story sorta goes like this.
I came home from work last friday, feeling pretty stoaked to be back in town from the dirt hole i was pulling my shift in. I get back onto the island, ready to go see the ole lady... oddly, shes not answering the phone. at first i really thought nothing of it, so I let my evening continue and still no luck finding my girlfriend.
soo, the next day, I end up going to Victoria for a metal concert.... call her again and left a voice mail asking her if she wanted a tshirt or hoodie or whatever... still, no answer. now im ****en curious as to what the **** is going on. 7 days this would be a completley differant story.
so I go home the next day, beat to shit from the concert and wondering where my girlfriend is. finally i get ahold of her that night, and she says she wants to get togeather in about a half hour. so, I get cleaned up and pull out this stupid metal shirt that I got her and try to call her back... NO ANSWER. this goes on for days. I finally get ahold of her on facecrack and shes got some new lad posting shit about being in bed with her all over her facebook.
I ask whats up, shes all over the idea that hes just her friend and hes making her ex jellouse. now im ****en choked, i dont buy it. that was the last real contact i had until yesterday... she decides to tell me that shes been avoiding me all week as shes worried as to what id say to her and shes afraid of confrontation. still claims that hes just a friend, and has been for years... but now shes confessing that she has been spending alot of time with him and that she really kinda likes him and that shits gettin messed up...
soo, she avoids me until today, last night home before i head to work again in my shit hole town up north for a week. and I still havent seen her, still in the blank as to whats goin on.
basically, after not talking to her all week, and looking at how im pretty well replaced... reflecting now on what ive noticed the past few weeks, shes most likely some rancid whore and Ive done it again, gettin involved with girls who take advantage of a man who leaves for a week at a time for work...
so I say to myself screw it, what can I do to make myself feel better??? I go buy a few vials of test and tren and everything else i need, and stuck the first pin of the year in my ass...
figure what the hell, if im going to be pissed off, may as well use that in the gym. Ive bumped my diet, bought all the additional supps needed and now ill look forward to the next 3 months.
nothing makes a guy feel better about himself like gettin back on the sauce.
thats me rant... wondering how many people will blow past the actual story and inquire about my cycle... Im excited about it, second time around with tren, late was a great expereince and Im hoping for the best this time.
cheers lads...