Originally Posted by
Thats total bull, I had a cat in the same situation that died of natural cause at 14 years.
It depends on the serverity of the heart murmer. And yes its best to get a second opinion.
My older cat smockey got a heart murmuer, the vet and wanted to send me for a echographie at 450$, when I went to pick my cat up from the vet I spoke to another Vet she never mentioned the murmur until I asked her, she said don't worry its nothing to be worried about.
Animals are not like people, they are true, loving and if they don't like you it will show. We must remember that they are with use for a limited amount of time, meaning that they will never live to be 70 years old, most cats and dogs die around 10-15 years now, so we must enjoy them has much has we can when they are with us.
I have 3 cats now, I have lost around 5 during the last 10 years, to illness, one ran away, and worst 2 baby kittens that I bought at SPCA that died in my arms due to a virus they cought there.
Each time a part of me dies with them, but I make sure that during the time they are with me they are taken care of like kings.
Zebol 50 - deca?