Last edited by Abominator; 10-14-2009 at 07:25 PM.
Ooooooh goody a different direction. You both need to grow up.
ok i make minimum wage at the gym $9 dollars and hour, and i make 20-45 an hour for my personal training, I do many people for free. I make people feel better about themselves, by getting them into better shape. I increase their quality of life by helping them get healthier through diet and exercise
U know i wasnt the most well off child growing up as far a finances go,
But now i know what its like to be happy and dont need money to be happy
I have something you may never have, Peace of mind. Im content with my life right now at the age of 21. I know what i want and am on my way to get it. and its not being a millionaire or celebrity. I do feel truly sorry for you now and i think Chuck and others may have been right.
You contribute little to none to this board, no educated posts or help.
maybe u do this out of no fault of your own, or maybe you have deeper issues that lye within. Either way i hope you get it figured out
Am I the only one who thinks everyone is ambushing Abominator for no real reason?
The guy came here to state an observation. He may have used strong language or left you to imply other things, but the fact is all he really did was make an observation and state how he felt about it.
If he had used a more neutral tone, hed be saying the same exact thing, but everyone wouldnt be attacking him. So I do believe people are getting a little distracted/out of hand.
Abominator means well imo. And he has every right to attack people who start shit with him. Im pretty sure he didnt think he was being rude when he made this thread, and I do think he was trying to make a point.
I just think people overreacted and provoked him. Or maybe I'm a homophobe myself who fvckn knows..
I contribute entertainment. Pretty much any fitness information can easily be found by that little button at the top called "SEARCH"
And your whole PT gig, if there even is such a thing, leaves you broke. I doubt you have more than three or four clients. You're not at peace. You're struggling. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you lived in your mother's basement.
i dont think the "observation" or whatever he made crossed the line. its the way he implied it and continued to make arguments about it as well as arguing with others on the matter
kinda came off wrong IMO. personally it just got annoying, but dont think its as big of deal as everyone is making it
damnit i usually stay out of these little bicker-ments, last thing im saying on the matter lol peace!
Im sorry I hate to make it look like I'm attacking people but A2thej (even after my recent thread/apology to you) you are more full of shit then anyone I know.
You have posted about a hundred threads about a hundred different girls where you sounded like a mess and ranted endlessly about how much it bothered you. And this hasnt just happened one time.
If you had any "peace of mind" you wouldnt be posting threads like that to begin.
I dig you trying to be noble about this whole thing, but try to be somewhat congruent with the shit you post everyday.. people do have something called memories around here sry bro
why is everbody arguing on multiple threads hahahahaha this is hilarious
ok that was seriously my last comment
this thread is crazy.
jerry springer show
hey bo, i have peace of mind, with my life.
now as far as women go, those things drive me crazy i never know whats up with me or them.
and the endless threads, pretty much about the same women if u wanna dig em up ill explain but its not that important.
what was important was i pretty much made my point, or he made it for me
wait one more thing!
has there ever been a fight (fist fight) in the Men's Room (thread)? now would be a great time to make AR history!
haha just a thought...........damn i dont have a life 2nite
i can't fist fight, i just stuck my head into the toilet.
I'm out.
DSM, if I offended you, then I apologize.
BARF! i hate junior any sour punch straws DSM?
hells yes
about time vitruvian, been waitin for you to poke your head in here. missed all the fun, you have a lot of reading to catch up on
Thats fine I'm not siding with him.
I just see that you have a general consensus behind you, and with that control you may just feel like you can bash Abominator just cause the momentum is already in that direction.
I'm just tryin to break that momentum.
You both said shit about each other, I doubt either one of you really hates each other. Everyone else on this board generally likes you both (although it does appear otherwise right now for him lol) and it IS somewhat entertaining to watch you 2 fight.
But I think you 2 should stop making this personal.
I mean he said shit about cons and I could kill him for it, but I know he was just saying it to anger you, not cause its what he truely believes it.
Thats the problem when people are mad, they sometimes need to act like they hate someone, when 2 mins ago they had real no issues. So in that sense you can see how fake the hate really is.
You dont have to kiss and make up but please spare each other wasting anymore bs time over this.
can't we all just get along and be best buds like these guys
How about this, lock or delete this shitty thread. It's more drama that shouldn't be taking place between a cluster fvck of guys on a steroid forum!
this thread has got quite a bit of views already in its short little goldfish span of a life..
Thread should be lock and deleted, people involved should be dealt with, and someone should give me a cookie..
wait a second....DSM is gay!?
Most intelligent post yet (there are very few around here).
It's obvious the guy is definitely not comfortable with his sexuality. He continually parades it all over the forums in an attempt to gain personal acceptance through social interaction. This is in contrast to other gay members on the forums who apparently feel comfortable with their sexuality and act nothing like him.
What's really interesting is that I have never seen him make a quality post of any kind. Every time he posts it's to further promote the gay agenda, or some attempt at a witty reply that he misses completely and is just dumb.
What's even more interesting is the social stigma in this thread with regard to defending him. The people defending him are doing so simply because he is viewed as "different", and they don't want "different" people to be picked on. They defend him not taking into consideration how annoying he potentially is to other members. Any other member that spammed non-lounge forums with irrelevant material would be labeled as a troll, but this guy gets away with it because he's "different". Real good logic there.
Just look at the number of views this thread has (almost 1000), yet it's the same 15 posters that are posting over and over defending him. The silence speaks the loudest as most people don't want to make a negative comment and be labeled a "gay hater".
Hasnt the whole DSM posting gay ______ been covered before?
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