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  1. #1
    alex18's Avatar
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    The Transgender Bill.... Full of homo goodness???

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    To be honest lol they all look like your average American chicks...

  3. #3
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    all wackos....this whole transgender thing is bullsht...

  4. #4
    alex18's Avatar
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    only in mass...

  5. #5
    Tock's Avatar
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    Their blogsite shows that they're nothing but a bunch of alarmist Christian busybodies who want to get into other people's business. If these people want to be taken seriously, though, they should re-think their strategy of quoting from
    and if they want their concerns about preserving the family to be taken seriously, they should spend a proportionate effort to ban divorce as they do homosexuality. Ya, only about 3% of the population is gay, while 50% of heterosexual couples get divorced, which results in hundreds of billions of $$$ in economic hardship and heartbreak for abandoned children. But all they ever do is harp on the 3% of the population who are gay, and completely ignore the 50% who have divorces and broken families. What's up with that?
    The citizens of Massachusetts have had enough!
    End judicial tyranny, homosexual "marriage", and
    homosexual activist recruitment of our children in
    the public schools! Preserve our Judeo-Christian
    heritage, the Culture of Life, and free speech!
    CAUTION: We deal openly and graphically with the
    Culture of Death. R-rated subject matter."

    I can understand why they'd want to maintain the monopoly of their conservative fundamentalist Christian religious beleifs. Everybody likes their own traditions, and hard-core traditionalists usually think that their traditions are good enough for you. The Ayatollahs in Iran are the same way.

    Well, in the USA, guys broke with tradition and grew their hair long. Women started wearing pantsuits and working for a living. White people can now legally marry black folks, and bodybuilders are bigger than ever. Geniuses used to think that the planet needed 4 or maybe 5 computers, and now houses are full of 'em, and cars have several. The planet's population is steadily increasing, it's getting warmer, and the US owes trillions of $$$ to the Communist Chinese government.

    The world is changing, and now some gay people want to get married, and a very few people want to change their sex (as much as is practical, anyway).

    Sure, it's different, and I can appreciate the culture shock you're experiencing. But unless you've got a really good reason why there ought to be a law against what they're doing (something other than "Preserving the Judeo-Christian Heritage"), both you and they have the freedom to live your lives as you wish.

    A vote to reduce that freedom is a vote for, what . . . religious tyranny? Communism? How would you characterize it?
    Last edited by Tock; 08-10-2009 at 03:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    im not trying to get into a great debate, however this whole transgender shit bothers not against gay marriage/unions , im in favor of gay rights....but this is a whole other game...
    if u have a dck u are a man and should use the mens room.....bottomline.
    if u sit when u pee, u need to go to the girls room....bottomline...
    i dont care how they dress in public, that dont bother me, but when paperwork comes, they select what they are, not what they want to be,.....

  7. #7
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    im not trying to get into a great debate, however this whole transgender shit bothers me.
    I can understand that. I'm not 100% comfortable with it either, to tell ya the truth.

    Most of the transgender people I've known were ok. A little weird, but then most gay and heterosexual people seem a little weird to me. Everybody tends to judge the world with their own ruler; I'm the most normal person I know, and I'm sure everybody sees the world the same way.

    I've worked with a couple, and have a few transgender customers. They aren't anyone I'd want to go hunting or play poker with, but they're ok. I have my life, and they have theirs, and that's it. Don't really think much about 'em after that.

    if u have a dck u are a man and should use the mens room.....bottomline.
    if u sit when u pee, u need to go to the girls room....bottomline...
    Bathroom peeing shouldn't really be a problem, unless you want to peek under the bottom of the stalls to see what's going on.
    It would be better just to do your business, let them do theirs, and go on. You'll never know who they are anyway.

  8. #8
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Which one is DSM?????

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    im not trying to get into a great debate, however this whole transgender shit bothers not against gay marriage/unions , im in favor of gay rights....but this is a whole other game...
    if u have a dck u are a man and should use the mens room.....bottomline.
    if u sit when u pee, u need to go to the girls room....bottomline...
    i dont care how they dress in public, that dont bother me, but when paperwork comes, they select what they are, not what they want to be,.....
    Yeah, i don't know if i would call it bullshit but i def dont really understand it. I have only met trans person in my life. It was a friend of a friend. It was a girl, who dressed like a guy(totally pulled it off) to get straight women . She would go on dates with them without telling me about her sexually preference which i didn't like. I asked her, isn't that dangerous ? What if someone freaks out on you when they go to do the deed ? She says some turn her down but claims she has slept with a lot of "straight" women. I still to this day don't know why you would want to do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Their blogsite shows that they're nothing but a bunch of alarmist Christian busybodies who want to get into other people's business. If these people want to be taken seriously, though, they should re-think their strategy of quoting from
    and if they want their concerns about preserving the family to be taken seriously, they should spend a proportionate effort to ban divorce as they do homosexuality. Ya, only about 3% of the population is gay, while 50% of heterosexual couples get divorced, which results in hundreds of billions of $$$ in economic hardship and heartbreak for abandoned children. But all they ever do is harp on the 3% of the population who are gay, and completely ignore the 50% who have divorces and broken families. What's up with that?
    The citizens of Massachusetts have had enough!
    End judicial tyranny, homosexual "marriage", and
    homosexual activist recruitment of our children in
    the public schools! Preserve our Judeo-Christian
    heritage, the Culture of Life, and free speech!
    CAUTION: We deal openly and graphically with the
    Culture of Death. R-rated subject matter."

    I can understand why they'd want to maintain the monopoly of their conservative fundamentalist Christian religious beleifs. Everybody likes their own traditions, and hard-core traditionalists usually think that their traditions are good enough for you. The Ayatollahs in Iran are the same way.

    Well, in the USA, guys broke with tradition and grew their hair long. Women started wearing pantsuits and working for a living. White people can now legally marry black folks, and bodybuilders are bigger than ever. Geniuses used to think that the planet needed 4 or maybe 5 computers, and now houses are full of 'em, and cars have several. The planet's population is steadily increasing, it's getting warmer, and the US owes trillions of $$$ to the Communist Chinese government.

    The world is changing, and now some gay people want to get married, and a very few people want to change their sex (as much as is practical, anyway).

    Sure, it's different, and I can appreciate the culture shock you're experiencing. But unless you've got a really good reason why there ought to be a law against what they're doing (something other than "Preserving the Judeo-Christian Heritage"), both you and they have the freedom to live your lives as you wish.

    A vote to reduce that freedom is a vote for, what . . . religious tyranny? Communism? How would you characterize it?
    Always a pleasure to read your post Tock. How are things ?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Always a pleasure to read your post Tock. How are things ?
    Having the time of my life. I wish I had more time for other things, though. Haven't had much time to practice on my shiny new musical saw.

    Guess I'll have to make some time . . . I want to be ready to play at your wedding . . .

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Having the time of my life. I wish I had more time for other things, though. Haven't had much time to practice on my shiny new musical saw.

    Guess I'll have to make some time . . . I want to be ready to play at your wedding . . .
    We have very strict standard buddy so you better saw away !

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    We have very strict standard buddy so you better saw away !
    Ok, I'll practice up.
    Found this cool song I could do for the prelude . . . I'll have to orchestrate in a midi accordian with the musical saw. It'll be great!

  14. #14
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Ok, I'll practice up.
    Found this cool song I could do for the prelude . . . I'll have to orchestrate in a midi accordian with the musical saw. It'll be great!
    Sounds good. I hope you weren't planning on wearing that shirt though

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Sounds good. I hope you weren't planning on wearing that shirt though
    No, not that one. But I have one just like it.

    Thing is, I put the wrong damm link down for your wedding music, but here it is:
    I'll have to work it a bit to make it work with the occasion. But I've done more with less . . .
    Last edited by Tock; 08-11-2009 at 01:47 AM.

  16. #16
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    No, not that one. But I have one just like it.

    Thing is, I put the wrong damm link down for your wedding music, but here it is:
    I'll have to work it a bit to make it work with the occasion. But I've done more with less . . .
    Video is so true. However, one thing it did miss was how gay marriage has caused global warming.

  17. #17
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    Let's give confused people extra rights too, WHY because they are confused....

    **** this shit I'm starting a normal, straight, non-criminal group! People are just turning into a bunch of liberals just doing things for shock value since church and all that other stuff has been going downhill for years. Well here is the thing, everyone needs something and if we dont nip this shit in the butt it will just get worse.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post

    Let's give confused people extra rights too, WHY because they are confused....

    **** this shit I'm starting a normal, straight, non-criminal group! People are just turning into a bunch of liberals just doing things for shock value since church and all that other stuff has been going downhill for years. Well here is the thing, everyone needs something and if we dont nip this shit in the butt it will just get worse.
    This is why I don't go to some parts of Texas.

  19. #19
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    Shit brother I have been to more states and countries then you can even think about. Nothing to do with any one perticular area or view, it's just what it is.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Video is so true. However, one thing it did miss was how gay marriage has caused global warming.
    Hot men, that's all it is.
    All those arms and legs and etc rubbing together, sounding like crickets sometimes; there's a lot of friction going on there. Makes all those hot men even hotter.
    The gov't of Iceland gives all their hot folks free lubrication to make sure things don't get so hot that they melt too much ice and flood the planet.

  21. #21
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    This is why I don't go to some parts of Texas.
    Texas???Mass, California, Connecticut, Definitely.Texas???

    Liberals everywhere.

    Makes me F*cking sick!

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