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Thread: Possible scheme to get gorgeous women to sleep with you

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Possible scheme to get gorgeous women to sleep with you

    This may sound crude as hell but I want opinions, anyway. I consider my appearance to be maybe a 7 on a 1 - 10 scale and my pimp skills to be maybe a 3 on a 1 - 10 scale. Point is, I want to be nailing 10's.

    I had the idea of posing as a modeling agent to attract women. The scheme is this:

    1) Order a stack of professional business cards
    2) Shave and get a haircut (to get that "clean-cut" look)
    3) Visit a popular mall wearing a suit and tie
    4) Find gorgeous, young women and approach them, introduce yourself and inform them of your profession
    5) Ask them, "Have you ever tried modeling before?"
    6) Hand them your business card despite their answer
    7) If they end up contacting you (which pretty much indicates they are definitely interested) then request swim suit pictures from every angle sent to the e-mail address listed on your business card
    8) Make contact with them and inform them they have a very nice physique and you have forwarded their pictures to the agency you work for
    9) Inform them the agency has reviewed the pictures and rejected them as being a candidate for professional modeling
    10) At this point the woman is disappointed (AKA vulnerable) so you offer to give pointers on what to improve and tell her you'll use your influence with your superiors to get her accepted as long as she follows your pointers to the T. At this point, she will probably think you're God and will be spreading eagle in no time

    There are a few other details to Operation ***** Pounding but that is basically the gist of it.

    Thoughts? Ideas?

  2. #2
    I think they may be considered illegal.

    One sec I'm going to check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You don't have the balls to try it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    yea thats something you would see on 20/20...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    College Station
    ive got a better idea. go to a bar and go hit on chicks. you'll eventually get laid and when u get rejected a few times you'll start to learn how to talk to chicks. after you have no fear of rejection and can talk to them, then thats when you are a dangerous poon hunter. go get'em!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    That's probably illegal and despite the morale principles of this you could probably be arrested/sued for fraud.

    I have a feeling this thread is going to go down an entirely different route shortly..

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I love the way your mind works!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Tryin to get Abs
    same thing but do porn agency and ur G2G

  9. #9
    This is from California

    Actual Fraud: Actual fraud consists of any of the following acts, committed by or with the connivance of a party to a contract with intent to deceive another party to the contract, or to induce the other party to enter into the contract [Civ. Code §1572]:

    the suggestion, as a fact, of that which is not true, by one who does not believe it to be true;
    the positive assertion, in any manner not warranted by the information of the person making it, of that which is not true, though the person making the assertion believes it to be true;
    the suppression of that which is true, by one having knowledge or belief of the fact;
    a promise made without any intention of performing it; and
    any other act fitted to deceive.
    Constructive Fraud: Constructive fraud consists of any breach of duty which, without actual fraudulent intent, gains an advantage to the person in fault, or any one claiming under the person in fault, by misleading another to the prejudice of the person misled, or to the prejudice of anyone claiming under the person misled. [Civ. Code §1573(1)] In addition, constructive fraud consists of any act or omission that the law specially declares to be fraudulent, without respect to actual fraud. [Civ. Code §1573(2)]

    From what I'm reading, you would be sued, and given jail time.

    It seems like Californian's aren't big fans of fraudulent activities... hmmm.. wonder why LOL.

    I'll get back to you on the total amount of time though

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Id suggest the bar scene with alcohol and u got urself a fun time with no recall of memory when they wake up and you are gone

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    The Bay, California
    how about we just pay them $1,000 to make a porno and will screw them and put it up online and charge $3.99 to see it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    In the prone
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man;48***40
    This is from California

    Actual Fraud: Actual fraud consists of any of the following acts, committed by or with the connivance of a party to a contract with intent to deceive another party to the contract, or to induce the other party to enter into the contract [Civ. Code §1572]:

    the suggestion, as a fact, of that which is not true, by one who does not believe it to be true;
    the positive assertion, in any manner not warranted by the information of the person making it, of that which is not true, though the person making the assertion believes it to be true;
    the suppression of that which is true, by one having knowledge or belief of the fact;
    a promise made without any intention of performing it; and
    any other act fitted to deceive.
    Constructive Fraud: Constructive fraud consists of any breach of duty which, without actual fraudulent intent, gains an advantage to the person in fault, or any one claiming under the person in fault, by misleading another to the prejudice of the person misled, or to the prejudice of anyone claiming under the person misled. [Civ. Code §1573(1)] In addition, constructive fraud consists of any act or omission that the law specially declares to be fraudulent, without respect to actual fraud. [Civ. Code §1573(2)]

    From what I'm reading, you would be sued, and given jail time.

    It seems like Californian's aren't big fans of fraudulent activities... hmmm.. wonder why LOL.

    I'll get back to you on the total amount of time though
    C my point them, get them drunk and

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Aren't you the same dude, who was going to have sex with a gay dude in order to have sex with a hot friend of yours?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier;48***50
    Aren't you the same dude, who was going to have sex with a gay dude in order to have sex with a hot friend of yours?
    Yeah but there was no way I could go through with it--I'd be scarred for life.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator;48***53
    Yeah but there was no way I could go through with it--I'd be scarred for life.
    Don't lie!! Tell us how it went...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred;48***57
    Don't lie!! Tell us how it went...
    LOL I'm serious

  17. #17
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  18. #18
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    a man can build bridges his whole life and suck one dick and hes know as a dick sucker and not a bridge builder.

  19. #19
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    It's OK bud... this is an online forum, you know. It's not like anyone of us know you in real life..

    Go ahead, tell us.. How did things turn out on your last chase?

  20. #20
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    Did it hurt real bad in the rectum? Small price to pay for little booty huh? lol.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator;48***53
    Yeah but there was no way I could go through with it--I'd be scarred for life.

    You totally f***ed him. don't lie.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    "Unleash Hell"

    C'mon guys.. let's let him explain himself!

  23. #23
    BTW, I looked up California legal protocol... and it said that depending on the degree of fraudulent activity you engaged in, and depending on the type of cohersion you used to manipulate / deceive to the individual can = a potential 1 - 3 years in prison. LOL.

  24. #24
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Hes Back.........LOLLOL...hahaha

  25. #25
    Reference for anyone interested....

    ^^ Probably one of the best reads... ever. LOL.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I'll give props to Abominator for coming back.

    I thought we'd never see him again. His last line "Admins, please delete this thread".


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Another thread of epic fail. I am now probably considered the board sex offender.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    I've been waiting for this day for so long........HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Answer the question....You effed him didnt you lolololol

  29. #29
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    Abominator... don't get hurt this is for fun.. Here is my skit that flashed my head when I heard that.

    Three people... Abominator, Manly Man, Sexy Lady

    Abominator: boy, I sure would like to get with you Sexy Lady.
    Sexy Lady: What would you be willing to do?
    Abominator: anything, you name it (eyes wide and drooling).
    SexyLady: Well I have this friend of mine named Manly Man standing right there...(points her finger at a big manly man) standing 5 feet away.
    Abominator: and??
    SexyLady: Hold right here? (walks over to manly man and starts conversing, when finished both manly man and sexy lady walk over to abominator).
    Manly Man: so, is he the one?
    SexyLady: yes (smiling beautiful and sexy as ever)
    Abominator: anxiosly waiting for what he has to do.
    Sexy Lady: well if you let my friend here drill you then you and I can be together.
    Abominator: (mind racing and thinking and can't get his mind off sexy lady)
    Sexy Lady: (starring at him) well?
    Abominator: So if I let him fvck me, then I can fvck you right?
    Sexy Lady: yes
    Manly Man: (smiling with a big cheesy grin)
    Abominator: Will it hurt?
    Manly Man: no, not at all. No one ever complains.
    Abominator: well ok, I guess... (turns around and drops his pants to his ankle and bends over to take the big one.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator;48***87
    Another thread of epic fail. I am now probably considered the board sex offender.
    No, there have been worse

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator;48***87
    Another thread of epic fail. I am now probably considered the board sex offender.
    Don't feel bad bro.. In fact, I have more respect for you know than before! You had the cajunas to come back and face your demons..

    We're just having a good time w/you..

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator;48***87
    Another thread of epic fail. I am now probably considered the board sex offender.
    lol. dude you have some pretty good one liners.

    honestly, i don't know how you don't have more game.

    Just start telling girls these stories but instead of ur name replace it with "my friend" LOL. greaaat conversation starter

  33. #33
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Maximus";48***94
    Don't feel bad bro.. In fact, I have more respect for you know than before! You had the cajunas to come back and face your demons..

    We're just having a good time w/you..
    ill second that.....good job on coming back...

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Man fvck that, bro you are a sex offender if all you can think of to screw hot chics is having sex with men and posing an elaborate scheme. Get a life and learn to win under any circumstances. Do girls call you creeper a lot? or psycho? Know why they do? BECAUSE YOU ARE!!

    Stop trying to feed you ego with hotties and then stop worrying about what they think about you, and they will start worrying about what you think about them. Ancient chinese secret creeper.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator;48***87
    Another thread of epic fail. I am now probably considered the board sex offender.
    LMFAO! you crack me up man.... somethings just not right LOL


  36. #36
    Join Date
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    At least your not here talking about sniffing womens

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    go for it. i'm sure girls will fall for that. Especially when you have no office and want to bang them at your parents house.

    Atleast look at it this way. After you get caught and end up sucking dick in jail. You wont have to turn away the other offers you have gotten.

  38. #38
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    Well believe it or not this is nothing compared to what guys in the seduction community will sometimes do to manipulate women.

    Seduction has no room for ethics, if YOU get seduced its NOT the strategies fault, OR the person employing the strategy, its your fault and only you need to deal with that.

    The problem I see with what you listed is the conversion ration from vulnerable women to sex would be much lower then you thought. And the reason is you are relying purely on a method to seduce a woman rather then yourself.

    Any good PUA knows the METHOD is what baits them, its YOU that reels them in. This concept you posted relies about 90% on the method which means when it comes time for YOU to perform, you need to be that much better because the method itself is too strong.
    Not sure if you understand what I'm saying but a for a method to work, it needs to be somewhat congruent with the skills of the person employing the method. If its not it will crash everytime, no matter how vulnerable the woman is.

    On topic of ethics, yes you're lying.
    HOWEVER, a woman is the biggest walking lie that exists. They where heels to make themselves taller.
    Hair extensions to make their hair longer,
    eye lash extensions
    tummy tighteners to squeeze their guts in
    black clothes so they look less fat
    lbs of make up that sometimes changes their appearance so much they look like another person.

    How is that anymore fraud then what you're doing?
    Like I said, seduction always involves a degree of manipulation and lying. Whether you realize you're doing it or not its always there.

    Just realize theres a difference between ethics and criminal activity, I'm not a lawyer so I can't say. I still think any woman is gonna have a hardass time proving that case in court.

    All and all theres just better more sound ways of doing this. I had a friend who would go to rich towns by banks and go searching through the garbage for bank statements where a lot of money was listed on the deposit line.

    He would NOT do shit to seduce women. Simply talk to them and exchange numbers. When he wrote his number he "accidentally" would grab the bank statement, put his number down and give it to them. Its hysterical how many women would call back cause they're gold diggers. But if you want better methods that don't end up with you going to court, check the attraction forums or They're loaded with crap like this.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Bo.. You are reading too much David D!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    ^^^ I've heard of that. It's probably very effective. If they're willing to call you just because of your account balance, then there would be nothing wrong with calling them back just to eff 'em.

    ^^^Much easier solution

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