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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Exclamation Got told to leave class today wtf!

    First I should say I've never had a problem with this professor before, in fact we always joke around during/after class hes funny as shit, never takes anything personal. Funniest professor I've ever had in my life.

    Well I caught him in a lie before and attempted calling him out on it, but when he evaded the question (it was a weird circumstance he was just starting a "social experiment" on the class dividing us into 2 section) but I knew he had lied about the conditions of the experiment when he said in the syllabus "you'll never be asked in this class to do something that I haven't taught you".
    He even highlighted that point in class on 2 occassions.

    And has NEVER asked us anything outside of prior class literature/lectures till that day.
    Turned out we WAS lying, and he had to manipulate the conditions of the experiment to make us nervous (telling us to give a speech about randomly assigned topics, when I saw the topics I knew it went against what he said in the syllabus)
    Anyway no big deal, who could make a big deal over something like that? I wasnt trying to come off like Mr. Perfect or some shit.. till today.

    He makes mistake #2.

    I can't be brief in describing how this happened so I'll just focus on details.
    I go to the learning assisant for tuturing last week. As I'm leaving I bump into an old professor whos now teaching the same class I have with this guy. Conversation starts "oh whatchu working on" blah blah. It ends with her telling me the department doesnt require the paper till this thurs, and she has no idea why my professor would assign it for mon.

    I think nothing of it. Assuming its due this mon. Wind up emailing the learning assistant 3 times for revisions on my paper. She winds up saying "you can just meet with me on tues" for more help. I say "I cant its due mon", she says "no your professor told me its due thurs". Again I dont wanna be a pest so on a hunch I check the schedule on the syllabus.
    Notice it says thurs too.
    BUT it also says "subject to revisions".

    So I look further and notice every assignment we have had up untill now has been ON THE DATE of the syllabus. Long story short I never emailed him, (wouldnt have mattered if I did) get frustrated with the paper and tell myself "I must have wrote the wrong date, if its late its late but I can't finish this shit tonight".

    Go into class today.
    First thing I say after we're all settled is how 3 different sources said the assignment was due thurs, my paper is late, but one of those sources also said "that YOU said" it was due thurs.
    Noone else really says anything.

    And he kinda paused, "I assure you its due today", I say "ok well mines late then.. guess I wrote down the right date at least!".
    5 mins pass by (hes getting ready to start the lecture).

    And he smirks at me oddly then addresses the class, "you're all gonna hate me, but the paper isn't due today.. so Rob you were right, I did this so you'd have it finished for what we're doing today".

    So I burst out, "I *KNEW* it wasn't due today!!" all happy and shit.
    He says don't be too happy cause now you can't work on todays lesson.

    I'm like "you could have just told us to have had it done today you didnt have to lie".
    Hes like "I've done it that way before and more students always come to class unprepared".
    I'm like "so me being unprepared today is gonna make you lie to next semesters students?" (I was saying humorously & stupidly) I guess at the point some other kids starting laughin he said very casually "well you can go cause you're not gonna be able to participate". (w/out the slighest hint of anger).
    I'm like "ok, great now I can work on my paper thats due thurs(maybe I was being a smart ass idk)"
    but did I step out of line when I said this next?
    I say as I'm leaving "and I'm sure I'll get more done too".

    He says "excuse me?"
    I say "I was just saying I'll prob get more done".
    He says "you do know that 1 hour inside of class is worth 4 hours outside class?"
    I say "first, that should be different for everyone, and if you think asking a student whos just as lost as me to help me revise my paper is gonna help me more then the 10 thousand other people I can ask, I'm sorry to disagree with you" (thats what we were doing the whole period was grouping with a random person so we could revise each others papers - I was thinking I'd just ask the learning assistant or someone who already had the class cause he always emphasized revising the paper as much as you can)

    So then he says "are you coming or going?"
    I'm like "what? - you told me to go".
    Hes like ".. so why are you still here?" (I admit I got owned a bit right here but overall I think I was still right).

    So that was kinda pissing me off all day. We went from totally cool to this crap in 1 day.
    Granted, I don't really give a fvck if you lie to me, but if he asked me to have it done by monday for REVISION, I would have, even if it wasn't due till thurs.

    I kept thinking HES THE PROFESSOR, how does that show us that he has any faith in our abilities as students when he thinks its neccassary lie over shit like this? (which stresses us out EVEN MORE when all of sudden we're being rushed to complete a paper in a smaller time frame then normal)

    So I left, w/e. Its not a big deal, but I can't help thinking that he's just wrong. If he DID do it the way I thought was right, and students WEREN'T prepared, then fvckn take off points and leave it alone. Your jobs IS NOT TO MANIPULATE US INTO LEARNING, its to TEACH you fvck.
    Or is he cool now cause theres less chance students will be unprepared and less chance he'll have to take off points? idfk

    Fvck that shit, tell me how it is or suck my cock, I'm not going back to buddy buddy with this guy. What do you guys think? If I'm wrong tell me.. but I thought I had a more then fair point and when he minimized it to nothing, like I was wrong, fvck him..

  2. #2
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    arguing with a professor is like arguing with a police officer...youre always gonna be wrong. Kiss his ass and apologize or else hell fvck you grade wise.

  3. #3
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    all i have to say is i probably would have handled that situation exactly the way you did

    i dont really think u did anything wrong. sucks u 2 are cool then have it out like that but whatever. if it bothers you or u feel like itll affect any outcome of any grade then talk to him, other wise id just blow it off

    def would have pissed me off though

  4. #4
    collar's Avatar
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    yeah if you think its going effect your marks in any way.
    call it peace and just say my bad i shouldnt have called you out like that infront of everyone.

    i should have came to you privatly if i had an issue with this situation.

    if you think it wont effect your mark in no way at all, dont worry bout it and just ignore it.

  5. #5
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Do you guys think a professor would really lower a students grade if they just didn't like them?
    It makes perfect sense I mean I understand it, but completely assasine at the same time. Thats so fvcked up if there are people out there like that. I don't think I wanna find out though, maybe next time I see him I'll make light of today but then I just think itd be best to not be so buddy buddy during class.

    I'm actually thinking now THATS the reason why all this happened in the first place, cause I thought I could address him like I would a friend. I dont see me behaving that way in a class where the professor wasn't friendly, so you guys do all make good points excellent points.

  6. #6
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    never know man, im sure a profeser COULD, i mean if he was f-ed up. could be bias on some of your work, never know man

    i doubt he would. if he does then maybe you can use this argument in your defense. id just make sure to give him no reason to lower any grade, meaning always turn in your best work

  7. #7
    stack_it's Avatar
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    I doubt he would lower your grade but he could grade your work much harder and deduct points for things he normally would have overlooked.

  8. #8
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Do you guys think a professor would really lower a students grade if they just didn't like them?
    It makes perfect sense I mean I understand it, but completely assasine at the same time. Thats so fvcked up if there are people out there like that. I don't think I wanna find out though, maybe next time I see him I'll make light of today but then I just think itd be best to not be so buddy buddy during class.

    I'm actually thinking now THATS the reason why all this happened in the first place, cause I thought I could address him like I would a friend. I dont see me behaving that way in a class where the professor wasn't friendly, so you guys do all make good points excellent points.
    I had a 92.25% final grade, with a professor that I was very very cool with. My grade posted as an A (4.00) when it rightfully should have been an A- (3.7) because it was not a 92.5. So I believe it does matter in situations like that...

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    The professor is human. Of course it matters when it comes to your grade.

  10. #10
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Its a paper. Of course the guy not liking you could affect a grade even if it is subconsciously on his part. I have written papers of the same quality but one with the opinion that the prof also felt strongly about and the other that went against his opinion. Well i got a 95 on the one he agreed with and an 80 on the other with him marking flaws everywhere. THis is why i hate grades for writing

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Accept your pwnage and move on.
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    D7M's Avatar
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    It was completely retarded the way your Prof organized that assignment. He should've just put the due date on the syllabus (and if things changed, revised it). The way he did was weird, manipulative and not conducive to learning.

    But, in my experience, most profs and academics have very fragile egos and they think they know *everything* in their given field and are always right. So, yah, calling him out like that was a bad move.

    shit, even when I was in grad school and I disagreed with a prof, I'd always use non-confrontational language phrased as a question, not a statement, when disagreeing with a prof, like "I wonder if X could be viewed this way.....?"

    And yes, this can very well have an impact on your grade. I see it every day. Think of the halo effect in reverse.

    Apologizing to him after class is probably your best bet. If you don't want to do that, then just let it go and perform really well for the rest of the semester.

  13. #13
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    i cant see a problem at all with the argument.....i mean its not that big of a deal you leaving/him asking you to go........just go back next time as normal......(id say he was in the wrong for changing the date) but i wouldnt of even thought twice about the outcome...

  14. #14
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Do you guys think a professor would really lower a students grade if they just didn't like them?
    It makes perfect sense I mean I understand it, but completely assasine at the same time. Thats so fvcked up if there are people out there like that. I don't think I wanna find out though, maybe next time I see him I'll make light of today but then I just think itd be best to not be so buddy buddy during class.

    I'm actually thinking now THATS the reason why all this happened in the first place, cause I thought I could address him like I would a friend. I dont see me behaving that way in a class where the professor wasn't friendly, so you guys do all make good points excellent points.

    I damn well think that certain Lecturers would lower grades if you "rocked the boat". Last Easter I was put on 12 months probation and if my conduct isn't good during this time, then I could get kicked out. Basically a few guys I was with got drunk and started vandalising stuff one night on a field course. I was drunk as well but when I saw the chaos beginning I left them to their devices. The guys got busted the next day but said me and this other guy were there the whole night, so we got busted for being "guilty by association". A lot of people, including a mate of mine who's an ex lawyer said I should have fought against my punishment as i'd been punished for something I was not a part of. Then the Lecturer told me that by doing that, the guys that did cause the vandalism would prolly get expelled and he couldn't promise what would happen to me.

    In the end I swallowed a shit sandwich. Not for them, but for me. I didn't like it, but I have to work with these guys for the rest of my degree and i'd rather swallow a shit sandwich then piss off all my lecturers.

    Seriously, you piss off these guys, and forget about impartial grading. Any little error in an essay, exam, will be zeroed in on with extreme predjustice. I decided I didn't need that crap.
    Last edited by Flagg; 11-03-2009 at 06:47 AM.

  15. #15
    kalspic's Avatar
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    id let him walk in on you banging his wife and tell him not to fvck with bojangles

  16. #16
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    you think a college professor is gonna let a student get away with tryin to be a smartasss. If you piss him off anymore you might as well drop the class and retake it next semester. Dont ever try to show up your teacher in front of students unless you like your grade dropping a letter or 2

  17. #17
    zimmy's Avatar
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    dude...i read most of young guys..check your pride and don't argue with your professor. What are you gonna do when you are in a professional job and your boss lies or messes up...gonna argue or point it out? Think that is going to benefit you? That whole dialogue seems to be a pissing contest that won't help you / assist you at all.

  18. #18
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  20. #20
    calgarian's Avatar
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    man i just cant read that much not this early comment on it later if i feel like reading

  21. #21
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Bo you cant always be the professors pet lmao

  22. #22
    Charlie6's Avatar
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    i'm a college student too dude, for somethin like this, just drop by his office during hours and say my bad. I'm sure he doesn't care too much - he's got other shit to worry about more than this

    and also, if most of the work is objective then it won't affect your grade. If much of it is subjective, the i'd DEF talk to him

  23. #23
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Time for damage control. Whats more important, you convincing the class that you're correct (you aren't gonna convince the professor) or your grade?

  24. #24
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I say you walk into class..... call him an asshole infront of all the students..... and then walk out knowing that you failed but he'll most likely remember you for the rest of his life.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  25. #25
    Hazard's Avatar
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    wait wait..... better yet.....

    Goto class.... start a fight with him so he'll throw you out again..... on your way out say "You know..... the sex wasn't even good. I'm not keeping this a secret anymore....."

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  26. #26
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    wait wait..... better yet.....

    Goto class.... start a fight with him so he'll throw you out again..... on your way out say "You know..... the sex wasn't even good. I'm not keeping this a secret anymore....."


  27. #27
    OCTOBER-2009's Avatar
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    Hey Bojangles69,

    It took me a long time to realize something about college. Yes, your a student, however, your also a Paying customer & the professor works for you. It took me a long time to understand this but it changed my outlook on college.

    1) You have a right to sit in that class, you paid for it.
    2) If you went to Best Buy and you were treated like that by and employee, how would you react?
    3) Are there moral and ethical standards professors should adhear to?

    Sit down with the professor, tell him you felt deceived, and would like an apology.

  28. #28
    Kratos's Avatar
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    go to his office and appologize for challenging him in class
    you aren't going to win

  29. #29
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCTOBER-2009 View Post
    Hey Bojangles69,

    It took me a long time to realize something about college. Yes, your a student, however, your also a Paying customer & the professor works for you. It took me a long time to understand this but it changed my outlook on college.

    1) You have a right to sit in that class, you paid for it.
    2) If you went to Best Buy and you were treated like that by and employee, how would you react?
    3) Are there moral and ethical standards professors should adhear to?

    Sit down with the professor, tell him you felt deceived, and would like an apology.

    thats horrible advise,,, go apologize and maybe they wont put you on probation

  30. #30
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    man i just cant read that much not this early comment on it later if i feel like reading
    Lmao X 2

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  31. #31
    BG's Avatar
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    I didnt understand half of what I tried to read.....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Got told to leave class today wtf!-images.jpg  

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  32. #32
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    dude...i read most of young guys..check your pride and don't argue with your professor. What are you gonna do when you are in a professional job and your boss lies or messes up...gonna argue or point it out? Think that is going to benefit you? That whole dialogue seems to be a pissing contest that won't help you / assist you at all.
    Oddly enough, Zimmy and myself, have agree'd on 2 things in a period of a month.

    College is not fair, a job is not fair, and life will never be fair. The quicker you can accept that there is a pecking order, the sooner you'll be able to move up on it.

    Honestly though, typical college professor, at the same time, typical young college student anxious to prove him wrong.

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