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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Angry I fvckn hate robots and paypal must die..

    I have an account I use just for my online goodies, I was off $.06 on an order and in one week I've managed to accrue $180 in overdraft fees.

    I called paypal and they said their bots will keep trying to pull the money out untill they get it.
    I said well "don't your bots realize everytime they do that I get charged $34"
    What I don't get is my bank account NEVER fvckn paid paypal.

    So this is the logic:
    Paypal says to bank account "give me money"
    bank account says "no" then charges me $34.

    Paypal comes back again and says "give me money"
    bank out says no and slaps me with an overdraft again.

    What I don't get, PAYPAL KNOWS when there IS and ISN'T money in my bank account. If a check hasn't cleared yet, and the money isnt available, PAYPAL KNOWS, but they STILL ask your bank for the money, then your bank fines you and does't pay it.

    Ok, forgive me for making a single fvckning mistake, but I'm now paying for that one mistake 6 times. This is FVCKN BULLSHIT.

    I seriously wish paypal was a person cause I'd kill them...
    Not to mention I have 2 charges in my account that are UNTRACEABLE, **FROM PAYPAL**. I asked paypal what they were and they said "we don't know because there is no information on them, they're not from us"

    She said to go to my bank tommorow and see if they can trance them. I checked all my records and never made any payment in those amounts, its saying its from paypal, but paypal is saying their not theirs, theres no info to trace on them and I guess I'm basically fvcked now.

    I think I'm shutting down my account tommorow, I was 4 seconds from having a heart attack today over this shit... ahh!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    I HATE overdraft fee's!!! Complete waste of money that you didnt have...

  3. #3
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JinNtonic View Post
    I HATE overdraft fee's!!! Complete waste of money that you didnt have...
    Yeh I don't get it, if I have NO MONEY how the hell are you gonna just keep charging me money I DON'T HAVE.

    This is one thing I've always despised about banks. Even my bank told me (cause I told them about an id theft experience I had a couple years back) that I could just keep a few hundred in that account if I was that worried.

    So I did, but if you make a SINGLE MISTAKE its like a chain reaction of overdraft fees. All I know is I'm going into my bank tommorow morning to raise hell.
    I could understand 1 fee, but did you really need to do that 5 more fvckn times because your robots are drunk.. nothing in this world urks me more then burning money I dont have.

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
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    good luck with that..
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    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    pay your bills on time

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    pay your bills on time
    i was waiting for a robot pic

  7. #7
    monkeyman33's Avatar
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    I'm an expert at paypal and have been dealing with them for ten years and know every trick possible. The best thing to do is call your bank and have them do courtesy refunds on the fees and have them deny Paypal access to that account #. They might try to charge you for this service but tell them you are not going to pay or you will switch banks, it should workout fine.

  8. #8
    monkeyman33's Avatar
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    Below is the best site ever for paypal and getting by their tricks. GL

  9. #9
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyman33 View Post
    I'm an expert at paypal and have been dealing with them for ten years and know every trick possible. The best thing to do is call your bank and have them do courtesy refunds on the fees and have them deny Paypal access to that account #. They might try to charge you for this service but tell them you are not going to pay or you will switch banks, it should workout fine.
    Wow, thank you very much that was really helpful.

  10. #10
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Paypal and Ebay really have you by the balls!! they are kind of their own little Monopoly!! (well I guess not that little)

  11. #11
    monkeyman33's Avatar
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    ebay and paypal have taken over the internet and most of all the big credit card authorizing companies like verisign and others. They are truly a monopoly and full of corrupt practices like sending collection agencies out to peoples houses based on reversed charges from people hacking into their "secure" accounts. Paypal also has been known to threaten people with all kinds of prosecution and other nonsense if you have anytype of situation that breaks their TOS which is always changing without notice. I told the collection agency they sent one time to my house to screw off because paypal threatened to ruin my perfect credit because of a few hundred dollars which paypal stole from my account. Word of the wise, stay away from them at all costs.

  12. #12
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Having paypal hooked to a credit card instead might help. If funds are not available on a credit card, the purchase just doesn't clear, unlike a bank account where you would be charged the NSF or overdraft fee.

    I see lots of these at work. The worst is the pay-day loan companies. It's not uncommon to see people owing us (the bank) for more in service fees, than what the pay-day loan was for.

  13. #13
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Oh no, because you insulted robots, it looks like they have come back in time to get you.

    I would like to welcome our future overlords, and want to note that I have always loved robots. I would serve you robots well, if promised not to be raped up the butt with your giant robot penis devices in a robot gang bang.

  14. #14
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    On second thought, I'd definately have some crazy robot sex with these hotties...

  15. #15
    cfiler's Avatar
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    It's definately possible for robots to have sex...

  16. #16
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    I like how in the last one they mix it up, and have a threesome with a ipod...

  17. #17
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