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Thread: I-phone rated worst phone in the world

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    I-phone rated worst phone in the world,39...9303754,00.htm
    The iPhone is the worst phone in the world

    That's right, we said it -- and we're not taking it back. The iPhone may be the greatest handheld surfing device ever to rock the mobile Web, and a fabulous media player to boot. It may be the highest-rated mobile phone on CNET UK, rocking the pockets of half of our crack editorial team. It's certainly the touchscreen face that launched a thousand apps. But as an actual call-making phone, it's rubbish, and we aim to prove it.

    Say what? iPhone call quality is bad

    Call quality on the iPhone is pathetic, and it's mostly because of the tiny speaker. It has to be aligned with your ear canal with the accuracy of a laser-guided ninja doing cataract surgery, or else the volume cuts down to nothing as the sound waves bounce uselessly around your ear shells.

    The earbud headphones that come with the iPhone include a hands-free microphone, but they're tinny and as weak as a kitten, with no sound-isolating rubber nubs. Rumour has it Steve Jobs is hard of hearing and Apple has been criticised for making iPods too loud. We don't want music players blasting the hearing of future generations into fleshy tatters, but we could use some of that power in our iPhones' speakers.

    The microphone is similarly craptastic, letting in all and sundry sounds to pollute your important calls, from fire alarms to passing unlicensed mopeds. Thank heavens the 3.0 version of the iPhone's software supports Bluetooth, so we can get our headset on and make some calls.

    Dropped calls and data gaps
    If, like Will Smith in Enemy of the State, you're trying to avoid the eagle eye of Big Brother, the iPhone could be for you. It drops calls, fails to connect and doesn't even ring sometimes -- not for everyone, but more often than any other phone we're currently using.
    Most iPhone 3G and 3GS users can share stories of phone calls that disappeared mid-chat or voicemails that frighteningly appear, fully formed, without the phone ever ringing. But the people we've talked to who own the first iPhone, which sticks to the 2G network, don't tend to report the same problems.

    Unsurprisingly, where voice is bad, data is often worse, and cries of 'no network' are a familiar sound for some iPhoners -- there's even a blog about it. Others complain about failed text messages, but it could be worse: some 52 people took the time to mention in Apple's support forum that their iPhone calls random people by itself.

    For iPhone users, there are no straight answers about where the problems come from. As usual, Apple sticks to, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," and has kept its mouth shut about the issues.

    We could point the finger of blame at O2's network, which has the thinnest 3G coverage in the UK, according to maps released by Ofcom this year. In our tests, however, it's common for other O2 phones to work well in places where the iPhone gets nothing.

    O2 admits it does have capacity problems "from time to time", and notes it has seen an 18-fold increase in data in the last year. Traffic continues to double every 3 months. Apparently, "watching an average YouTube video on a smart phone can be the network equivalent of sending 500,000 text messages". But O2 claims it's investing £100m over the next year on pulling its socks up, with £30m of that going to the over-burdened London network.

    Others blame the iPhone's hardware, but an antenna test for a Swedish newspaper found the phone's antenna works fine. Bluetest, an antenna-testing company that spun off from Chalmers University, took some iPhones to their lab -- including phones that seemed to work perfectly and samples from people wth complaints -- and decreed, "If these mobiles do not keep the connection with the network like they should, the reason is not the antennas or how they are mounted."

    But the antenna is just one part in a phone that's packed with doohickeys and whatsits. Those plucky Swedes struck again when Swedish engineering mag Ny Teknik wrote about a report from an unnamed expert that some iPhones are less sensitive to 3G than they should be. According to AP, the news agency, the report said the most likely cause of the 3G problems is defective adjustments between the antenna and an amplifier that captures very weak signals from it. This could lead to poor 3G connectivity and slower data speeds.

    Whether it's the network or the phone, users have been left languishing in support threads by O2 and Apple, and left to try voodoo such as adding a piece of sticky tape to the SIM card to try to make their phone work properly. At least thanks to its tight iTunes integration, the iPhone has the option to wipe everything and restore all your apps, content and settings from a backup.

    You can't answer if it doesn't ring
    Perhaps the worst of the iPhone's problems is its ability to sit there *******ily and ignore incoming calls. With no ring or vibrate to clue you in, your friends and family are redirected to voicemail... or just treated to silence. If you're in a two-iPhone family, it can be a case of the deaf leading the mute.

    But even if your phone works like a dream and nary a call is missed, the iPhone's very beauty can be its undoing. The default ringtones and message alerts are so soothing and melodic they can barely penetrate a pocket, and they certainly can't out-wail a crying baby on the bus. iPhoners can change to a custom ringtone, but most just select the most irritating, blasting option from the built-in list -- leading to a massive over-subscription to the traditional 'Old Phone' ringtone. For text messages, we recommend the honking horn -- you'll look like an idiot, but at least you'll hear it.

    You'll suffer again if you want to increase the number of rings so you have a chance in hell of getting to the phone once you realise the lovely marimba tune is coming from your backpack. On most phones, this is a simple matter of changing the settings in some menu. On the iPhone, you have to type in an umpteen-digit number -- possibly the number of the Beast -- to reprogram the voicemail settings, in the manner of writing a BASIC program on the Sinclair Spectrum.

    The iPhone might burn your face off
    According to our ultra-sciencey test, it is extremely unlikely that the iPhone will burn your face off. It's probably just as likely that any smart phone will burn you, or even your laptop, thanks to the masses of techno gubbins that are being packed into ever-thinner cases.

    Nevertheless, holding the the iPhone up to your face can be uncomfortable, and not just because it gets rather warm. Pressing a large, flat surface to your cheek is always going to be sweaty, especially as you press it ever harder against your ear in a bid to hear through the tinny speaker. Thus the current trend for people to walk down the street with their phones on hands-free, yelling into the mic at the bottom while they hold the rest of the phone away from their faces. They look like idiots, but at least their faces aren't sliding sweatily along a touchscreen.

    iPhone battery life
    Battery life is the first casualty of smart-phone development, as the power of 3G, GPS, Wi-Fi and heavy-duty processing sucks the power out of over-miniaturised cells. But the iPhone was the first to really flaunt its slim body while you watched the bars drop almost in front of your eyes. A couple of hours of Google Maps over 3G and you'll be lost in the woods without even the possibility of phoning for help. Compare that to the good old days when your phone would last a week without charging, and you'll wonder why you ever bothered to switch.

    The iPhone 3GS is an improvement over the iPhone 3G. In our tests, it lasted over 45 per cent longer -- but we were comparing a new 3GS to a six-month-old 3G, and batteries do hold less charge over time. And, if you turn off 3G, GPS and Wi-Fi, you can squeeze a weekend out of the iPhone 3GS... but why would you want to, without the best features of the phone?

    The iPhone sucks -- so what?

    If the iPhone is inaudible, unconnected, on fire and out of battery, why is the thing so popular? The fact is, although the iPhone is the worst phone in the world, it's the best handheld computer there is. Web browsing is a revelation, it's a fantastic music- and movie-playing iPod, and it's easy as pie to install thousands of apps that do everything from editing your photos to tuning your guitar. And unlike its competitors, its responsive touchscreen and crystal-clear user interface make tapping away on the iPhone a real pleasure.

    Making calls just isn't what it used to be, back when Grandpa used to dial by shouting down the party line at the operator. Many of us prefer Facebook and text messages to chatting on the phone, and the home phone is dying out altogether. Meanwhile, for some of us, finding a new venue without a little Google Map help is like trying to navigate by the stars, and we can't bear to wander without Wikipedia. For all these features that make smart phones live up to their names, the iPhone does a bang-up job. Just don't try to actually make a phone call on one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    This is a little biased. My speaker has to be turned down a lot because others can hear my conversation and I have no problem with random calls. The service depends on the area like with any phone and I've never had a problem with failed texts. A few of the ringtones are quiet but there are plenty you can hear. The only part of this that is undeniable is the battery life. Which for the size of the battery is not bad. My phone is my only connection to the Internet so I'm on it for several hours a day and I usually have about 25% life left when I plug it in before bed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Front toward enemy
    A friend of mine just got the new IPhone, from what I seen of it it looks really cool, haha, didn't know it was full of that stuff. She got the phone for 90 quid, and is now paying 40 pounds a month for things like internet use which seemed a bit off-putting to me.

    Battery life gone after 2 hours of using Google Earth? What a joke!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Yup its all true, go with the Tmobile Android G1 hundred times better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    A friend of mine just got the new IPhone, from what I seen of it it looks really cool, haha, didn't know it was full of that stuff. She got the phone for 90 quid, and is now paying 40 pounds a month for things like internet use which seemed a bit off-putting to me.

    Battery life gone after 2 hours of using Google Earth? What a joke!
    The Iphones top competitor, the G1 you can get an extended batt, wich lasts about 10 hours of none stop use.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    A little biased but I do see other phones with better call quality

    Still smells like balckberry around here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Droid ftw!

    Take that iFag, I mean phone...

    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 11-05-2009 at 02:27 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008 View Post
    Yup its all true, go with the Tmobile Android G1 hundred times better.
    Yep. I have an iPhone now after breaking 3 G1s. I didn't have the cash to buy another G1 (I'm with ATT), so I got an iPhone for $100. I miss my G1.

  9. #9
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    Soul Society
    All lies I tell you. My iPhone is my best friend. Sad I know.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    EFF ALL OF YOU......

    My Iphone 3g is teh r0xors..... never lose a call..... and i can watch youtube anywhere

    Really tho..... it's been a fantastic phone for me.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ^^^ agreed.

    however the one HUGE complaint is the battery life. battery dies in no time..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    BC, Canada
    Just the thread i needed to pop up when I was about to purchase an Iphone tomorrow just great... Now I have second thoughts.

  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    Jan 2005
    iphone best phone i ever owned. I paided the ETF fee just to get out of Verizon to get it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Yep. I have an iPhone now after breaking 3 G1s. I didn't have the cash to buy another G1 (I'm with ATT), so I got an iPhone for $100. I miss my G1.
    Yeah I hear a lot of people break them, I have had mine for about 2 months I think and I work in constuction and haven't had any problems yet. I have 16 gb sd card rooted with apps to sd and wireless tether, infact I am posting this from my g1 right now

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Some place hot
    I have had a iPhone for a year now with no problems. Dropped calls are a AT&T thing.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Im also in love with my iphone! By far the best phone ive ever owned

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    Iphone is one of the greatest things I have ever purchase, still amazes me what it can do. But right from the first phone call I was dissapointed with the actual "phone" part of it.

    I could write all day about how I love my Iphone and wouldn't trade it for the world, but definately can relate to the OP saying you have to align the speaker like a ninja to hear it haha

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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  21. #21
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  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift View Post
    Im also in love with my iphone! By far the best phone ive ever owned

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    hahah JBM you crack me up bro

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