Sup everyone. So I've been MIA for quite some time now, probably 6 months or so at least. I've been checking my inbox regularly though and keeping in touch with some of the bros here though.
So where have I been? I spent most of the summer working basically 7 days a week 16 hours a day so I had next to no time to do anything other than eat sleep and be miserable missing my workouts haha.
Prior to that I was in school full time and had my hands full with classes and life and all that fun stuff. I have one more year left starting in September before i finish up my degree.
My dad died this tuesday from his long battle with brain cancer. He was 53 years old. I had posted up last december when I heard the news and I know some of the bro's here have been following that story so i figured i owed an update to everyone that was wondering how I've been. I was there with my dad when he died, it was a pretty hard thing to go through, I literally watched him take his last breath while holding his hand. Pretty heavy stuff but im making it through things one day at a time.
The funeral is next saturday and I'm doing his eulogy so I still have a full plate of things to do including helping with the preparations, getting family together and writing the eulogy.
I will touch base with everyone soon and hopefully will be a bit more active around here in the near future. Hope everyone is doing well and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all.