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Thread: RIP Halo

  1. #1
    Phate's Avatar
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    RIP Halo

    i have a dog and it can be aggressive to other people(it's our watch dog), well my little brother plays with a kid that lives down the street and it's all good because everyone in the neighborhood knows about our dog(we made a point of walking around and telling everyone personally), and the kid's parents always call before they send him over

    well apparently they "forgot" to tell us an hour ago when they sent him to our house, by himself(he's 9), without telling us, so he opens our gate and walks into our house and of course the dog jumps at him, he only got a minor cut on his head because we heard the gate open and as soon as he came into the house we started screaming STOP!, which we've trained our dog to obey and back down immediately, he did but not before giving the kid a little nip on the head

    my mom took care of teh wound immediately and stopped the bleeding but the damage was done, so we took the dog out back and shot him, then buried him

    RIP Halo, he's saved our lives more than once, and now he has to make the ultimate sacrifice

    you know, even when he was out back, right before i shot him, he still was loyal to us, he knew what was going to happen, he whimpered a little, then sat up big and tall and looked me right in the eye and i swear, looking at him, i could see in his eyes his last words, they were plain as day to me

    "I love you all unconditionally and would do anything for you, and if this is what i must do for my family, i will do it happily and without question"

    then i pulled the trigger and he was gone

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    are you f****ing kidding me!!!?????

    do you live in pakistan or some terrible 3rd world country???

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Really sorry to hear this, was there no way you could have spoken to the boys parents and not of shot the dog. I mean over here im sure a few words would have beem enough..

  4. #4
    BuffThaStuff's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Nevermind... I just saw that you're from Texas... Wow.

    That's some messed up shit.

  6. #6
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    fvck phate that sucks. poor dog.

  7. #7
    CBGB's Avatar
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    I am very sorry.

  8. #8
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    uhh you killed your dog because someone got a small scratch?

  9. #9
    Undercover's Avatar
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    lol why did you kill your dog?

  10. #10
    playboii's Avatar
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    i thought this was going to be one of those storys that twist in the end but then i realized it was serious

  11. #11
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    gotta hand it to ya Phate- that takes balls bro!!

  12. #12
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    are you f****ing kidding me!!!?????

    do you live in pakistan or some terrible 3rd world country???
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Really sorry to hear this, was there no way you could have spoken to the boys parents and not of shot the dog. I mean over here im sure a few words would have beem enough..
    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    uhh you killed your dog because someone got a small scratch?
    i didn't have a choice, the law here is that if any dog bites a human they are put down, no ifs ands or buts, the only way around it is if noone reports it but the kid was taken to the emergency room and they have to report the dog bite

    it was either i do it or someone from animal control(who i have talked to and will have to come verify that the dog is dead and check with the vet to make sure he was clean) does it

    the dog is part of our family and i'll be damned if i'm gonna let his last memory be of me standing there doing nothing while some guy drags him off to die

  13. #13
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undercover View Post
    lol why did you kill your dog?
    i'm glad you find this funny, thanks for smiling at the thought of me having to kill my dog

  14. #14
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    wtf....i'd tell them to go to hell....WTF did the pansy ass go to the emergency room for for a little dog bite??????????

    i got bit in THE ****ING PENIS by our rottweiler when he was little and i didn't go to the hospital!!!
    speaking of which RIP Grizzly.....he died last sunday at a ripe old age of 11

  15. #15
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    I would hide my dog or do anything to avoid this if it was my dog

  16. #16
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sorry to hear .

  17. #17
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    I would hide my dog or do anything to avoid this if it was my dog
    me too

  18. #18
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse View Post
    I would hide my dog or do anything to avoid this if it was my dog

    I would have buried a sheep, and told animal control to dig it up and test it... if they want to verify

  19. #19
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    Wow!!! I'm sorry for your loss. I'm a gun owner but wouldn't be able to shoot my dog even if he bit my son. I would have brought him to the vet and let them do it.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i'm glad you find this funny, thanks for smiling at the thought of me having to kill my dog
    i kind of thought the thread was a joke.

    sorry man..wasn't v nice of me

  21. #21
    jamesjayz2k9's Avatar
    jamesjayz2k9 is offline Junior Member
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    Mate i'm sorry 2 hear this.

  22. #22
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    RIP... Halo! sorry to hear that!

  23. #23
    BG's Avatar
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    Damn thats hardcore tough shit.

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  24. #24
    CHAP's Avatar
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    You did the righ tthing in IMO. Trust that Im not just trying to make you feel better.

    Im sure if people relly thought about this your dog could have killed that boy in seconds. As hard as it was to do what you did. It was going to happen 1 way or another. I think you did the right thing. Im sorry for your loss. I hope that everything turn out fine from this point on.

    Good Luck


  25. #25
    southmadejd's Avatar
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    First off Phate, I am terribly sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine the day I will have to put my two dogs down. Now with that being said:

    Wasn't the boy somewhat in the wrong considering he was on your property inside your gate??? I mean you guys were even able to stop the dog from doing any real cleaned and treated the kid.....and couldn't you have just asked a favor from the parents (if they really HAD to take their kid to the emergency room) to lie for you and say a random dog bit him. I just feel like there were so many ways for this to go. And I feel horrible for you that you had to do the deed your self. I would rather take another human beings life in a second rather than having to kill one of my dogs. I know how f-cked up that sounds but it is what it is. Dogs love you unconditionally and think you hung the moon. People will lie cheat and steal from you.

    Once again I am sorry for your loss and I don't want my questions to come across in the wrong way.

  26. #26
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    i dont care if my dogs raviged some kid, i'd shoot myself before i'd shoot my dogs..

    the kid mad a bad accidental mistake and the dog had to pay for it.. how sad..

    i feel for you phate..

  27. #27
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    should kill the kid instead

  28. #28
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    First off Phate, I am terribly sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine the day I will have to put my two dogs down. Now with that being said:

    Wasn't the boy somewhat in the wrong considering he was on your property inside your gate??? I mean you guys were even able to stop the dog from doing any real cleaned and treated the kid.....and couldn't you have just asked a favor from the parents (if they really HAD to take their kid to the emergency room) to lie for you and say a random dog bit him. I just feel like there were so many ways for this to go. And I feel horrible for you that you had to do the deed your self. I would rather take another human beings life in a second rather than having to kill one of my dogs. I know how f-cked up that sounds but it is what it is. Dogs love you unconditionally and think you hung the moon. People will lie cheat and steal from you.

    Once again I am sorry for your loss and I don't want my questions to come across in the wrong way.
    i wish there was some other way out of it but the dog is a pitbull, which is not allowed in our area and the only reason we were allowed to keep him was under the condition that all appropriate measures would be taken so that something like this never happen, even though it wasn't the dog's or our fault that the kid came over, there are several people around that would take the opportunity to bring this incident to the attention of the animal control police as they don't like that we have the dog in the first place

    one way or another this had to be done

  29. #29
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    My heart goes out to you

    I'm sorry to hear about all this, I've grown sickly attached to my dog in the 2 years I've had him.

    I don't think I could even pull the trigger, he's sleeping me behind me in my bed right now, snoring and will probably let a nasty fart any minute but I we just seem to fall in love with the loyalty of a dog.

    It's probably because of the natural greed and self preservation man seems to inherit just being human that makes us appreciate the blind and complete loyalty that a good dog provides us with.

  30. #30
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Phate. Had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. Friend if my son comes over pushes his face right up against my dog who was sleeping and startled him. Dog snapped and nipped him on the cheek. Kid didnt need stiches but did go to the Dr for a look. Took him to the Vet and had him put down within the hour. Once a dog has one registered bite you are playing with fire and risking losing everything you own by keeping him. It sucks but not many other choices.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    i dont care if my dogs raviged some kid, i'd shoot myself before i'd shoot my dogs..

    the kid mad a bad accidental mistake and the dog had to pay for it.. how sad..

    i feel for you phate..
    parents mistake really, complete idiots specially knowing that they must let the dog owners know their son is coming over. which um they forgot to do..

    second his 9?/ and they are letting go down road or where ever by himself??

    lucky he didnt get kidnapped.

    thirdly the parents should be shot too.

    sorry for your loss phate.

  32. #32
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    parents mistake really, complete idiots specially knowing that they must let the dog owners know their son is coming over. which um they forgot to do..

    second his 9?/ and they are letting go down road or where ever by himself??

    lucky he didnt get kidnapped.

    thirdly the parents should be shot too.

    sorry for your loss phate.
    dude, probably not appropriate on this post, but seriously, wtf is up with that avi?

    I appricate someone who works legs, but you have your sweats around your ankles, with your grundies showin and it's on the internet!

  33. #33
    got fina?'s Avatar
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    Wow what a story.

    But in all honesty i must disagree with u.

    This dog was trained and brought up a certain way. (to protect your property and keep intruders out). And thats exactly what he did.

    A dog is born with no program and u are the programer. This dog did what he was trained to do. I do not agree with what u did to this animal who lived his life following your rules and training.

    This animal did exactly what he was brought up to do, and i think it was your job to see that no one came into the gated area.

    He did his job, you didnt do yours!!!!!! And because you didnt do your part, this incident happened.

    Just my opinion.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    dude, probably not appropriate on this post, but seriously, wtf is up with that avi?

    I appricate someone who works legs, but you have your sweats around your ankles, with your grundies showin and it's on the internet!
    well first off all what i said in my post there was nothing wrong.

    it was just my opinion and second of all im not the one that strayed off topic, please stay on topic for the respect of phates dog..

    if you have anything to say about my avi or want to direct anything at me please do in pm.

    please dont think this is having ago at you or anything like that.

    sorry phate.

  35. #35
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    yea sorry to hear that man! i got a dog too and i also live in Tx, small town and yes that shit goes on here. sum even take there dogs hunting and if they dont perform to their ability, then there shot! damn red necks! but yea if a dog bites sumone here, you have to put him down, lucky for me, i got friends in different towns around me, i would have just takin him there to hide out for a while, i couldnt have shot him!

  36. #36
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    dude, probably not appropriate on this post, but seriously, wtf is up with that avi?

    I appricate someone who works legs, but you have your sweats around your ankles, with your grundies showin and it's on the internet!
    ^ Haha at that terminology.

    So sorry Phate. Stupid kid.

  37. #37
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got fina? View Post
    Wow what a story.

    But in all honesty i must disagree with u.

    This dog was trained and brought up a certain way. (to protect your property and keep intruders out). And thats exactly what he did.

    A dog is born with no program and u are the programer. This dog did what he was trained to do. I do not agree with what u did to this animal who lived his life following your rules and training.

    This animal did exactly what he was brought up to do, and i think it was your job to see that no one came into the gated area.

    He did his job, you didnt do yours!!!!!! And because you didnt do your part, this incident happened.

    Just my opinion.
    i see your point but what would you have had me do?

  38. #38
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i see your point but what would you have had me do?
    Sorry to hear that man, I have had to put down a few dogs. One was hit by a truck, the other one got rabies. Nothing I could do, both dogs were lost and I wasnt going to let them suffer. You cant have dogs hurting people, same would have happened here. Here you get a pretty nice bill if the town puts the dog down for you, cant have that either.

  39. #39
    DEE151's Avatar
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    WTF you shot your own dog?

  40. #40
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    i feel for you, my dog is very sick i couldnt imagine poppin him.... strong relationships

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