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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Perfect Reason that Some People Shoukld Not Be Allowed 2 Give Advice 2 Other Members!

    The followins paragraph was copied and pasted here from another post on this board. It is a perfect example why people have screwed up cycles and even after asking for help and trying to get things corrcted, they still end up all screwed up!! There are some people that posted on this topic after I guess not even really reading this guys post!! Then proceeded to offer advice about injection pain and syringe sizes and all without even mentioning his injection size and schedule! This guy is screwed up and according to the people who posted, he is doing nothing wrong except using the wrong needles!!
    This guy apparently injected
    10cc's (4000mg of test) and 10cc's (3000mg of deca ) just in his first week!
    and now is injecting 5cc's (2000mg of test) and 5cc's (1500mg of deca) each week and only 1 injection a week!

    People need to watch what they read a little more carefully!
    Here is the post!

    Well i have been reading alot of these posts and have learned alot. I am currently on my second week of my first cycle. Im on Test 400mg and Deca 300mg. First week i took 5cc of each on tuesday and the 5cc each on saturday. Second week im now taking 5cc of each once a week. Test on tuesday and deca on sat. I was using a 5/8" 25 g pin. I have learned that i should be using a 22-23 g and about 2"? I not going to ask alot about the pain because i have seen alot of post about that but im just going to say whats going on. Test isnt bad...deca leaves me in alot of pain for a least 3 days and the area swells. I think im just brusing basiclly. Im not iinfected no heat, no flu systems. I inject slow..deca i have only done in the glutes because im afraid of the pain it will cause anywhere else. If anyone has suggestions or comments maybe i am doing something wrong let me know....but i really would like to know something else....

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I'm sorry.......

  3. #3
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    The followins paragraph was copied and pasted here from another post on this board. It is a perfect example why people have screwed up cycles and even after asking for help and trying to get things corrcted, they still end up all screwed up!! There are some people that posted on this topic after I guess not even really reading this guys post!! Then proceeded to offer advice about injection pain and syringe sizes and all without even mentioning his injection size and schedule! This guy is screwed up and according to the people who posted, he is doing nothing wrong except using the wrong needles!!

    People need to watch what they read a little more carefully!
    Here is the post!

    Well i have been reading alot of these posts and have learned alot. I am currently on my second week of my first cycle. Im on Test 400mg and Deca 300mg. First week i took 5cc of each on tuesday and the 5cc each on saturday. Second week im now taking 5cc of each once a week. Test on tuesday and deca on sat. I was using a 5/8" 25 g pin. I have learned that i should be using a 22-23 g and about 2"? I not going to ask alot about the pain because i have seen alot of post about that but im just going to say whats going on. Test isnt bad...deca leaves me in alot of pain for a least 3 days and the area swells. I think im just brusing basiclly. Im not iinfected no heat, no flu systems. I inject slow..deca i have only done in the glutes because im afraid of the pain it will cause anywhere else. If anyone has suggestions or comments maybe i am doing something wrong let me know....but i really would like to know something else....
    Did you really feel obligated to create this thread? I mean come on, seriously man.. do you have nothing better to do? In the future just correct the error people missed, and move on.

  4. #4
    forza nuova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Did you really feel obligated to create this thread? I mean come on, seriously man.. do you have nothing better to do? In the future just correct the error people missed, and move on.
    i feel the same ,
    people are responsible for their own actions,
    if this guy thought injecting that much oil in him was the norm,
    then he`s a dope...

    research research research

  5. #5
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I can't blame ninesecz for calling out my mistake. I screwed up, and it was my fault. I should have been more careful about it.

  6. #6
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Good call.. I hope someone has sent a PM to this guy to see if he is still using this dose.

  7. #7
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Did you really feel obligated to create this thread? I mean come on, seriously man.. do you have nothing better to do? In the future just correct the error people missed, and move on.
    Are you even an adult yet!! Every one of your posts are just horrible! If any post should be brought to light and not just fixed and moved on from, it is this one" Are you here to help, or just give people horrible unuseable advice?? Do I have anything better to do" No I am trying to help people! I was actually not even trying to call anyone out!! I did not mention Any names But I see this a lot!! People Glance over the post and do not even catch the most important part of the post!
    This is not a small mishap on the OP behalf!! This could Kill Him!! 4grams a week never having injected before, and injecting 5cc at once in the same spot!! Can anyone say abcess or infection!!
    This site is here to help people and people need to be made aware that if they are going to take the time to bother and post, they might as well post the correct info and help the people out! Just trying to make all board embers aware (New & Old) To actually make sure they read the entire post before they answer!!
    There may just be something a lot more important than what the OP was asking about..
    Case in point this post!!
    Last edited by ninesecz; 08-04-2009 at 11:26 PM.

  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by forza nuova View Post
    i feel the same ,
    people are responsible for their own actions,
    if this guy thought injecting that much oil in him was the norm,
    then he`s a dope...

    research research research
    You are exacly the person that would give someone the wrong advice or not bother helping out with bad advice.. The guy was obviously here doing research and that is why the problem was caught! So your answer to his problem is " Too Bad So Sad" just let him keep doing it and end up in the hospital or dead on the floor in his bathroom! That is not even close to cool! and you should find another place to pos if this is the way you think!

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Can you post a link to the thread your talking about please?

  10. #10
    ninesecz's Avatar
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  11. #11
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    The followins paragraph was copied and pasted here from another post on this board. It is a perfect example why people have screwed up cycles and even after asking for help and trying to get things corrcted, they still end up all screwed up!! There are some people that posted on this topic after I guess not even really reading this guys post!! Then proceeded to offer advice about injection pain and syringe sizes and all without even mentioning his injection size and schedule! This guy is screwed up and according to the people who posted, he is doing nothing wrong except using the wrong needles!!
    This guy apparently injected
    10cc's (4000mg of test) and 10cc's (3000mg of deca ) just in his first week!
    and now is injecting 5cc's (2000mg of test) and 5cc's (1500mg of deca) each week and only 1 injection a week!

    People need to watch what they read a little more carefully!
    Here is the post!

    Well i have been reading alot of these posts and have learned alot. I am currently on my second week of my first cycle. Im on Test 400mg and Deca 300mg. First week i took 5cc of each on tuesday and the 5cc each on saturday. Second week im now taking 5cc of each once a week. Test on tuesday and deca on sat. I was using a 5/8" 25 g pin. I have learned that i should be using a 22-23 g and about 2"? I not going to ask alot about the pain because i have seen alot of post about that but im just going to say whats going on. Test isnt bad...deca leaves me in alot of pain for a least 3 days and the area swells. I think im just brusing basiclly. Im not iinfected no heat, no flu systems. I inject slow..deca i have only done in the glutes because im afraid of the pain it will cause anywhere else. If anyone has suggestions or comments maybe i am doing something wrong let me know....but i really would like to know something else....
    Bro,I screwed up on not catching this!I was trying to work the boards, and it was getting late. I F*CKED UP!!!Should have read it more carefully.No excuses on my part.

    You are right in posting this thread.I don't understand seriousmass, and his post to this.But I'm not one to start a "DRAMA" confrontation over somebody's immature post.

    Sorry , It will not happen again.Thanks for pointing this out.if we don't give the right information to people, then what are we doing here?We are all here to help and learn.That is why this forum is the best.Let's all try to get along in a mature fashion.

  12. #12
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    Sorry to see misunderstandings like this .

    Does anyone believe there could be a typo ?

    OP would have to have a shoebox of AAS and a huge bank account to shoot multiple vials weekly .

    3cc in glute and I was uncomfortable for 3 days , I can't imagine 5 or 10 ml .

    I could see some terrible side effects if this was executed .

    I hope this is just a misunderstanding and all learn from this .

  13. #13
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Nice catch Nine! We are all guilty of just glancing at a post and then giving advice on what we think the OP said.

    Good wake up call for us all!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Nice catch Nine! We are all guilty of just glancing at a post and then giving advice on what we think the OP said.

    Good wake up call for us all!
    X2 done it many times myself...

  15. #15
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    Is the OP ok? Can anyone check up on him?

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I think we all are guilty of reading to fast or the first few lines, this is a good reminder and hopefully we all can be more careful, I am not sure if its a typo error or this is exactly what he is doing, but seems like alot of oil for a newbie without mentioning it. Maybe someone can PM him or reply on his thread to see if the amounts are right?

  17. #17
    ty357's Avatar
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    obvious the numbers are a mistake, but good catch tho

  18. #18
    vpchill's Avatar
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    So I shudnt shoot 5cc of Test and 10cc of Decca in my Ass?

    Can I drink winny?

  19. #19
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    So I shudnt shoot 5cc of Test and 10cc of Decca in my Ass?

    Can I drink winny?
    I believe if you are 16 feet tall and weigh 750 lbs , this would be ideal cycle .

    What does your PCT look like ?

  20. #20
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I think the #'s are right and that is why he was asking about the pain from injection site!

  21. #21
    C-MaN's Avatar
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    This is why i miss BIG being here.

  22. #22
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    I thought 5cc of Test and 10cc of Decca was kinda low. I was hoping he would double that by week two.

  23. #23
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    i dont think the numbers are correct..
    the injection pain i figured came as it was his first cycle, new to shots...

    i dont see how anyone could be that stupid, as stated, he would have to be sitting on a suitcase full of gear...

  24. #24
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Trust me, I really do hop he was screwed up! But how do you screw up typing 5cc thursday and 5cc saturday! All the numbers match and seems legit I was trying to think how he could have written things wrong but I can not come u with a different scenario! As i said, I hope for his sake there is one!

  25. #25
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    I made a status request to the OP in the discussed post.
    Hopefully there is clarification or an update from him in the near future.

  26. #26
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    hopefully theres a typo or a misunderstanding- damn thats a lot of test.
    wonder how much his benching...j/k

  27. #27
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    the OP is claiming it was a TYPO and is only taking .5 not 5

  28. #28
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    The ones that can admit they make mistakes are showing a level of maturity that the ones that can never admit to making mistakes can not.

    Its amazing to me personally why anyone would flame Ninee for starting a thread.

  29. #29
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    Well yes those amounts are retarded, but to tell you the truth, I know how long it takes me to inject 1 cc and it's uncomfortable for me still. I don't think I newbie would be able to get 5cc in him, just for the fact he would be freaking out with the needle in him that long, and I'm sure he would be getting a softball on his ass anyway and stop.

    Hopefully the newbs read more than one post before they jab, and I'm sure even the person that sold them their gear couldn't give them advice this shitty.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    the OP is claiming it was a TYPO and is only taking .5 not 5
    Perhaps, but thats not Nine's point.

    I think its a good thread to have, Why not?

    We all do make mistakes. Hell 21-29 was a long ass mistake for me...LOL

    Point is we should all read the threads before responding.

  31. #31
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    Sorry to see misunderstandings like this .

    Does anyone believe there could be a typo ?

    OP would have to have a shoebox of AAS and a huge bank account to shoot multiple vials weekly .

    3cc in glute and I was uncomfortable for 3 days , I can't imagine 5 or 10 ml .
    I am glad to see one other person who is intelligent enough to see the mistake.

    I think this thread is still pathetic too. There was no "BAD" advice given, actually it was all really quality advice being given, until NinesecZ jumped in with his terrible, idiotic banter.

    Seriously.. give the thread a re-read, and you will see for yourself.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    The ones that can admit they make mistakes are showing a level of maturity that the ones that can never admit to making mistakes can not.
    Its amazing to me personally why anyone would flame Ninee for starting a thread.
    Ok it was me that slept with that man, but i really did think it was a chick

  33. #33
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    I think im going soft lol, i used to love a good old flame fest...

    I need more tren ...

  34. #34
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    I am glad to see one other person who is intelligent enough to see the mistake.

    I think this thread is still pathetic too. There was no "BAD" advice given, actually it was all really quality advice being given, until NinesecZ jumped in with his terrible, idiotic banter.

    Seriously.. give the thread a re-read, and you will see for yourself.
    Talking of "BAD advice". You've avoided 2 replies of mine correcting your "BAD advice" in the PCT Forum.

    1. xpertz help needed! very low hormone levels, even though PCT finished for a while...

    2. No difference from cycle and PCT

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I think im going soft lol, i used to love a good old flame fest...

    I need more tren...
    I'm done with being soft....See post #34.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I'm done with being soft....See post #34.
    Fvck lol, seriousmass has alot to answer....

  37. #37
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    great call swifto.....
    everytime serious ass gets called out he never returns to a thread...his cycle history is garbage, and changes pending on the day u ask him....

    the kid is a fraud in every way..he just likes the noobs to look up to him....
    Last edited by Mooseman33; 08-05-2009 at 04:41 PM.

  38. #38
    Bio-boosted's Avatar
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    God, i hope that is a typo! 20 grams a week... sheet

  39. #39
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    You guys dont get your story straight DSM and I will Straighten you ALL out...

    Maybe MadMatt if he is lucky...LOL

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    You guys dont get your story straight DSM and I will Straighten you ALL out...

    Maybe MadMatt if he is lucky...LOL
    , lol..

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