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Thread: Anorexic people...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Anorexic people...

    I was just googling some pictures of models and stuff, and came across some very disturbing pics of anorexic people. It really is sad to see.
    Interestingly though, there is also an illness called biggerexia, which many bbs suffer from. For example a 400 pound bb might look in the mirror and beleive he is still skinny, regardless of people around him telling him he is huge. I think most bbs have this, as most of us want to get bigger regardless of our current size...

  2. #2
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    I'd hit #2


  3. #3
    Sadly I would hit #3. Lol. But yea, it sucks that the media drives people to such an extent.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    I'd hit #2


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    Sadly I would hit #3. Lol. But yea, it sucks that the media drives people to such an extent.
    Theres more, this is the hand of 46yr old women who suffers from anorexia and has developed ulcerations...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    just wrong

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    Theres more, this is the hand of 46yr old women who suffers from anorexia and has developed ulcerations...
    Good lord...thats terrible.

  8. #8
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    BC, Canada
    I was planning on eating dinner until I saw this.... Now im gona have to hold off for a bit lol.

  9. #9
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    ...that is sad, and they dont realize that they are too skinny and sick.

  10. #10
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    Would you believe there are sick people out there who dedicate there time to creating anorexia diet and exercise plans for people to follow!!!

    I mean what would it look like!!!
    Meal 1-Breath of air and a pubic lice!!!
    Before a 10mile sprint walk
    followed by err... a grain of rice!!!

    Just eat a donut for **** sake, it wont kill you!! but not eating will!!

    No offense 2 anyone btw, just my opinion.

  11. #11
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    My ex suffered from this before I met her. She's normal now but still has certain health issues from it. Sad and disgusting

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    From the Anorexia Forum:

    Oh My God! My Mother Thinks She Can Send Me Away!!


    She wants to send me to IP!!

    She found my journal earlier and discovered my weight! She totally FLIPPED! She thought I was around 110lbs. I'd been wearing tons of layers because of the cold, so she didn't notice that I had continued to loose. She didn't know she was 23lbs. off mark!

    What's it like? I heard it's like jail! But I didn't do anything wrong and I feel so alone and scared and I dont want to go away for however long she thinks I deserve to.... Please, everyone, give me some tips, advice, opinions, mood-boosters. I swear I'll do whatever it takes to not go!

    Has anyone ever gotten out of IP? Do you think getting really sick would help? Like if I caught soemthing? One of my friends is sick and I could get the flu from her. Anything to put it off! Please, please help!!
    Height: 5'7''
    HW BMI: 22.1
    CW BMI: 14.1

    We turn skeletons into goddesses, and look to them as if they might teach us how not to need.

  13. #13
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    another thread:

    Laxative Recipes?


    Not sure if this goes in the right thread, but hey, here goes!!

    Does anyone know any recipes for a laxative?
    I have no money and I can hardly ask the grandparents(whom I live with) to fetch me some!!

    Thanks in Advance!

    i know it sounds terible to encourage stealing but could you possibly if you want them that badly? its better then asking ur grannys to get em 4 ya!

    or if u wont do that u can. drink half a cup of brown vinegar flushes out all ya insides. or drink maybe like 2-3 black coffees within like 1-1 and a half hours. and chili fastens up the metabolisim to one day i ate aome chilis like maybe 4 chili sticks and I WAS RUNNING TO THE TOILET! sounds gross but i literally was keep some cold water near by though.

    female 16 5"6


    bulimic for 3 months.

    yepp wiffy's tips are all good. there's also some drink you can mix up that will make you throw up. i think it's like water, mustard, and chili powder? i'll google it for you and then post back :] x
    before abc - 110
    cw - 106 lbs
    gw1 - 105 lbs
    gw2 - 100 lbs
    ugw - 95 lbs x

    weight lost since starting abc - 3 lbs

  14. #14
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    My ex suffered from this before I met her. She's normal now but still has certain health issues from it. Sad and disgusting
    Glad she's ok mate. I just wanna feed them when i see them, but i suppose its an illness and we have to respect that.
    Us bbs are just as bad if you think about it though, wanting to get bigger and bigger till we explode!!!

  15. #15
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    Then this:

    I saw a picture from volleyball
    And EWW. OMFG. GROSS. I was like Holy**** I'm huge.

    I'm going to do the ABC diet.
    I'm seriously motivated, I need to lose this gut, my butt, the fat on my arms.
    I'm so discusting.

    I'll post my weight every week, but I'll put a journal entry everyday though.

    10/26 Day 1: 500 calories
    10/27 Day 2: 500 calories
    10/28 Day 3: 300 calories
    10/29 Day 4: 400 calories
    10/30 Day 5: 100 calories
    10/31 Day 6: 200 calories
    11/1 Day 7: 300 calories

    I know a bunch of people are doing it.
    Good luck, everyone!


    It's a 50 day thing, and you eat a certain amount of calories a day.

    Day One:

    I weighed myself this morning. It was at 163.4, how lovely. I'm not going to weigh myself until next Monday OR Sunday night. This'll be hard.
    I kept looking at that picture that was on my friend's facebook.
    Keeps me motivated to not eat. (:


    A sucker [20]
    Fiber One Muffin [180]
    3/4 cup of Cheerios [130]

    Bring the total to .. 330 calories.

    I don't want to eat any more.
    I'm just not up for it..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    But seriously bro... seeing bones is nasty as ****

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    another thread:

    Laxative Recipes?


    Not sure if this goes in the right thread, but hey, here goes!!

    Does anyone know any recipes for a laxative?
    I have no money and I can hardly ask the grandparents(whom I live with) to fetch me some!!

    Thanks in Advance!

    i know it sounds terible to encourage stealing but could you possibly if you want them that badly? its better then asking ur grannys to get em 4 ya!

    or if u wont do that u can. drink half a cup of brown vinegar flushes out all ya insides. or drink maybe like 2-3 black coffees within like 1-1 and a half hours. and chili fastens up the metabolisim to one day i ate aome chilis like maybe 4 chili sticks and I WAS RUNNING TO THE TOILET! sounds gross but i literally was keep some cold water near by though.

    female 16 5"6


    bulimic for 3 months.

    yepp wiffy's tips are all good. there's also some drink you can mix up that will make you throw up. i think it's like water, mustard, and chili powder? i'll google it for you and then post back :] x
    before abc - 110
    cw - 106 lbs
    gw1 - 105 lbs
    gw2 - 100 lbs
    ugw - 95 lbs x

    weight lost since starting abc - 3 lbs
    What a sad set of affairs these people live in, If i was her father, i would force her to eat, and then watch her digest it. I realise its not her fault, she's probably been driven to be this way, maybe got bullied for bein fat or summin, but drinkin vinegar to be sick!

    Imagine the hunger pangs and stomache cramps, if i miss 1 meal i think im gonna die of hunger!!!

  18. #18
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    ...and this is the forum my Dr. told me to go to a while back to start eating healthier... yeah right...

    I was playing around 800 calories/day liquid diet (did this for about 4 months) and diet pills...
    5' 11 1/2"

    I eat a fairly normal diet now (since August)...
    Last edited by Cloe85; 10-26-2009 at 07:13 PM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    Then this:

    I saw a picture from volleyball
    And EWW. OMFG. GROSS. I was like Holy**** I'm huge.

    I'm going to do the ABC diet.
    I'm seriously motivated, I need to lose this gut, my butt, the fat on my arms.
    I'm so discusting.

    I'll post my weight every week, but I'll put a journal entry everyday though.

    10/26 Day 1: 500 calories
    10/27 Day 2: 500 calories
    10/28 Day 3: 300 calories
    10/29 Day 4: 400 calories
    10/30 Day 5: 100 calories
    10/31 Day 6: 200 calories
    11/1 Day 7: 300 calories

    I know a bunch of people are doing it.
    Good luck, everyone!


    It's a 50 day thing, and you eat a certain amount of calories a day.

    Day One:

    I weighed myself this morning. It was at 163.4, how lovely. I'm not going to weigh myself until next Monday OR Sunday night. This'll be hard.
    I kept looking at that picture that was on my friend's facebook.
    Keeps me motivated to not eat. (:


    A sucker [20]
    Fiber One Muffin [180]
    3/4 cup of Cheerios [130]

    Bring the total to .. 330 calories.

    I don't want to eat any more.
    I'm just not up for it..
    Anyone else see the parallels? Thanks for posting these Cloe, they make the disease more real.

  20. #20
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    ...and getting so sick I had to have my gall bladder out.

    It gets obsessive... and the hunger pains basically stop after a while... its just a regular nawing pain that doesnt ease up or get worse.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    ...and this is the forum my Dr. told me to go to a while back to start eating healthier... yeah right...

    I was playing around 800 calories/day liquid diet (did this for about 4 months) and diet pills...
    5' 11 1/2"

    I eat a fairly normal diet now (since August)...
    Any diet plan that has ANOREXIC written at the top, would have me running for the hills!!!, Glad to know you eat sensibly now, liquid diets must suck??

  22. #22
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    after a short time, you get used to a liquid diet and the pain.

  23. #23
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    very unhealthy... its almost like people telling you to eat helps you Not eat... its like a motivater. a negative one that is.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    after a short time, you get used to a liquid diet and the pain.
    Heres my personal liquid diet,

    9.00am till Late= a 24 pack of budwieser!!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Pin it to win it!
    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    Glad she's ok mate. I just wanna feed them when i see them, but i suppose its an illness and we have to respect that.
    Us bbs are just as bad if you think about it though, wanting to get bigger and bigger till we explode!!!
    Yeah I'm not a huge guy but I was a stick figure before and still feel that size when I look in the mirror sometimes.

  26. #26
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    well thats loaded with calories and not the healthiest...

    It Does beat a slimfast diet however... stuff has sawdust in it (I was told this by numberous nurses in the hospital)... I havent seen it on the web anywhere stating that, but I was in and out of the hospital for almost 2 months and thats what I was told.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    very unhealthy... its almost like people telling you to eat helps you Not eat... its like a motivater. a negative one that is.
    What about social events? How can you refuse granny's homade apple pie and custard?

  28. #28
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    total avoidance. dont go out to restaraunts or eat at work lunches or go to peoples houses... gets real easy.

    Answer to an invite:

    Ive already eaten


    Im on a strict diet, but thank you, another time (then smile)

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    well thats loaded with calories and not the healthiest...

    It Does beat a slimfast diet however... stuff has sawdust in it (I was told this by numberous nurses in the hospital)... I havent seen it on the web anywhere stating that, but I was in and out of the hospital for almost 2 months and thats what I was told.
    Sawdust!? Wooden poo does'nt strike me as healthy!lol!, im sure thats just a rumour anyway...

  30. #30
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    the trick is not to let anyone know what your really doing/not doing with food because "people" wont understand...

    and its always a few more pounds to go... and you never get there

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    total avoidance. dont go out to restaraunts or eat at work lunches or go to peoples houses... gets real easy.

    Answer to an invite:

    Ive already eaten


    Im on a strict diet, but thank you, another time (then smile)
    Yeah, not bad. Ide probably give in and just eat it, and then eat less for my next meal. But im a big eater anyway, for my last cheat meal i ate 10 slices of pizza and a double cheese burger with fries!!!

  32. #32
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    Nurses were telling me that that slimfast has killed people and others ended up with colostomy bags and all kinds of crazy stuff...

    If it were just a few in one hospital during one visit I would agree BS

    ... I was technically in 4 different hospitals and they all had terrible things to say about the stuff.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    Yeah, not bad. Ide probably give in and just eat it, and then eat less for my next meal. But im a big eater anyway, for my last cheat meal i ate 10 slices of pizza and a double cheese burger with fries!!!
    thats a cheat meal for sure lol

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    the trick is not to let anyone know what your really doing/not doing with food because "people" wont understand...

    and its always a few more pounds to go... and you never get there
    I think in my head; what do i want, a pizza or a six pack???
    Its six pack everytime. (if im cutting of coarse!!!)

  35. #35
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    I ended up in the hospital because my dr ran blood work on me and told me over the phone I needed to get to an ER because all my main organs were going into failure: liver, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys... all from diet pills and slimfast.

    I didnt know I was sick... I was just doing what I thought was a good diet and losing weight...

    Rude awakening I must say.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    Nurses were telling me that that slimfast has killed people and others ended up with colostomy bags and all kinds of crazy stuff...

    If it were just a few in one hospital during one visit I would agree BS

    ... I was technically in 4 different hospitals and they all had terrible things to say about the stuff.
    I would agree that shakes can be bad, real food rules in my book, and it tastes better of coarse.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by the big 1 View Post
    I think in my head; what do i want, a pizza or a six pack???
    Its six pack everytime. (if im cutting of coarse!!!)

    If I drank alcohol, that might have been a thought for a meal.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    I ended up in the hospital because my dr ran blood work on me and told me over the phone I needed to get to an ER because all my main organs were going into failure: liver, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys... all from diet pills and slimfast.

    I didnt know I was sick... I was just doing what I thought was a good diet and losing weight...

    Rude awakening I must say.
    So that was all you ate/drank, just shakes???

  39. #39
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    1 beer - 1 meal

    ... the hard part is trying to figure out how to lose more weight faster when your barely taking in calories...

    Hit the gym harder and longer

    its a vicious game

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post

    If I drank alcohol, that might have been a thought for a meal.
    i meant six pack as in abs!!!

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