Anybody have good cures for hangovers?![]()
Anybody have good cures for hangovers?![]()
leave an open beer in the fridge before going to sleep an slam it first thing in the first gives you a buzz and when the buzz is gone ,no hangover....also try to drink at least 2 big glases of water before passing out.....
dehydration is the main reason why you have a kept hydrated and u should cure some of those problems
When I'm sick-hungover I can only sleep. When I'm lazy-hungover I eat a big meal (lots of bread) and go for a long walk. This works even better if its cold outside.
What helps me is...before I drink I slam as much water as possibble along with like 2-3 b-50 complex's...then when I get home from whatever or before I go to sleep I slam more water (1 gal) and some more b-50's. This has helped me a great deal, only had 1 hangover and it's from SoCo and I don't know why, it just doesnt agree with me.
Lotsa water before bed.
Wake up early, drink more water and maybe some juice, take 2 ibuprofin and 2 shots creme-de-menthe. Go back to bed.. when you wake up you'll feel great.
Lotsa water for the dehidration...
And if you have access to it, a tank of O2 to clear the CO2 accumulation from your blood and joints. Works miracles... trust me on that one!
unless we are 90 years old i dont think many of us have a 02 tank....heh
it seems alot of us agree.........water and much of it before bed but i take asprin also
a stripper once told me peadialite(spelling?) works good havnt had a chance to try it though.
Trenfreak, well by his icon I assume he is a fellow Firefighter/EMT... in which case of course he has easy access to the same toys as me
A nice small cylinder of O2 (one of those Laerdal jump packs) works fine
Hey Red, do you think startin' a line of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers and runnin' 1000cc s would help a little with the dehydration. Not a bad idea??
Dragonslayer ... hmmm you know I never thought of that! Hmmmm! I'm just not sure I'd want to start an IV line on myself while I am still dead drunkPutting an o2 mask on and opening the bottle is a lot easier... (and trust me even that can be a challenge if you're wasted enough!!!!)
I guess if you have someone sober to get the saline started on you then you would be taking the most direct route to rehydration. Definetly worth a try.
Can I use my No2 instead o2 ketchup?
Water and a fat bong wonders....and if you of the dog...drinking a beer or cocktail in the morning....![]()
Man I a F*cking head ake right now man i hate these thiings
An I.V. and some O2. I guess that's really not an cure that is easily accessed but it would make you feel like a million bucks.
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