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Thread: excuse to tell doctor, missed midterm exam?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    excuse to tell doctor, missed midterm exam?

    Hello guys,
    I can't believe i missed my midterm exam. I was studying late last night, and was going to pull an all nighter. I decided to sleep for 2 hours to refresh my mind, but i ended up over sleeping and my alarm clock did not even wake me up. The only option i have now is to get a note from a doctor so i can show my school since i missed my exam. I need to know what i can i tell my doctor; i live on campus and the clinic is closed weekends so i can use that somewhat as an excuse to another doctor why i didn't come in earlier to get myself checked up. What is something good i can tell my doctor to hook me up with a note for my exam that does not really need a diagnosis so i can get away with it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    With as pussified as everyone is, just mention having a fever and it must be H1N1.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Boston but moving soon
    run a really fast mile... go into the Dr's office right after that Monday morning...

    tell him you have a sever migraine headache and have had it since late Friday afternoon...

    say you've had a high fever, vomiting, seeing little black spots floating around, light and noise make the pain considderably worse, and the pain is on one side of your head... that's where the pain "normally" is.

    you've been getting migrains for years... don't know why...

    how do you know its a migrain the Dr will ask...

    answer: aside from the above reasons... every time i change elevation, stand up/sit down i feel like i've been hit in the head with a brick! Light and sound do the some thing... it is a sharpe/stabbing shooting pain.

    Is it sharpe and stabbing all the time? no sometimes it ease's up to a terrible throbbing pain.

    That has always worked for me... but then I really do have a migraine disorder and thats what happens to me.

    Oh yeah... and stressful situations do tend to bring on migraines too btw.

    good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    With as pussified as everyone is, just mention having a fever and it must be H1N1.
    really....fear mongering is pissing me off....a teacher threatened to have me removed if i went to class on wed. last week because i simply said that i had a fever on my facebook on tuesday,.....****in socialists need to die

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    really....fear mongering is pissing me off....a teacher threatened to have me removed if i went to class on wed. last week because i simply said that i had a fever on my facebook on tuesday,.....****in socialists need to die
    thats screwed up. when I was in school i would have loved a teacher to tell me that lol

    however that is BS for that teacher to act like that.. and over what???

  6. #6
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    I don't have any ideas but this reminds me of something that happened to my older brother.
    Back when he was in college he missed turning in his project. He was going to tell the profesor he was hurt in a car accident but instead of a note from the dr my brother told me to puch him in the face so he would have a black eye and bruises.
    I was 15 at the time and didn't really know how to throw a punch so I had to punch him in the eye and nose over and over. LOL

  7. #7
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    Look up in the sky...
    Ha on Taz's story!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    run a really fast mile... go into the Dr's office right after that Monday morning...

    tell him you have a sever migraine headache and have had it since late Friday afternoon...

    say you've had a high fever, vomiting, seeing little black spots floating around, light and noise make the pain considderably worse, and the pain is on one side of your head... that's where the pain "normally" is.

    you've been getting migrains for years... don't know why...

    how do you know its a migrain the Dr will ask...

    answer: aside from the above reasons... every time i change elevation, stand up/sit down i feel like i've been hit in the head with a brick! Light and sound do the some thing... it is a sharpe/stabbing shooting pain.

    Is it sharpe and stabbing all the time? no sometimes it ease's up to a terrible throbbing pain.

    That has always worked for me... but then I really do have a migraine disorder and thats what happens to me.

    Oh yeah... and stressful situations do tend to bring on migraines too btw.

    good luck

    wtf? He isn't a woman with menopause. sheesh!
    ***No source checks!!!***

  9. #9
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    I'm trying to imagine what I would do in your situation.

    And I'm thinking 1 of 2 things.

    1) (prefered) Poke a hole in your tire, bring it to get fixed, get the receipt and change the date to the day you had class then use THAT to show to your teacher. Whats your teacher gonna say you can't pass now cause you got a flat tire? I doubt it, they will def make time for you to take a retest.
    2) (a little work) Go see your doc asap, explain to him that you think you have insomnia and its starting to effect your life. Tell him you missed an exam and see if he'll write you a doctors note stating that you have insomnia.
    You can then use that note to get on the disabilities list at your school and have the disabilities office write a note for your professor OR you can just try and use the drs note directly.

    I also think you can just try being honest with your professor but I would read the syllabus first. Some professors are adamant about not giving retests, if its stated like that in the syllabus then Id say its a better idea to lie. If in the syllabus its says "for any reason you miss and exam, see the professor for a retest" then the professor may be leniant, but overall it will be a judgement call that you need to make.


  10. #10
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    OR, you can try pleading your case to the teacher. Take a couple excuses with you, tell him you COULD use one of these that would excuse you or you can tell the truth you have been studying all week like a MOFO and again last night but then fell asleep and did not wake up..... Lame but it's the truth and he might let it slide?

  11. #11
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    I teach at a University,

    you should cut the b.s., tell the prof what happened, and plead your case.

    if he's cool, and you're a decent student you should be fine.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I'm trying to imagine what I would do in your situation.
    We you're better than me....i can't even consider being in such a situation because i never would be......almost 4.5 years of college now and i've never found a test to be a reason to lose sleep

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    wtf? He isn't a woman with menopause. sheesh!
    that wasnt very nice lol

    might work though

  14. #14
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    go park ur car somewhere..

    then report it stollen..u will have a police report and they will find ur car in no time..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I teach at a University,

    you should cut the b.s., tell the prof what happened, and plead your case.

    if he's cool, and you're a decent student you should be fine.


  16. #16
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    puke coming out of your mouth and diherea coming out of your butt. You think it may have been food posioning.

    You could just tell the prof the truth and hopefully he'll help you out. Dr.'s note is more of a sure thing though.

  17. #17
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    last semester i missed a midterm exam and i gave the prof. a doctors note and the faggot said it was a flimsy excuse and he didnt let me take it

    im assuming the butt pirate wanted it signed by a member of congress or something

  18. #18
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    Canada eh
    eat a piece of undercooked chicken... self sabotage... but it would work... youd shit and puke for a few days..

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JC.1987 View Post
    eat a piece of undercooked chicken... self sabotage... but it would work... youd shit and puke for a few days..
    I missed a test last year and went to a walk in clinic and complained of migraines that kept me from sleeping and focusing in school. Doctors note instantly. They arent gonna tell you that you dont get headaches. They have no proof

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