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Hey DSM and all did you ever have one of those days?
Take me for instance. I as a newbie to this forum was checking it out and making friends and influencing folks, but had to leave for the Bloomingdales 3 hour sheet sale. Well, I'm on the way up to the store as giddy as a little girl thinking all about sheets, thread counts, whether to get percale, satin, flannel? But I quickly scratched flannel off the list after thinking about all those big burley mean lesbians fighting over flannel, not to mention my fear of possibly ending up wearing my testicles as earrings and possibly losing the use of one eye! So flannel was off my radar.Well I get up tp the store and they tell me that there is no sale that day. Could have knocked me over with a feather. So I get back home and reread the ad in the paper. Turns out it wasn't bloomingdales after all having the sale, it was Bloom and Dales Pet Store.
And it wasn't a 3 hour sheet sale it was a 3 day Shitzu sale. I feel like a twit.
And how was your evening?