This is a just a post for anyone that wants to rant about steroid use in australia!
Ive had enough of the government trying to control what i do with my own body. They are like the over controlling parents that think they know whats best for there children. What gives you the power to control what i do with my own body, so long as im not harming or putting anyone else in danger whats it matter? it makes me happy and no ones gettin hurt so leave me the **** alone!
Then we could go on about the publics perception of steroid use. My favourite one being : "haha roids make your dick small!!!" i never say anything but i always think ahh no you ignorant dumb fu*ck they dont!, they make your balls small which is known as testicular atrophy but it is reversed at the end of a cycle using ancilliries like HCG, Aromatize Inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators... My point being we are not dumb idiots who just juice and bam! all of a sudden we are massive and never put in the effort! We study and study and read the forums and converse with other users to find out the SAFEST way to do things. We eat right 24 hours a day! we train harder than those small ****ers saying " roids make your dick small" even without the gear we would still be bigger than 99% of them cause we put in the effort, the gear is just the proverbial icing on the cake!
Just needed to get that off my chest.
We need to stick together, we are the minority, we are the australian steroid users!!
PS. This post is entirely fictional and i will not be held liable for any information that preceeds. I personally never have nor will use steroids.... because duh they make your junk small!! :P