Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Hey, MR. Lifestyle first cycle as of 08-31-2009
your wordsSo i'm about to embark in the world of testosterone enhante. I have about 3 vials which should last me the full 10-12 week cycle. I plan on running this alone at about 500 mgs a week or so to see how I react and all that since it's my first cycle of this stuff.
Anyways, what do I all need as far as this goes? I have needles, syringes, and NOLVA already. I was thinking about getting Clomid also for PCT.
Ok what is the point of this? Did I say I knew everything about everything....I did not. I'm not really sure why i'm getting blackballed as some total retard newb that knows nothing. I've been at the lifting/nutrition game for a long time....never said i was an expert at AAS. Did I say I was? Whatever.
I guess Im lucky in that dept. My wife gives me injections sometimes.
I went out with a girl for a while who competed and won at a state level. She used to have D bol's and sh!t in her kitchen......Good times.
Im lucky that my girl supports me with my using steroids she doesnt like it but she just doesnt want anything to happen to me i told her i know what im doing lol
Here's what I did......
She's only injected me in the glutes..... so I told her the only place one can inject steroids is the glutes due to nerves all over the place anywhere else.
When I go "on cycle" I inject my quads and shoulders. Usually doesn't leave a mark..... and when I start getting bigger...... she waits for me to get in the shower and she checks my glutes to see if i'm using anything LOLOLOL
She questions me all the time..... even when i'm not on..... I've made some good progress between cycles..... I hate hiding it but I have to.....
You are mis-informed, posession of steroids is not illegal in Canada buying them is but thats another story.what are you talking about? Of course they are illegal in Canada too. You have thought this whole time they're legal? Sure even with just legal aid on your side you'll end up with community service etc..If you run into any legal issues that is. No where near as harsh as the states thank god. But still they are not legal in Canada....
As long as it works its all good I guess. i rather not have to worry and be able to inject in front of her and have a load of gear arrive and not have to answer any questions.YEP! LOLOLOL
Here's what I did......
She's only injected me in the glutes..... so I told her the only place one can inject steroids is the glutes due to nerves all over the place anywhere else.
When I go "on cycle" I inject my quads and shoulders. Usually doesn't leave a mark..... and when I start getting bigger...... she waits for me to get in the shower and she checks my glutes to see if i'm using anything LOLOLOL
She questions me all the time..... even when i'm not on..... I've made some good progress between cycles..... I hate hiding it but I have to.....
I agree..... however..... i'm in the perfect situation. I live 15 minutes from my parents and my father is on HRT and still cycles. We place orders together and my stuff ships to him - i help him out and buy him stuff sometimes. If he doesn't need anything..... one of my best friends usually do..... so i've always got someplace to go...... if all else fails..... PO box
Inject 250 mg hcg E3D while on cycle... It will bring testes back to normal size.
well i must have some killer friends 1 got busted for having a 1 pound brick of weed and took the time over rating anyone out 1 year cuz he was good
and a 2nd friend did 2 years for 60 hits of acid and never rated ne1 out
now im not saying those are long terms they did but rolling over on some one will just get u killed at least back in detroit where i use to live
really the only time they offer u a deal is ur looking at long time 5 years or more me id rather do the time last thing u want is to be know as a snitch in prison
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