i dont know why but i always seem to find myself with girls that DONT care if i use a condom and they are on birth control! is this a horribly bad idea or do you guys think if the girl is not a slut its no biggy?
i dont know why but i always seem to find myself with girls that DONT care if i use a condom and they are on birth control! is this a horribly bad idea or do you guys think if the girl is not a slut its no biggy?
Depends on how slutty there are lol it can be hard to tell. I have used a condom maybe 3 times in my life lol I just hate them. I`m maried now and never had anything bad happen(knock on wood).
yea no lie condoms blow! and there is something about busting in a girl that makes me feel good for days lol! anyone have any bad experiences with this?
i used them all the time and always end up ripping them (too much thrust) at least bottom of my dick is protected.....![]()
i rarely ever used them. I dont know why it makes the girl any more of a slut.
nah not sayin she would become a slut, was saying would it be ok if she wasnt a slut to have sex with her without a condom...sry for the confusion
I'm engaged and have been with the same woman for almost 4 years, but STD's are something you don't want to **** with. Just remember, if she is that quick to let you do it without a condom, you're not the first![]()
I think my beef with condoms was that majority of them are just too tight especially around the base of the shaft.
I wouldn't fvck without one on a one nighter or fling. Stds are nasty and all too common these days.
lol nothin wrong with sluts...not gonna lie i bang girls that i kno have been with quite a few guys but it wrecks my nerves! i get that same crap Calgarian... they always say they dont do anything on the first night and my reply is always the same "me either" and i get laid that night every time!! haha its like you gotta just agree with them and make them feel comfortable and your good to go! lol
how do you get a girl to let you do her in the arse? ive blatently asked before and it never works lol
oh I can write a whole articleon this issue see my custom title how ANAL is in caps...thats what it stands for.....Let me think abt it u may be reading an article...lets face it by the time chick gets to us she is pretty loose.....u just have to work ur way in to it also if u can exite her to a point where she cant breath u can pretty much do whatever u want with her......been there today and done it
so I met this chick.....3 conditions from her....
1. no sex on first date
2. no unprotected sex.
3. no sex with married men.
I told her I am married right after I touch inner thigh...5 minutes after I was in her bed having unprotected sex,,,,,,
oh I met her first time...that day
Oh after I got...I did it cause u r cute....ummmm duh no honey u are a slut....
Last edited by calgarian; 09-16-2009 at 02:44 PM.
i cant remeber the last time i used a rubber ::shame on me:: and ive slept with over 60 women and never caught anything, god must love me
im still pretty young and most of the girls i bang are super super super tight like it almost hurts in a good way lol. the whole excitement thing makes a lot of sense i can see that where your comin from on that but do you just tell her hey lets try anal? or what?
Its a skill really, just need to get the girl into it and really turned on. Play with her ass first then stick a finger in there while you're having sex. Usually girls will get into it and eventually you can just stick it in there. Lube is usualy ya good idea especially for the in-experienced women.how do you get a girl to let you do her in the arse? ive blatently asked before and it never works lol
I have used that product before, suprisingly tanning oil works very well I find.
Some times the v-juice alone works, I have also done it without anything at all before which is interesting to say the least.
On the real dude, I know this is stupid..but if I have to use a condom I won't bother. I've slowed down and am with a stable gf right now, so it's not a big deal...but a few years ago I did enough fkin to get me worried. Condoms suck.
I dont use rubbers now. I'm married. But in my hayday I always used them.
I think of them like motorcycle helmets. Riding a bike with a helmet is fun. But once you've ridden without one you never want to go back
yea im pretty young lol not sure i wanna state my exact age cause it will contradict with a previous post (was trying to get legit info without being flamed lol) id say your insincts are right. so yea im def gonna give these methods a try tonight! haha
it's always a good idea to wrap your junk. stay clear of std's, my friend.
I think there was a similar topic about 6 months ago, was some good info on that thread.
But I went to get a STD check from my doctor when I was 22, and he had to shoot some warts off my wang. I've researched HPV a lot since then, and he was really helpful in explaining how easy it is to contract.
HPV is really common, 1 in 3 sexually active adults "carry" it. A lot of people may never even get an outbreak. I've only had an outbreak once. I dated a girl for 7 years, and she never had one, and they checked every 6 months because HPV can cause pre-cancerous growths on the cervix.
But STDs are passed by fluid transfer. If a girl has HPV, Herpes, HIV, Gonorea, syphilis or some other STD, you are sill going to be exposed to fluid exchange at the base of the shaft of the penis.
Condoms are a form of birth control, they can help reduce the chance of contracting a STD,but that is not the purpose of them. Semen is HUGE in comparison to a virus also. The pores in a latex condom are huge in comparison to a virus also. If you take a penny, and place that penny on a sheet of paper, the virus would represent the penny, the paper the pore in a condom.
Really, there is no safe sex outside of a loyal life partner.
every one does it......and everyone shouldnt.......only an unlucky few get life destroying STDs.......but i no a few whove had embarasing ones....ive never had any......but ive had crabs once.....a condom aint guna stop those little fukas......
i never used condoms until my friend caught something and made me think twice!
condoms are for bitches
The thing I used to do alot is just get chicks to blow me, problem solved no condoms needed. It is suprising how easy it is to make this happen on carribean vacations.
not a fan of condoms.
only use them if im ****ing a slut, but i still end up taking it off half way through anyway haha
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