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Thread: Bruce Lee's famous 3 inch punch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Bruce Lee's famous 3 inch punch

    WTH how would he do that, how would he hold his fist 3 inches away from his target and have so much power to infict so much damage, does anyone believe in the chi theory focusing his mind and putting all the energy in his body in his fist b4 his strike, without that no one is that powerful to do it without chi?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Power is not all in muscle.. he learned all those crazy pressure points and have seen him paralyze someone by just using his fingers.. remeber the martial arts are thousands and thousands of years old lot of teqnique can be learned in 5000-10000 years

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Power is not all in muscle.. he learned all those crazy pressure points and have seen him paralyze someone by just using his fingers.. remeber the martial arts are thousands and thousands of years old lot of teqnique can be learned in 5000-10000 years

    Wow thats crazy! Do you believe in that chi stuff like putting all your bodies energy wherever you want like to absorb or block a punch or with striking like he did, my older chinese buddy like 60 something would tell me bruce could knock a pop can over with his chi not even touching it( ie have a pop can on a table and strike with his finger out but stop short of hitting it and it would knock over but not from wind or anything. Like alot of the older martial artists in china could do, they dont go around hurting people , i think its maybe something taught at the shaolin temple.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by TJ09 View Post
    Wow thats crazy! Do you believe in that chi stuff like putting all your bodies energy wherever you want like to absorb or block a punch or with striking like he did, my older chinese buddy like 60 something would tell me bruce could knock a pop can over with his chi not even touching it( ie have a pop can on a table and strike with his finger out but stop short of hitting it and it would knock over but not from wind or anything. Like alot of the older martial artists in china could do, they dont go around hurting people , i think its maybe something taught at the shaolin temple.
    It's 1000% false.

    I don't know what it is today, maybe the end of summer has everyone depressed and on some funny medication.

    Bruce use to knock people down with a 3" punch, to prove it's power. The technique is not about chi or anything, it's punching THROUGH people. Continuing the blow beyond the strike.

    Is there a mental game to martial arts? and the body? yes! But you can't knock a dam pop can over with your mind power.

    We know everything the Chinese martial artist knew in Asia 10,000 years ago (partly thanks to bruce lee) and I still have to pick up my fork to eat this chicken & pasta.

    Martial arts in asia (that we are speaking about) is more of a religion or way of life, not about beating people up.

    Moving powers via. chi/mind control, killing people with the "kiss of death" is about as real as Jesus making a basket with a never ending supply of fish and bread. it's a myth, but some people will always believe both if they choose too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Land of the big timers
    Quote Originally Posted by TJ09 View Post
    WTH how would he do that, how would he hold his fist 3 inches away from his target and have so much power to infict so much damage, does anyone believe in the chi theory focusing his mind and putting all the energy in his body in his fist b4 his strike, without that no one is that powerful to do it without chi?
    hey bro im not talking shit but dont be to amazed. the 1 inchn punch is not that hard. its all michanics. basicall all in the hips.traveling threw you arm.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Land of the big timers
    power that is ,from hips threw the arm.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    It's 1000% false.

    I don't know what it is today, maybe the end of summer has everyone depressed and on some funny medication.

    Bruce use to knock people down with a 3" punch, to prove it's power. The technique is not about chi or anything, it's punching THROUGH people. Continuing the blow beyond the strike.

    Is there a mental game to martial arts? and the body? yes! But you can't knock a dam pop can over with your mind power.

    We know everything the Chinese martial artist knew in Asia 10,000 years ago (partly thanks to bruce lee) and I still have to pick up my fork to eat this chicken & pasta.

    Martial arts in asia (that we are speaking about) is more of a religion or way of life, not about beating people up.

    Moving powers via. chi/mind control, killing people with the "kiss of death" is about as real as Jesus making a basket with a never ending supply of fish and bread. it's a myth, but some people will always believe both if they choose too.

    Oh ya I know im not saying the chi stuff is true, but i do believe that people only use a certain percent of there brain and who knows what could happen with the rest. But on another note Jesus making the never ending supply of fish and bread i 100% do believe. Just me not pushing that on other people.

  8. #8
    its the 1 inch punch. in kung fu you learn to use your whole body to generate power. i have witnessed and felt this first hand quite a bit and i can tell you it is true.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Awesome im starting kung fu monday, i just hope they dont do alot of cardio stuff, im trying to bulk up

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    just because its free at the gym where I train while your a white belt

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I'm going to perfect the techinque and make it the 1/2 inch punch.. yea

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    A guy at my old job and is byatch another guy that kept sucking up to him because he was a black belt in shotokan karate said that the CHI we have inside is very powerful and he beleived that you could actually stun someone like that.

    Of course the conversation ended when i offered him to step outside for some friendly sparring, and a bit of old school tae kwon do mixed with some good old full contact kyokushin karate.

    Bruce Lee invented is JeetKune Do system, i really want to study this martial art next now if the damn back pain can stop, its a legit style and Bruce is still a legend in martial arts, but for the rest.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    It's all about technique, the rotation of the body...hips turn and hand rolls and does not move in straight line, as you impact you strike through the target.

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