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  1. #1
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Parental punishment and self confidence.

    I was wondering how your parents punished you? I was talking to a friend and he was saying he didnt believe in spanking, etc.

    I was spanked when I was younger. As I got older it just became more grounding and work around the farm. Chopping wood, cleaning, etc.

    Also did your parents constantly praise you? I mean if his daughter comes home on time he praises her. I guess my parents taught me self reliance which brought on self confidence. What were your parents like?

    Thought this subject would be a pretty good lounge topic.

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    i was given the odd slap but nothing heavy.....grounding....pocket money taken out of my bedroom....shit like that.....i was brought up by my wasnt around no kickins.

    i was a little shit in my teenage years so could of done with a

  3. #3
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    i was given the odd slap but nothing heavy.....grounding....pocket money taken out of my bedroom....shit like that.....i was brought up by my wasnt around no kickins.

    i was a little shit in my teenage years so could of done with a
    I dont see anything wrong with a spanking. I remember I came home after a night of drinking when I was around 16. My dad didnt say anything to me so I thought I have gotten away with it. Then I got woke up at 5 in the morning and was had to go lay hay up in the barn for most of the day. It taught a good lesson.

  4. #4
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    Punishment for me lol was spending hours and hours in hospitle, i was removed from parents and lived a much better life with foster parents...

  5. #5
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Punishment for me lol was spending hours and hours in hospitle, i was removed from parents and lived a much better life with foster parents...
    I had strict parents but I turned out alright. Growing up on a farm teaches worth ethic and self reliance. Do you consider you foster parents your "parents" if you dont mind me asking.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    I had strict parents but I turned out alright. Growing up on a farm teaches worth ethic and self reliance. Do you consider you foster parents your "parents" if you dont mind me asking.
    Yeah i see my foster parents as my real parents lol...

    Next persons turn...

  7. #7
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    I was whipped with a belt for most of my younger years. Then I got to the point where it didn't phase me and I started laughing lol. Then I was just grounded.

    I've always worked hard for everything. Having 2 older brothers, I always competed with them, and wanted to be better than them, in general.
    My parents gave me enough rope to hang myself basically. I really had no rules or anything to follow, but if I was to **** up, it was my ass. And boy did I **** up more than a few times lol...

    I like the person I am now though.

  8. #8
    zimmy's Avatar
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    My parents spanked me as a child and when my teen years came they disciplined me with punishment more.

    I believe that I would not be the person i am today without a strong hand as a child. I would have been just another F*ck up from a bad neighborhood. Instead I am happy and successful and helping by passing on my upbringing to my new kids.

    But my parents never let me feel like I was not loved and they never let me feel like they would not find out if I did something wrong.

    And I didn't get "positive praise" until i grew up got a job and stayed on my own for a few years. Then my dad was like "You make me proud being as successful as you are without having to get dirt under your nails, I always wanted that for you".

    Now we have a difference of opinion on a lot... but I believe you shoudln't say good job for whiping your ass and I don't think things like ffps are good for kids because that is not how life is. You should not expect to be given a trophy for loosing. Or expect some one to praise average work, because that is just not how it is.

  9. #9
    Hunter's Avatar
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    thanks for coming in and posting in the thread. Just kinda trying to get away from some of the constant video's and get some real thinking or at least convo going.

    My parents were strict in the sense of what they expected of me but everything was pretty reasonable. I mean it was like be home at 8 pm or anything but there was always work to be done and us boys were free labor around the farm till we turned 16 then we got payed.

    It was alot of fun tho, always had a good tan gotta drive 500,000 and up machinery around. Just shitty work to tho, wood chomping, burning ditches, etc.

    both zimmy and you bigsexy seem to have had a similiar up bringing.

  10. #10
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    my step dad was a control freak. i wasnt allowed out. we couldnt watch tv. or get on the comp. so we read and listened to the radio

    i acted out in school cuz i hated my home life

    so i got beat, pushed, punched, smacked, thrown around when i got in trouble at school

    i ended up moving out at age 16 on my own

    i guess it built self confidence. knowing i could take a beating??? lol

  11. #11
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    in reality, id say that i really didnt learn more about myself until i did jail time

    thats when i had to survive. when i had to look deep inside myself and find who i was and who i wanted to be

    thats where i got the most confidence

    i was a skinny tall lil dork as a kid. i wasnt really shy but i wasnt confident. all my step dad instilled in me was anger and hate.

    so when i moved out i let all that hate out... and ended up in jail. lol

    overall... my step dad did not help mold me into a better person. i did

  12. #12
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    in reality, id say that i really didnt learn more about myself until i did jail time

    thats when i had to survive. when i had to look deep inside myself and find who i was and who i wanted to be

    thats where i got the most confidence

    i was a skinny tall lil dork as a kid. i wasnt really shy but i wasnt confident. all my step dad instilled in me was anger and hate.

    so when i moved out i let all that hate out... and ended up in jail. lol

    overall... my step dad did not help mold me into a better person. i did
    I agree. What happened to you was abuse as I am sure you aware of. I am talking about a spanking slap on the ass with a belt. My dad was only a control freak when it came to the farm but that was our lively hood.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    I agree. What happened to you was abuse as I am sure you aware of. I am talking about a spanking slap on the ass with a belt. My dad was only a control freak when it came to the farm but that was our lively hood.
    oh i know. just answering your question. lol

    its all good. im confident, sexy and ripped now. so its all in the past.

  14. #14
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    My father beat my ass if I messed up bad. My brother was caught shop lifting when he was 14. The cops called and my father said, "Keep him" and hang up the phone. My brother spent the weekend in juvie hall. Now he owns his own business and is living quite well. I work with disabled and do not do too bad myself. Bottom line depends on the kid. Timeouts work fine for my kids but they have never messed up like my brother and I.

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    I used to get hit. Then around 14 my Dad went to hit me and i tackled him and held him down. After that i got grounded. Around 15 or 16 i did what i wanted. I had no curfew

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