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    Phrases that give you faith

    Not talking about religion or what your preference is religiously... List phrases that speak to you or give you faith.

    I would really like to hear Buddhist, Hindu, or other easter phrases.

    I'll start with an easy on

    "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. "

  2. #2
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    I don't believe in God nor any creator, doing so would be foolish when you truly open your eyes and realize how worthless you are in the vast incomprehensible entity that is known as the universe.

  3. #3
    JinNtonic's Avatar
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    ^^^^ What he said.

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I don't believe in God nor any creator, doing so would be foolish when you truly open your eyes and realize how worthless you are in the vast incomprehensible entity that is known as the universe.
    I know you for one believe me when I say this but I been there. I have gone through many periods of my life when I have felt one way or another that would be exact opposites.

    But, not refering to God or a creator more towards phrases that speak to one or one can relate to.

    It can be a phrase from a Nirvana song.

  5. #5
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    When I am lifting and not going any where:

    "Despite all my rage Im still just a rat in a cage"

    Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings

  6. #6
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    I know you for one believe me when I say this but I been there. I have gone through many periods of my life when I have felt one way or another that would be exact opposites.
    Then you have not been there my friend because you haven't opened your eyes, you are just like the others regardless of what religion you follow you are mentally weak and selfish for you believe that you are destined for greatness after death and all other life forms (animals) are just mere servants of you.

    The Earth could be destroyed tomorrow and the universe would not even notice, humans are nothing and will always be nothing. They are organic life just like everything else on this planet, humans are so selfish they believe they are the only intelligent life or organic life in the universe. Which is laughable because the average human does not the scope nor magnitude of the universe and the odds that only one planet in a galaxy will host life (whether it be microbial or intelligent) is statistically impossible let alone in the universe.

    Just accept your fate that there is, but once chance your eyes will ever see this world and after that you are just displaced energy/matter. You will never be gone technically.

    I am sorry for hijacking your thread, it was not my intention.
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 08-05-2009 at 05:49 PM.

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    "God hates Fags"

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    God loves fag's, we are all gods children..

  10. #10
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    I know you for one believe me when I say this but I been there. I have gone through many periods of my life when I have felt one way or another that would be exact opposites.

    But, not refering to God or a creator more towards phrases that speak to one or one can relate to.

    It can be a phrase from a Nirvana song.
    I am in deep sh**t myself right now and would love to believe that something good is waiting for me.

    Cannot say i dont beleive or i do.

    Most people will say that when something bad happens it can only get better, or its for something better, but most of the time its not

  11. #11
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    I don't believe you have to be religious to have faith in something but I always liked these two sayings:

    Veritas vos liberabit (the truth shall make you free).

    Vincit qui se vincit (he conquers who conquers himself).

  12. #12
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I don't believe in God nor any creator, doing so would be foolish when you truly open your eyes and realize how worthless you are in the vast incomprehensible entity that is known as the universe.
    actually this statement contradicts itself immensly.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I don't believe you have to be religious to have faith in something but I always liked these two sayings:

    Veritas vos liberabit (the truth shall make you free).

    Vincit qui se vincit (he conquers who conquers himself).
    #2 is deep.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    actually this statement contradicts itself immensly.
    Not really. He is saying that we invent a God out of an inability to comprehend infinity and beyond. Besides, is this really going to turn into a religion vs logic debate?

  15. #15
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    Rancid protein made me the man i am...

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    Here is my theory.. " i believe in God. or at least that there is a higher power out there... I feel that it would really suck to pass on and have one of God's "boys" looking over me saying well tough guy, you did not want to believe in us or anything.. well now we are going to show you whats up for the next 2 million years ! Too bad you did not just take the time to have a little faith in the measly 80 years you were on earth! Too Bad, you could have spent eternity taking steroids with no side effects and having all 9 and 10 perfect women at your disposal for ever!! But now, instead you get live in a garbage dump with Fat chicks and no Steroids' Well I am "ad Libbing" there a little bit but you get the idea! I am always going to believe because (1) if this it, Oh Boy! and (2) I need to believe there is something better for me in the next phase!

  17. #17
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    Since I am a comic book geek.

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I don't believe in God nor any creator, doing so would be foolish when you truly open your eyes and realize how worthless you are in the vast incomprehensible entity that is known as the universe.
    With all that could be out there, is it really hard for you to believe that there is something that exists that is capable of creating life as we know it? This is not a question of God, but rather a question of the possibility that life can be created.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    "God hates Fags"

  20. #20
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    My faith is not dependent on a saying or phrase, god dammit!!!

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  22. #22
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    actually do any of you know of famous and powerful quotes.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Rancid protein made me the man i am...

    J Cutler...
    yup yup

  24. #24
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Not really. He is saying that we invent a God out of an inability to comprehend infinity and beyond. Besides, is this really going to turn into a religion vs logic debate?
    the debate is pointless because the debate is circular with no end.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    "God hates Fags"
    Fred Phelps Fan huh?

  26. #26
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mho View Post
    With all that could be out there, is it really hard for you to believe that there is something that exists that is capable of creating life as we know it? This is not a question of God, but rather a question of the possibility that life can be created.
    All I am going to say is this, if you believe there is a creator and you believe the fairy tale story that if you are good that you will be in "heaven" and if you are bad you will be in "hell" then you are brainwashed.

    Speaking hypothetically, a creator would not be bound by the laws of relatively nor time (something it created), thus a creator would know your fate before you were even created, thus your destiny was already laid out, thus you cannot change anything. You are nothing more than a equation among billions of another equations among a network of equations among a cesspool of equations that is for filling what it was "programmed" to do.

    Of course religious experts will shoot back with "God doesn't know what you are going to do, he gives man choice", but that is an insult to the creator. Something that creates time will be able to see into to it like a map, if you say there is a creator than he will have unfathomable power, setting limits on that is a man made concept to prevent holes in it's explanation. Thus man's entire existence is nothing more than a film being played.

    To believe that this is the only universe is also naive, for there are prominent astro-physicists who believe that multiple universes exist and that like a bubble we are wrapped up in our own universe. They believe that universes give birth to other universes. So called "bubble bath universes".

    So you see man will never know all there is to know about our universe because man's clock is already ticking towards destruction, unfortunately man does not have enough time to advance to a high enough caliber to be able to solve all the universe's puzzles.

    For man's enemy is two things, time and himself.

  27. #27
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
    he leadeth me beside the still waters.
    He restoreth my soul:
    he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
    for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
    thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
    and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    All I am going to say is this, if you believe there is a creator and you believe the fairy tale story that if you are good that you will be in "heaven" and if you are bad you will be in "hell" then you are brainwashed.

    Speaking hypothetically, a creator would not be bound by the laws of relatively nor time (something it created), thus a creator would know your fate before you were even created, thus your destiny was already laid out, thus you cannot change anything. You are nothing more than a equation among billions of another equations among a network of equations among a cesspool of equations that is for filling what it was "programmed" to do.

    Of course religious experts will shoot back with "God doesn't know what you are going to do, he gives man choice", but that is an insult to the creator. Something that creates time will be able to see into to it like a map, if you say there is a creator than he will have unfathomable power, setting limits on that is a man made concept to prevent holes in it's explanation. Thus man's entire existence is nothing more than a film being played.

    To believe that this is the only universe is also naive, for there are prominent astro-physicists who believe that multiple universes exist and that like a bubble we are wrapped up in our own universe. They believe that universes give birth to other universes. So called "bubble bath universes".

    So you see man will never know all there is to know about our universe because man's clock is already ticking towards destruction, unfortunately man does not have enough time to advance to a high enough caliber to be able to solve all the universe's puzzles.

    For man's enemy is two things, time and himself.
    You have the right to believe what you want but on the other hand so can everyone else.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    You have the right to believe what you want but on the other hand so can everyone else.
    I agree

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    All I am going to say is this, if you believe there is a creator and you believe the fairy tale story that if you are good that you will be in "heaven" and if you are bad you will be in "hell" then you are brainwashed.

    Speaking hypothetically, a creator would not be bound by the laws of relatively nor time (something it created), thus a creator would know your fate before you were even created, thus your destiny was already laid out, thus you cannot change anything. You are nothing more than a equation among billions of another equations among a network of equations among a cesspool of equations that is for filling what it was "programmed" to do.

    Of course religious experts will shoot back with "God doesn't know what you are going to do, he gives man choice", but that is an insult to the creator. Something that creates time will be able to see into to it like a map, if you say there is a creator than he will have unfathomable power, setting limits on that is a man made concept to prevent holes in it's explanation. Thus man's entire existence is nothing more than a film being played.

    To believe that this is the only universe is also naive, for there are prominent astro-physicists who believe that multiple universes exist and that like a bubble we are wrapped up in our own universe. They believe that universes give birth to other universes. So called "bubble bath universes".

    So you see man will never know all there is to know about our universe because man's clock is already ticking towards destruction, unfortunately man does not have enough time to advance to a high enough caliber to be able to solve all the universe's puzzles.

    For man's enemy is two things, time and himself.
    Did you answer my question in there?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by mho View Post
    Did you answer my question in there?
    What was your question, because I didn't really get what you were asking. I just gave you my view why I believe there is no creator and if there was then certain aspects of world religions are flawed particularly heaven and hell.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    What was your question, because I didn't really get what you were asking. I just gave you my view why I believe there is no creator and if there was then certain aspects of world religions are flawed particularly heaven and hell.
    Are they flawed because you hate their outcomes?

    From a Christian stand point being good will do absolutely nothing to get you into heaven. The trusting of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of the hundreds of thousands of sins a person commits in their lifetime is what gets you into heaven. I think its hilarious when people try to do good to get their way into heaven. You wouldn't be able to make up for everything even if doing good did get you into heaven.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Are they flawed because you hate their outcomes?

    From a Christian stand point being good will do absolutely nothing to get you into heaven. The trusting of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of the hundreds of thousands of sins a person commits in their lifetime is what gets you into heaven. I think its hilarious when people try to do good to get their way into heaven. You wouldn't be able to make up for everything even if doing good did get you into heaven.
    Hate thier outcomes? They are flawed because if a so called "creator" did exist he would be able to see everything any of his creations would do in the scope of time, meaning it would know what you are thinking, what your going to reach for, etc. thus it would know wether or not you followed the principles of the "prophet". By this logic you are already going to heaven or hell before you are born.

    That is not free will, that is "pseudo free will", several intelligent minds have written papers on it.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Hate thier outcomes? They are flawed because if a so called "creator" did exist he would be able to see everything any of his creations would do in the scope of time, meaning it would know what you are thinking, what your going to reach for, etc. thus it would know wether or not you followed the principles of the "prophet".

    That is not free will, that is "pseudo free will", several intelligent minds have written papers on it.
    If you took a test and I knew what answer you would pick, did I make your choice? Just because God knows what your going to do doesn't mean God decides what your going to do. So I do not see how that is "pseudo" free will.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    If you took a test and I knew what answer you would pick, did I make your choice? Just because God knows what your going to do doesn't mean God decides what your going to do. So I do not see how that is "pseudo" free will.
    Because what your going to do is already laid out in the scope of time before you are even going to do it (hypothetically speaking).

    Using your example, imagine your taking that test and you choose "C" you think you chose C, but in reality you were going to choose "C" either way whether you wanted to or not. Before that test was developed, you were going to pick C, before you born you were going to pick "C".

    You see what I am saying, the mind thinks it has control when in reality you are following a pre-destined sort of decisions. Like a train following a track you are the train and the track is your destiny you are merely following. When a fork in the tracks appears and the train chooses left, the train thinks it chose left when it was going to chose left all the time, but the train didn't know that.

    You see what I am saying? This is not about God telling you to do this or do that (well technically it is because he knew prior to creating humans where each human was going to end up and he didn't alter their destiny) this about you already being destined to heaven or hell before you even open your eyes.

    And in fact that was the old way of teaching back in time of Roman Church, they said your fate was decided before your birth and that all you could do was merely hope to save yourself from damnation by doing this (which often entailed paying dues to the church and such).

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    everything in life is a matter of balance. you choose to do one thing, that is an action...for every action taken, there is a reaction. for every lack of action there is also a reaction. so if i "choose" to drive my car to work, that is my action... the reaction to that may be that i make it to work or that i get side tracked and go to the gym or i get into a car accident or any other number of things... and that was all based on my action with intent to drive to work. now the same holds true if i decide not to drive to work... if i dont do that then the reaction would be i walk to work, ride my motercycle to work, or just plain dont go... then due to those actions and reactions, then comes another reaction. so in short, everything you do or dont do has a cause and effect and there is the balance. even dieing has a cuase and die and the effect may be that you dont wake up again...or any number of things you may want to substitute there. thats my 2 cents

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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    What was your question, because I didn't really get what you were asking. I just gave you my view why I believe there is no creator and if there was then certain aspects of world religions are flawed particularly heaven and hell.
    I asked if you think it's possible to create life.

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    you create whats around you

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