drug users? Criminals? While the first two are no brainers, what about criminals? People still get wrongly imprisoned, and then they get wrongly sterilised?! It's like the death penalty, you can't take it back afterwards.

    Slippery slope.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    I agree that there are people out there that have no right to bring children into the world.

    However to say that criminals should be sterilised is just stupid imo. Take drug users for an example, which drugs are we talking about?? Class a/b/c drug users?? What about the two most dangerous drugs on the planet, cigarettes and alcohol. Cigarettes kill over 2000 people in the UK every week, its said that if we banned alcohol our prisons and hospitles would be empty and countless lives saved. We have a number of class c drugs that have never been resonsible for a single death...

    I do believe you should at least fill some criteria before being allowed to have children...

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Already been done on a large scale in America even though almost nobody knows about it. Legal precident says it can't happen here again.

  4. #4
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I agree that there are people out there that have no right to bring children into the world.

    However to say that criminals should be sterilised is just stupid imo. Take drug users for an example, which drugs are we talking about?? Class a/b/c drug users?? What about the two most dangerous drugs on the planet, cigarettes and alcohol. Cigarettes kill over 2000 people in the UK every week, its said that if we banned alcohol our prisons and hospitles would be empty and countless lives saved. We have a number of class c drugs that have never been resonsible for a single death...

    I do believe you should at least fill some criteria before being allowed to have children...
    quit fighting for your right to reproduce...your children would have hooves

  5. #5
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    I think the BEST course of action is remove all means of government support for people like this....that way they die out naturally one way or another. But if that stupidity is to continue i definitely think that sterilizing certain people who have inferior genes is in order....and it wouldn't be hard for the gov't to do...just put something in their water in secret or something.....or an "alien abduction"

  6. #6
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    this is the problem...the gov't would be in charge of it....and the gov't would just advance it's ****ed up agenda

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    quit fighting for your right to reproduce...your children would have hooves
    , lmao.

    I have no children and have no plans to have any. I am a criminal and think it would be wrong at this stage of my life to have children.

  8. #8
    calgarian's Avatar
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    yep we should

  9. #9
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I agree that there are people out there that have no right to bring children into the world.

    However to say that criminals should be sterilised is just stupid imo. Take drug users for an example, which drugs are we talking about?? Class a/b/c drug users?? What about the two most dangerous drugs on the planet, cigarettes and alcohol. Cigarettes kill over 2000 people in the UK every week, its said that if we banned alcohol our prisons and hospitles would be empty and countless lives saved. We have a number of class c drugs that have never been resonsible for a single death...

    I do believe you should at least fill some criteria before being allowed to have children...
    And this is what im talking about. You can say "Okay, we'll sterilise these two" but then on what grounds? And where do you draw the line? Do you decide that certain groups are to be sterilised? It's walking on thin ice and prehaps there should be laws on how many children you are allowed to have. Before people start screaming their favourite word "socialism", take China. If China DIDN'T put a cap on the amount of children a couple could have, their population would have been through the roof by now. Which means a shit load of homeless people, disease, famine and fatalities. That is not practical or good for a countries economy.

    As for the Welfare system, im aware that there are people that are unfit to work through having had an accident, or disabled people or people unemployed but still looking for work. I think instead of money, anyone claiming benefits should be given stamps which cover a roof over their heads, clothes and food. The necessities. Things like booze, smokes and other luxuries should be bought through money.

  10. #10
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    And this is what im talking about. You can say "Okay, we'll sterilise these two" but then on what grounds? And where do you draw the line? Do you decide that certain groups are to be sterilised? It's walking on thin ice and prehaps there should be laws on how many children you are allowed to have. Before people start screaming their favourite word "socialism", take China. If China DIDN'T put a cap on the amount of children a couple could have, their population would have been through the roof by now. Which means a shit load of homeless people, disease, famine and fatalities. That is not practical or good for a countries economy.

    As for the Welfare system, im aware that there are people that are unfit to work through having had an accident, or disabled people or people unemployed but still looking for work. I think instead of money, anyone claiming benefits should be given stamps which cover a roof over their heads, clothes and food. The necessities. Things like booze, smokes and other luxuries should be bought through money.
    I would be exceedingly hard in alot of cases to decide who is sterilized and who isn't......some are obvious though...genetic mental retardation....etc.
    and i agree wholeheartedly on the second point

  11. #11
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    I think the BEST course of action is remove all means of government support for people like this....that way they die out naturally one way or another. But if that stupidity is to continue i definitely think that sterilizing certain people who have inferior genes is in order....and it wouldn't be hard for the gov't to do...just put something in their water in secret or something.....or an "alien abduction"
    Yeah and I agree that people like this are nothing more than a drain on society, but you can't just not give them anything. That creates people that become homeless, which isn't good for anyone, let alone the ethical questions raised on refusing to help people make ends meet.

    And who exactly would you quantify as having inferior genes? This particular case is quite extreme and most normal people wouldnt have had 14 kids at that stage in their lives, but do disabled people count? People that cant work? Criminals? See the list goes on. I totally agree that people like the couple in the article should be sterilised, if they've been deemed unfit parents by the Courts for whatever reason, that should constitute their right to have children as forfit.

  12. #12
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    The system that is in place would work correctly if it was run correctly.This is a interesting subject, that will cause some debate.Yes, third generation welfare recipients should be illuminated from the program.But since it has been so abused over the years, and due to the fact, it's run on a state level, as well as a federal level, we will get into politics.And that is opening Pandora's box.I know that people like you and me, are supporting this behavior, with our tax dollars.It can be vexing, to say the least.I feel you bro on this one...............................

  13. #13
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    omfg...yes please...have watched the movie idiocracy yet it explains it all...

  14. #14
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    i think that woman should definately be sterilized......she should have no right to bring another child into the world.

    As for how to go about putting something like this into a law........i dont know how it could be worked......

  15. #15
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Yes..... and let's start wth skinnykenney!

  16. #16
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    If only it was that simple.

  17. #17
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    the usa will fix the problem here soon.. with rationed medical care, the weak will die out sooner than later..

    once we reduce the non productive elderly by 34% we'll be flush with money due to the inheritance tax that will seize 50% of assets, the social security will stop paying out and the little worker bees can continue as planned..


    and on a serious note.. who gets to say who gets to breed?? iq?? financial?? race?? religion??

    a mark on their hand or forehead??
    The answer to your every question


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    A girl i worked with had 3 kids with 3 different fathers...... couldn't support herself let alone her 3 kids...... the hospital we worked in was a "catholic institution" so they would not cover birth control or any type of contraception including tying her tubes under insurance. The court ordered her to have her tubes tied..... then ordered the hospital to perform it...... this is what she told me......

    To the OP - I think a better alternative would be to imprison these types of people. Lock them up with members of the same sex...... then they wont be able to reproduce. Once they get out..... if they get pregnant again..... they get locked up again. Eventually she'll hit menopause LOL

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    on a serious note.. who gets to say who gets to breed?? iq?? financial?? race?? religion??

    a mark on their hand or forehead??

    in a way..... it would have similarities to what hitler was trying to accomplish..... only less extreme

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  20. #20
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    yep we should
    x 2...

  21. #21
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    Already been done on a large scale in America even though almost nobody knows about it. Legal precident says it can't happen here again.
    In fact even the Nazi's modeled their eugenics programs after ours....

  22. #22
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    and breeders are worried about gay people being parents....

    yet this woman can produce kids, so that's acceptable. (even though they are being taken away)


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    Cheap labour for my factories... nice

  24. #24
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Perfect of example of why they should let gay couples adopt.

  25. #25
    ray0414's Avatar
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    ugly people and stupid people should not be allowed to have children, they are destroying the world.

  26. #26
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    I think that like capital punishment, we should be able to sterilise some extreme cases.

    An example,
    afew months ago in my city we had a woman who made her children watch her kill their father, then she drowned all of the individually in the bath tub. This woman shoule NEVER ever be allowed to have children again. I don't care if she recieves couceling, medication, or 24 hour supervisor, this woman is unfit to have children again. Removing her right to have more children would be less disturbing than the risk of her torturing and killing more innocent children.

    We already do something similar to some criminals in Canada. Convicted repeat child molesters in our jails recieve medication to reduce/eliminate erections and sexual thoughts as part of their "treatment" program even if they will never be released/come in contact with children again.

  27. #27
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    About 5 years ago I came up with the solution. EVERY boy and girl born should be sterilized. Only after they have completed a certain education level, acquired a certain income level and have passed appropriated parenting classes can the process be reversed so they can conceive.

    Yes I know we dont have anything like that yet. I know the government would screw it up and there are people who just dont like the control factor but think of the good it would do.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    ugly people and stupid people should not be allowed to have children, they are destroying the world.
    Dont be so hard on yourself. Even with all your short comings your children might turn out OK

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Perfect of example of why they should let gay couples adopt.
    They still cant? What's up with that? Talk about narrow minded

  30. #30
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Perfect of example of why they should let gay couples adopt.
    until someone produces a credible study of gay people not doing a good job...I'm 100% with ya buddy.

    and I think you for one would be a decent dad from what I know about you

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    until someone produces a credible study of gay people not doing a good job...I'm 100% with ya buddy.

    and I think you for one would be a decent dad from what I know about you
    times two.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    until someone produces a credible study of gay people not doing a good job...I'm 100% with ya buddy.

    and I think you for one would be a decent dad from what I know about you
    DSM watch your hands.

  33. #33
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    DSM watch your hands.
    damnit DSM, was that your finger?
    I surely hope so

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