New to this been working out 2 years, any idea what my bf % is ? Pic was taken this week. Thanks.
New to this been working out 2 years, any idea what my bf % is ? Pic was taken this week. Thanks.
cant tell from just that avy pic.
try getting some RELAXED pics full body , including legs
just guessing 10-12 %
Sorry but id put it at 14/15, at least. You need to post a better picture though...
never seen anyone who was over 12% that had any abs showing? When do your abs start to show?
i knew that was to speak
thanks for the serious replies... ill take them into consideration... the others oh well....
thanks for the advise,i will... never posted before... good advice
thanks again for the ideas. I will, I could really use the advice...
you know, so far as i can tell almost all of you meat heads are not the type of people i would like to befriend anyway. I am new to this and would appreciate some constructive critisism, not being hammered into the ground. I get compliment every day from my friends and coworkers and dont have any prob meeting people. So your comments will bounce off me, the lame ones any way, and the other s thanks. If you are having self esteem issues and nead to beat people into the ground then by all means doit but know those who help others their rewards will come and to those who dont enjoy your empty victories, they mean nothing.
Again, if you want some serious answers to your question... put a serious picture up! Some of the reason people are mocking you is because this is now the 2nd Avatar pic you have put up and you are asking people to analyze your BF% from a little tiny photo. take a full sized photo and post it and we will be able to give you an accurate response
*El Diablo, thanks, I appreciate the advice. My prob is i feel bad for those who are obviously insecure and need to bash others to build themselves up. I always have. I obtained a post secondary, honors degree to back that up. Congrats on your maturity. Ninecezs, i dont have any other photos at the moment, I appreciate your candidness, I'll try to have a decent one taken. Here is a brief overview of my history. I was about 200 pounds 2 years ago. Not in good shape. For the past 2 years I have been jogging 5 miles every other day, and watching what i eat. No fats , primarity veggies and fruits and clean protiens(2500-3000 calories a day). I have also been supplimenting with protien and creatine for the past year(150 grams 3x a day:morning, mid afternoon and before bed;creatine 2 tablets 2x aday morning and mid afternoon(sixstar)I aslo follow up with ascoop of creatine powder ,sixstar, after working out). I also w/o every other. As you can tell im not very big. Perhaps I obsess a bit too much about my weight since i used to be heavy. I am 5 11 and 170 pounds. My chest is 40 and my waist is 31. My bicepts are 15 flexed. I am determined to pack on 15 to 20 pounds of muscle. For this reason I signed up to this site. I thought i could gain some good advice and perhaps share some along the way. I dont have the time to be at the gym all day. I have a business and employ 20 people which consumes much of my time. I think i would look great at 185 or 190 pounds. I am entertaining the possibility of using at some point if I feel comfortable enough. I am not 16, I am heavier than my g/f and I have been at the gym for 2 years, fyi. Thanks.
Bro, Nothing wrong with the picture!!! If you would jut post the photo as a tag, or an add on instead of just the Avy when we click on the thumbnail it will come up on our screens as the size pf a 6 9 or something like that! I say your BF% by looking at that picture is somewhere between -8-14% Big varianc but at even the high end of the scale is still considered lean! I would definatley say to get out the weight gainer and put on some size though! (if that is your goal)
Cool, point taken. I will change the avi. I didnt realise this. I used mass gainer for a while and it seemed like i was only putting the chubbs on in my mid section. Is this normal? Perhaps you need to go through this to gain mass, I dont know. Thanks for your advice. I would like to put on 15 to 20 pounds of muscle. Would you recommend and other supliments?
I always get a little bit fatter when I am in a bulking cycle. Some people like to do it completely lean and gain no bodyfat while doing it. that is also fine, But I think it takes 3X as long! I like getting the strength and size gains as quick as I can! I figure I have
XX amount of months to lose the extra fat and get into shape so 5-10# of fat over the course of 16+ weeks does not really bother me!! Different strokes for different folks
No to the suppliments. Eating whole foods will pack on clean weight faster than anything else. I stopped taking weight gainers and the like earlier this year and have gained 17lbs since Feb. It can be done. Eat, eat again, and when you're done eat some more. Head over to the diet section and have them help you iron out a course.
im glad we got this whole situation figured out, i am so saddened that i wasted a few seconds of my life on this.
Looks like your ready to put on some lean mass dude, im glad to hear this. well put a full picture up in the correct section ie pictures section and im sure there would be many ar's finest willing to judge you.
Ask for your money back, you got ripped off otherwise if it was true you would not feel the need to respond or engage.LOL
Get your next degree/certificate in having a thicker skin.
You dont have time to go to the gym but you want to put on muscle? Good luck.
Why do you want to become one of the meat heads you are trying to put down? LOL
Either live with being skinny or get into the gym, work out and learn to eat.
Go read the diet section for some good advise on diet.
Dsm your bad. LoL
tsk tsk. Thanks for the great advice . I do spend 2 hours every other btw, just in case you cant read. Have fun with the remarks, luv ya.
btw, dsm that is hillarious, where was that pic of you taken? Thanks for sharing that special moment with us. Was luvbyts the runner up? Way to go!
Hey whats my bf at?
DSM, by the look of his new pick I think he is ready for a big wet one on the lips, what do you think? I know, he is to skinny for you, not your type.
IF you had any brains or you had learned anything from your degree you would be smart enough to start a new serious thread and find out what you need to do about your diet and exercise.
If you spend that much time in the gym you fail with those results.
Now stop trying to show you ignorance and learn something useful and read the diet section and workout section. Dont even think about taking anything yet for size.
you two love me obviously, thanks for viewing my thread.
Thanks for visiting our forum...
By the way, you two should be ashamed of yourself treating a newbee like this, and for your info i think i look better than the two of you, your profiles are nothing to boast about. I pick me over you two any day. Im 170 and i look great. Nice profile pics boys , lol.
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