View Poll Results: How many pullups can you do?

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    1 1.23%
  • 3-5

    6 7.41%
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    13 16.05%
  • 10+

    61 75.31%
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Thread: How many pullups can you do?

  1. #81


    2 weeks ago I was at a summer outside concert and the Marines had a sign up tent. They had a pull up bar and said if you get 20 pull ups going all the way down and chin over the bar, they give you a free T-shirt.. Well I stopped at 20.. Funny thing is that the concert was sponsered by Rockstar energy drinks. And they were giving out the energy drinks for free. After sucking down 5-6 energy drinks, i did the pull ups. And no lie I thought my heart was going to stop cause I wasnt breathing properly. It was beating soo f*cking fast..

    Oh, back in 2004 when I was on the juice, I did 45 pull ups... As now I can still do 80 push ups in under 1 minute..

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I know this guy somewhat well, help him with juice etc and hes not small.

    Hes 215 in the marines with good size arms and says he can do 62 pull ups (wide grip) full extension.

    I guess this is something I'll have to see to believe.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by solid-d View Post
    2 weeks ago I was at a summer outside concert and the Marines had a sign up tent. They had a pull up bar and said if you get 20 pull ups going all the way down and chin over the bar, they give you a free T-shirt.. Well I stopped at 20.. Funny thing is that the concert was sponsered by Rockstar energy drinks. And they were giving out the energy drinks for free. After sucking down 5-6 energy drinks, i did the pull ups. And no lie I thought my heart was going to stop cause I wasnt breathing properly. It was beating soo f*cking fast..

    Oh, back in 2004 when I was on the juice, I did 45 pull ups... As now I can still do 80 push ups in under 1 minute..
    I did the same thing a few years back. I was lean (160 lb) but strong...marine guys wouldn't even look me in the face. Thought I was another joker. After I banged out 15 w/o a prob, I had like 4-5 of them cheering me on. Ended up doing 25 and set the record...and got a shitty shirt. Everyone one of them shook my hand. Good day.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    I know this guy somewhat well, help him with juice etc and hes not small.

    Hes 215 in the marines with good size arms and says he can do 62 pull ups (wide grip) full extension.

    I guess this is something I'll have to see to believe.
    Some guys are just freaks at certain exercises. I saw a little guy rat off a couple of sets of 30 pulls ups, but he was weak on so many other exercises. I also saw a guy do 200 dips. He wasn't exceptionally strong on any exercise,, but loved to show off doing dips.

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