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  1. #1
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    Why australia sucks ( and other parts of the world)

    This is a just a post for anyone that wants to rant about steroid use in australia!

    Ive had enough of the government trying to control what i do with my own body. They are like the over controlling parents that think they know whats best for there children. What gives you the power to control what i do with my own body, so long as im not harming or putting anyone else in danger whats it matter? it makes me happy and no ones gettin hurt so leave me the **** alone!

    Then we could go on about the publics perception of steroid use. My favourite one being : "haha roids make your dick small!!!" i never say anything but i always think ahh no you ignorant dumb fu*ck they dont!, they make your balls small which is known as testicular atrophy but it is reversed at the end of a cycle using ancilliries like HCG , Aromatize Inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators... My point being we are not dumb idiots who just juice and bam! all of a sudden we are massive and never put in the effort! We study and study and read the forums and converse with other users to find out the SAFEST way to do things. We eat right 24 hours a day! we train harder than those small ****ers saying " roids make your dick small" even without the gear we would still be bigger than 99% of them cause we put in the effort, the gear is just the proverbial icing on the cake!

    Just needed to get that off my chest.

    We need to stick together, we are the minority, we are the australian steroid users!!

    PS. This post is entirely fictional and i will not be held liable for any information that preceeds. I personally never have nor will use steroids .... because duh they make your junk small!! :P
    Last edited by anabolictonic; 10-22-2009 at 09:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Living easy in Asia
    Why do you think i don't live there

  3. #3
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    Why do you think i don't live there
    stuff legal where you live?

  4. #4
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Although I can buy limited choices of gear over the counter here (Saudi) I would much prefer to be in Australia

  5. #5
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Although I can buy limited choices of gear over the counter here (Saudi) I would much prefer to be in Australia
    man i always wanted to live in Saudi.......

  6. #6
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    man i always wanted to live in Saudi.......
    Like every place in the world it has its good and bad points!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Add this to the cons list also.

    Australian Sports Drug Agency (ASDA) is looking to tighten restrictions on health supplements further.

    TRIBULUS is classed as a plant steroid compound extracted from herbs, seeds and plants. Thought to be a precursor to testosterone production, its status is currently under review by the ASDA and IOC.

    HMB a few years ago was made illegal in australia and considered to be AAS. It is now legal again.. but what idiots! Not that it does much anyway, would you rather dbol or hmb?? hmm

    GLUTAMINE has come under scrutiny due to evidence that shows it promotes growth homone production.

    Whats next? are they going to ban red meat because it increases creatine balance? Fuc*king IDIOTS!!

  8. #8
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    well least you get that off your chest.. still won't make a difference it's illegal full stop.

    plus if you say you don't juice then why post it anyways you'd have no concern with this AS usage

  9. #9
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    ALL THIS BULLSHIT AND CIGARETTES ARE LEGAL????? It's been shown to kill thousands per year with zero health benefits!! oh but yer its stil legal ??

    ALCOHOL - How many people die per year due to doing dumb sh*it while drunk? It kills way more than steroid use !! Furthermore it endangers other people as well, when they get behind the wheel drunk... but of course no one says sh*it!

  10. #10
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    Im a laywer and represent alot of steroid users and am sticking up for the little guy :P But yes its off my chest so i let it rest now

  11. #11
    terraj's Avatar
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    I have been gone 13 years and I don't plan on going back.

  12. #12
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    In my place steroids are readily available anywhere. Authorities are not strict about it!

  13. #13
    Friend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    In my place steroids are readily available anywhere. Authorities are not strict about it!
    Do you have a spare room you're willing to rent out?

  14. #14
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Steroids are illegal through much of the West I thought..

  15. #15
    EmilianoH's Avatar
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    I live in Argentina and here is the other extreme, you can just walk in a pharmacy and ask for whatever you want, you can even hire a nurse to professional shoot the juice in your ass just for 2 dollars.

    But like a said, is the other extreme, nothing is controlled here ... so is kind of a chaos.

  16. #16
    jbm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    Do you have a spare room you're willing to rent out?
    anytime bro! even police here are juicing!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    anytime bro! even police here are juicing!
    Sounds good!

  18. #18
    jbm's Avatar
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    better take a plane and come here!

  19. #19
    HustlerBrah is offline Banned
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    Im with you tonic!

    Aus s-ucks in that sense.

    And dont get m started on the pric of a kebab here.

    fuc-king 10 bucks, and you don't even get enough garlic sauce

  20. #20
    GT2's Avatar
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    I agree with everything negative mentioned about this wonderful country of ours

  21. #21
    HeavyDuty2's Avatar
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    I;'e recently moved to Aussie... I love the country and the lifestyle but they are backward in thinking in regards to supplemenation and sports nutrition. It's funny when people discuss the availabilty of AAS here as it seems difficult to source reliably from what I understand. However if you want any other illegal shit it seems very easy to get. For a country that prides itself on being strict on importation and policing of AAS they can't seem to do much about other shit being supplied here.

    I guess they find AAS users easier targets??

  22. #22
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post
    Im with you tonic!

    Aus s-ucks in that sense.

    And dont get m started on the pric of a kebab here.

    fuc-king 10 bucks, and you don't even get enough garlic sauce

    haha thats gold

  23. #23
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
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    I feel the same way bro.

    Im so proud to be australian but at the same time so ashamed of my government.

    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    This is a just a post for anyone that wants to rant about steroid use in australia!

    Ive had enough of the government trying to control what i do with my own body. They are like the over controlling parents that think they know whats best for there children. What gives you the power to control what i do with my own body, so long as im not harming or putting anyone else in danger whats it matter? it makes me happy and no ones gettin hurt so leave me the **** alone!

    Then we could go on about the publics perception of steroid use. My favourite one being : "haha roids make your dick small!!!" i never say anything but i always think ahh no you ignorant dumb fu*ck they dont!, they make your balls small which is known as testicular atrophy but it is reversed at the end of a cycle using ancilliries like HCG , Aromatize Inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators... My point being we are not dumb idiots who just juice and bam! all of a sudden we are massive and never put in the effort! We study and study and read the forums and converse with other users to find out the SAFEST way to do things. We eat right 24 hours a day! we train harder than those small ****ers saying " roids make your dick small" even without the gear we would still be bigger than 99% of them cause we put in the effort, the gear is just the proverbial icing on the cake!

    Just needed to get that off my chest.

    We need to stick together, we are the minority, we are the australian steroid users!!

    PS. This post is entirely fictional and i will not be held liable for any information that preceeds. I personally never have nor will use steroids.... because duh they make your junk small!! :P

  24. #24
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
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    also there is so much Cocaine and Meth on the streets these days lets not forget the amount of heroin on the street but the authorities seem to turn a blind eye on it. statistics show there is more narcotics on the street now than in the early 90's which makes me wonder why? we all know how good australian customs are dont we?

    Australia has focused there attention more on steroids becase they have lost the war with hard drugs and busting steroids is easy work for them makes them look like they are doing something but really they are fuked and incompetent

  25. #25
    Friend's Avatar
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    Keep the boat loads of sudo's coming

  26. #26
    chicmagnet's Avatar
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    I like that it's so strict here, I stand out because I'm bigger than most and I like that. If gear was easy to get, I would have to be an absolute freak to stand out.

  27. #27
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    Do you have a spare room you're willing to rent out?
    I already have dibs on jbm's spare room and Im going to see/visit him in January.

  28. #28
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Aus Sucks di*ck. Unlike Souf Africa.
    They cant play Rugby, or Cricket or any fcking sport for that matter.


  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Aus Sucks di*ck. Unlike Souf Africa.
    They cant play Rugby, or Cricket or any fcking sport for that matter.

    ahhh deja vu, El Diablo....guess your ready for an arsewhipping

  30. #30
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    Add this to the cons list also.

    Australian Sports Drug Agency (ASDA) is looking to tighten restrictions on health supplements further.

    TRIBULUS is classed as a plant steroid compound extracted from herbs, seeds and plants. Thought to be a precursor to testosterone production, its status is currently under review by the ASDA and IOC.

    HMB a few years ago was made illegal in australia and considered to be AAS. It is now legal again.. but what idiots! Not that it does much anyway, would you rather dbol or hmb?? hmm

    GLUTAMINE has come under scrutiny due to evidence that shows it promotes growth homone production.

    Whats next? are they going to ban red meat because it increases creatine balance? Fuc*king IDIOTS!!
    lol are u ****ing serious? wtf i didnt know that, my god we have one stupid government, seriously look at kevin rudd... he looks like the kid that sat in the corner in high school talking to himself and getting bullied by the girls

    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post
    Im with you tonic!

    Aus s-ucks in that sense.

    And dont get m started on the pric of a kebab here.

    fuc-king 10 bucks, and you don't even get enough garlic sauce
    OMFG, worse is the price of tuna, $5 a 400gram tin? and its half water, wtf is that?

    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Aus Sucks di*ck. Unlike Souf Africa.
    They cant play Rugby, or Cricket or any fcking sport for that matter.

    LMFAO how could we forget the great country of south africa,

    At Twickenham in November 2002 England defeated South Africa 53–3 which was their worst ever loss in rugby. LMFAO what a joke of a team, destroyed by poms
    very bad start to the 2006 Tri Nations Series saw them lose 49–0 to the Wallabies. LMFAO im sorry who won?

    lol u become world champions once and it becomes u biggest accomplishment of ur country, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

  31. #31
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol are u ****ing serious? wtf i didnt know that, my god we have one stupid government, seriously look at kevin rudd... he looks like the kid that sat in the corner in high school talking to himself and getting bullied by the girls

    OMFG, worse is the price of tuna, $5 a 400gram tin? and its half water, wtf is that?

    LMFAO how could we forget the great country of south africa,

    At Twickenham in November 2002 England defeated South Africa 53–3 which was their worst ever loss in rugby. LMFAO what a joke of a team, destroyed by poms
    very bad start to the 2006 Tri Nations Series saw them lose 49–0 to the Wallabies. LMFAO im sorry who won?

    lol u become world champions once and it becomes u biggest accomplishment of ur country, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
    LOL, Who is current world champions..? Who is the current Tri-Nation cup holders AND which team won the Super 14 ?????


  32. #32
    HustlerBrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    LOL, Who is current world champions..? Who is the current Tri-Nation cup holders AND which team won the Super 14 ?????

    Who had a ranga named shaun pollock for their cricket team?

  33. #33
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post
    Who had a ranga named shaun pollock for their cricket team?
    Huh... ?

  34. #34
    HustlerBrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Huh... ?

    South African allrounder.


  35. #35
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post

    South African allrounder.

    I know his an All rounder but Kallis is a much better all Rounder than him
    And who the F*ck said u can use me as ur Avvy?

  36. #36
    HustlerBrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    I know his an All rounder but Kallis is a much better all Rounder than him
    And who the F*ck said u can use me as ur Avvy?

    Ntini is a better all rounder lol.

    And mate! Frank McGrath has an ideal body!

  37. #37
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post
    South Africans are better than Australians in everything..

    And mate! I wish i was you.
    ^^^ Thanks

  38. #38
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post

    South African allrounder.

    LMFAo what an ugly ****, just liek most south africans

  39. #39
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    HaHaHa! ... Andrew Symonds doesnt look any better to me... lmfao ..i win

  40. #40
    powerful intelligent is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HustlerBrah View Post
    Im with you tonic!

    Aus s-ucks in that sense.

    And dont get m started on the pric of a kebab here.

    fuc-king 10 bucks, and you don't even get enough garlic sauce
    the funniest thing is that i know numerous people who think that australia is incredible. Three of my siblings went there to study abroad and they had nothing but good things to say about it. One mans paridise is another mans prison i guess

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