What would you do if you WON THE LOTTERY? How would you spend the millions?
Pictures of things you would buy.......
What would you do if you WON THE LOTTERY? How would you spend the millions?
Pictures of things you would buy.......
Implants... not for me.
And the new 600 RR.
build a compound on land that cannot be taxed by the US government, build homes for all my family and employ them to keep the afore up and running..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
but blonde.. and get that girls boobs lifted.. goodness sake..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
pay off some debt, buy as much GH and test as I possibly could, and.....
^hows that, Spy?
I don't even like blondes, but i'd make a sacrifice for that.
I would buy a lot of gh and test.
Bang a girl on every continent.
Take care of a select few family members and friends.
I would also buy a helicopter
buy a ferrari
go to europe
buy as much test and tren as i could
buy a new snowboard
open my own gym
Pay off my bills
Buy my mother a house
Get a better pair of work boots
Set my children for life
I would begin by donating 50% of my lottery proceeds to Mr Anthony Roberts. Hopefully with those funds he could put together a team and do more pioneering research into the world of anabolics.
1. Wallypower 118
With this boat I would just travel the world causing all sorts of mayhem and ruckus. The world better hope I don't become rich one day.
Nice one sham wow!
Me i would get rid of it as fast as I could. My ticket for tomorrow is worth A LOT of cashola. I dont really want it I just think it would be cool to hit the lottery. Have that on my resume when I apply at Burger King (man I love those flame broiled treats) they would be like "So Mr. HD, I see you havent worked in six years?" I would take a bite of my hamburger and say with my mouth full and grease running down my chin " yeah, I hit the lottery awhile back" "Wow HD what did you do with the money?" "I bought this place, can I be the cook?"
Yeah baby.
1. Hire a lawyer
2. Hire another lawyer to watch the first ****ing prick
3. Open discussions about investments, living off interest etc...
4. Begin planning an extended travel itinerary
5. Get the ball rolling on opening my own business
6. Travel and see the world while potenitally making business contacts across the world
I'd also have a nutritionist and Strength and Conditioning coach with me.
I would be smart about it, make sure to give to those who are in need, I would not give a dime to any charity. The money would come directly from me to the person needing it, I don't think people who really have money do that enough. Seriously, can you spend all that money? Why do you need a bunch of shit for? Do something fullfilling for a change.
***No source checks!!!***
I would build a zombie proof compound.....
I would buy enough GH to run 12 iu's a day (work my way up to that)
I would frequent the bunny ranch..... no strings attached fun with women that know how to work it good.....
I would buy a ferrari or a ford GT
I would live a bodybuilders lifestyle
but the wwe
buy myself one of these!
and the most important one!
Most of you might laugh but......... I have worked hard for what I have so far, and I am more then happy.. So, I would keep 1/3 for myself and donate the rest!
Travel, buy houses, land, cars, whores and more whores...
I would also donate what I needed to not pay taxes mostly to some charity I could benefit from like in 3rd world countries and do it personally so I can have all the whores. LOL
Id buy the NFL and rename it the
Donate alot of money to a animal welfare....
Buy a few things, play the stockmarket, and invest offshore.
And that is exactly why you don't need to win millions, you would blow it all and be back at square one within 5yrs.
***No source checks!!!***
I like the way you think mate.
I think i'd move out the UK, maybe move to Australia, buy a ton of land. Then build my own animal shelter. I'd get a lot of gratification out of that. I'd like to invest other money into property to keep things ticking over. But before any of that I would just dissapear and go travelling for like 2 years first. I loved travelling but with that sort of funding, the sky really is the limit.
I say feed all the animals to the hungry kids that way we are killing to birds with one stone. Getting rid of WAY to many strays and getting rid of hunger.
Sorry but that is one of my pet peeves, people who put animals before humans and there are way to many. Animals are here for our food and enjoyment, never as a replacement for human companionship like they have become.![]()
LOL, me and you will never agree on this topic, but my issue comes when ... u go out of your way to feed the hunger(humans) ... And coz humans are humans and they do what they do, will they stab you in ur back, Its like Aids orphans, sjame, i feel for them BUT humans do make my life any better, infact, they just make my everyday life harder with Tax, Tax that the fvking goverment donate to aids orphans .. for what!!!!!!!!!!
I know this is harsh but at the end of the day theyre going to die....
Animals has never ever made my life any harder than it is, They dont need much, they just need a little food and some attention and theyll be there until the end for you, no matter what....
But lets agree to disagree.... between you , me and Titanium well never agree on this topic... but im fine with that.
Coz im right![]()
yes I know we will never fully agree on it. My defense will always be they are animals/dogs/cats
I agree with a lot of your analogy about people in general and I am not a huge supporter of charities myself due to the corruption. I think if .02 out of each dollar got to the charity in question it would be a miracle.
I know for a fact from traveling 3rd world countries that their own government is even worse when it comes to our aid steeling everything and then selling it to the highest bidder on the black market.
Well damn, I was hopping to get you more riled up. LOL
^^^.. HaHaHa!.. I fight this topic daily where i work, and slowly but surely people are seeing what i see, but i wont try and convince them to change, i can just say what i believe in and they must make their own choices.
I give a 1/10 of my earnings towards animals in my own way, wether its buying food and dropping it off at the animal shelters or if buying blankets or what ever it might be that i do, but trust me i wont give a fvking sent to a beggar, or anything else.
Ill rather share my food with a dog that i dont now than with a beggar that stinks of alcohol, im sorry..
id blow my whole wad on whores!
i would make sure my family was taken care of, with whatever they need.
then i would start a program to keep kids off drugs. i know it sounds stupid, but the programs today have no clue, i want to infiltrate the schools and really shake things up.
me being a former addict, i know what is going on down here in s. Florida, the pain pill problem is destroying families every day.
i would set the program up to clean kids up, and help them graduate and prep for college. would also coach football..
i'd probably give most of it away. i have good luck every once in a blue moon and i dont want my luck to be spent on a large sum of money. Im happy with what i have now, for the most part. but at the cost i live a million dollars will last me a long ass time.
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