I just heard about this. Three gunmen, one was a major. Anyone have any info?
I just heard about this. Three gunmen, one was a major. Anyone have any info?
what do i look like....a news network?
this site has all the news...
Supposedly there's 3 gunmen. One in custody, ones been killed, and ones still on the run. 12 dead 35 injured
Oh and if there is anyone here that's based there. The fort is gonna b on lockdown so I doubt they could post right now
One confirmed gunman, one wounded suspect, one in custody being questioned. They are anot sure if the others were involved. The Major was upset about being deployed to afghanistan later in the year. I am not too far from there and I am going through there tomorrow to my Moms retirement ceremony. It happend about ten miles from the Lubys shooting in Killeen in 1991
It was a major named malik hassan that did the shooting
They wouldnt take thier computers away on a lockdown! They are on lock though Face book has a lot of people from the area posting up to date stuff even before news hits. The people on there from the surrounding areas have people in the Ft on the lockdown and there is so much cell activity that it is jamming the waves
not an idiot moment perfectly logical acutally. Ft hood is the largest military institution in the free world. No tellings what all is going on there. A lot of civilians work there too. ten thousand or more.
This in the US ?
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
yep, central tx
Hopefully they taxed my sisters wife-beating husband
well they said the co(ksucker isnt dead, just wounded. good now he can fvcking suffer and hopefully they torture the piss out of him. son of a bitch
dude was a doctor too....converted muslim
Too bad that you do not even need to be an American Citizen to join the Armed Forces. I know that he was, but I am just saying in general. Just like the muslim a few years ago that fragged his tent while praying.
and the army says if we bring our Privatly owned weapon on base we have to put it in the arms room, F that sht
Either that, or at someones house. But seriously... I agree. Why keep a pistol in the barracks? Some drunk assholes will get ahold of it and do some dumb shit. Just keep it at someones house, or in your car
Obama is bringing in all these terrorist to infiltrate our military. You aren't safe anywhere now.
What an awful tragedy............
yay.. another shooting.
3 trained killers from texas still aint got shit on one pist off asian kid from virginia..
Look at freakin president. He acts like he could care less. All he wants to talk about is health care. I wish there was a way he could be impeached. He is a fuggin muslem. You be the judge.....
blame it all on the black guy lmao.
What should obama do? start crying on national television? Would that make you feel better?
easy easy bro, Im just sayin. not intented to affend anyone. Sorry not much for the democrate party. I workl in the oilfield.
while you're at it, might as well blame global warming on obama too.. would make just as much sense.
And enough with the muslim shit gzzz, I understand the boards predominantly white but you are worse then obama you racist bastard. Great.. muslims blow up shit and kill people.
You wanna make a list now about all the shit white people have done?
Try reading the book "White Privelage" you will never say another racist remark as long as you live I guarantee it. Whites are more a detriment to this world then any other race could ever be..
Dang man calm DOWN SHIT.
Nah its cool (and just ignore my other post).
The fact is if I was in the mood I'm just as eligible to say the SAME exact thing you did (I was tempted too Ill admit). It just seemed to start getting mentioned a little too much in this thread and I didn't wanna see a momentum build up in that direction.
So take back anything I said.
HOWEVER, that book I recommeded IS great if you find yourself sitting around staring at blacks, mexicans and jews making judgements about them like I use to do A LOT I'll admit. I use to be racist as shit till I did some reading about it for a while, and I was surpised to learn our own race is more a detriment to this world then all other races combined.
/\ def the #1 book ever written on racism for anyone whos curious
it's now up to 13 and that man needs to hang from a tree...
Obama will bring change !
Obama press conference yesterday was a joke. the man is no leader, he gave shout outs to people then 3 min. into the speech he brings up the shooting, he is a bum.
just another case of muslim violence, im not saying all muslims are terrorists, but 99% of all terrorists are muslim.
every major world conflict involves the nation of islam.
when do we stop blaming the people who follow the nation of islam and start blaming the nation of islam....
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