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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Post Cliff Notes + Analysis of "amcon why would you.." thread. =]

    For those who are lost:

    First, all of the posts made by them both up untill this point:


    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    sour grapes i think... the chick said "whats up" to me... explained how she inhearitted some kids tons of money and started sending me pics... what should i do???? and for the record she did talk naughty to me but - nothing more than computer stuff happened - and if she keeps trying to sling mud i will post all the pics on here for all to see - lol fyi - not kidding tho

    as for me being a pig or any thing like that she sent the pics... was i wrong for looking at them??? and i was the one who told my wife she was contacting me and wife looked in to it and sent here an email to chill out... stpeet called was very nice but, barking up the wrong tree - leash you dog bro... sorry if i was was wrong for looking at the pics - btw my wife emialed her to back off and left it at that...
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post

    if the sour grapes stuff stops ... i think she is just protecting her ass from stpeet - no body will see the pics. im not a bad guy and wont put the garbage out side for ever one to see...
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    sorry man... i will email admin again,

    lol - no pics

    no idea on that i think some one here said they are bf and gf and are swingers...
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol... ya we can have some fun with this, my wife is my only booty call - and for the record ... to all the girls or gay guys - im married - just so every one knows and there is no question... married married married - and not going any where
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    isnt it funny you play the big christian card ... fag - yep i said it if you can call me a hipcritte i can call you a fag... (i didnt make you cry did i?) (and just for the record i strongly believe "hate the sin love the person")

    are you ok? ur not all up sent now are you brother?
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol... she had to blame to me save her ass with st peet - my guess
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    nothing even close to a hook up... never even saw her in person just pics she sent...
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    pu$$y - is that christian of me? lol no it isnt im not Jesus or even close - the same way your not a body builder or even close -

    so you can judge me based on the fact that i am a sinner and im a lot stronger and bigger than you fag or i mean flag... lol - oops said it again

    sad that you tried to judge me based on something you would want to beilive not on what was the truth... just to say it agian (cuz i wonder about you ability to comprehend) didnt ever touch her, she sent me pics, my wife (the goddess she is) told the other chick to chill out in a email to her... kiss kiss:
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    yes i am ... sinner

    im also on lots of tren and test witch make me even more of a sinner you judge me on that too?
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    and why am a bone head? not saying that i am not but....
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    it should get reall crazy when - her and st peet jump in cuz she is going to have to make a choice and either back off of the crazy stories or just say oops - i had to go after him, sorry and then move on...

    get ready for a rumble!!! i love this stuff!!!

    wait it is about me - damn!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    tren !!! that stuff is amazing - the only thing i can control is my anger - wow - am i out of controlllllll!!!!!

    funny story i was shruging 675 lbs and my strap broke !!! i went flying like 20 feet to my right (i was in a power rack) the weights flew ever where i thought i snapped the safty bars and the gym guy was pissing his pants at me... i was so pissed off i almost grabbed him by the throat and chocked him out - not cuz he was yelling at me, i was pissed i couldnt finish my set and broke my fav wrist raps!!!!

    lol - i was infuriated, couldn tell you how mad i was over such a stupid thing

    ps when i got up off the ground (after the strap broke) there were three 45s rolling around the gym still....
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    how are you dissapointed in me... cuz im not showing pix?
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol... sorry guys
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol... lol... me =

    i should have just let it run
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    no clue... i was in tampa for biz... never saw her
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    didnt happen ... her imagination? she was never any where ever near me ever in my life...

    the most that happen is messages on line .... nothing else - im guilty of that
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    bro you have nothing to believe or not to believe .... pics not contact physically
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    lol i cant win ... lol
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    looks like you didnt read


    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    put your wife in a postion that she would have to leave a message for me? You should tell the women you meet your married so they can handle what may happen... I was very surprised to speak with your wife. She seems like a very nice person and you should be true to her. You are such a jerk...
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    amcon forgot to tell me he was married and his wife left me a message... so I called her back. Didn't know he was married. St Pete and I spoke with her, I feel sorry for her... hope he can make this one up to her.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    Amcon's wife sounds like a really nice lady. Too bad he chose to come to Tampa and play. stpete
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    It didn't get him any where Haz.
    Is that the kind of life you live?
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    Just did a quick read on everyones reply to this thread.... Sorry I haven't been here to keep up with it ( had surgery). Now didnt know he was married, didn't know he had a child at the beginning of this year and for the most part I'm not a swinger. As for stpete and I we are very comfortable in what we have together... He is NOT MARRIED a very open, honest person and with me right now. WE SHARE EVERYTHING, WE DON'T HOLD BACK. We are two very strong people and have faith in one another unlike Amcon and his wife.
    StackIt thank you for directing members to her message on my message board. Her number is there if anyone needs to speak with her.
    Stpete and I are here right now if you have anything to say PLEASE REPLY.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    So it makes me crazy for him to get caught trying to get in my pants when he is married?I didn't go to his wife she came at me.
    Don't know about you but I was taught when your married your with your wife/husband and that is it.
    I came on here tonite to say I was wrong for posting this.....but because of what I've read that will not happen.
    All he had to do is say I'm married and we could have been friends as I am with many male members here that have no problem saying they are married and are not looking for that extra ego boost.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post

    A**** please do send the pics to everyone on this site( which there are none) and at that time I will send the ones he sent me and the messages.
    Now let's play.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    No I did not say stpete and I shared him.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    you"re an idiot kratos... you're not in my mind you don't know what i was going to (or might) do asshole..
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    Then Im crazy for being honest.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    Bo-Be cool with my girl. I'm right here bro and i thought we were cool. Be easy man, that's all i ask. Opinions are like assholes, we all have one.
    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    You know what guys........I just came in here. I see there's 5 or 6 pages of shit. Please allow me 2 go thru.......


    Amcon used approximately 919 words in this entire thread.
    HRBP used 1322.

    Even though that’s not a significant sign of anything, people who lie usually tend to compensate more in the volume of their dialogue then a non liar.

    Amcon has an edit ratio in this thread of 0% (no edited posts)
    HRBP has an edit ratio of 11%.

    Now, AMCON has a total of 32 posts while HRBP has a total of 9.
    If you factor that into word count you can draw averages.

    28 words a post for Amcon
    146 words a post for HBRP

    With that analysis the difference is SIGNIFICANT.
    In the posts where HBRP **chose** to respond, she used an average of 146 words to make her point.
    In the posts where Amcon **chose** to respond (which was the majority of them), he used an average of 28 words a post.

    My conclusion: WHY THE FVCK would you use 146 words per post UNLESS you are obviously full of shit?

    More on language:
    I couldn’t find a hedge word counter (hedge words imply manipulative language in research) but you can tell just by looking at the posts that HRBP uses way more in general.

    On pictures and location:
    Amcon admits to sending pictures to HRBP yet HRBP vehemently denied the fact that she sent him any.
    Amcon refused to show the pictures EVEN after HRBP said he wouldn’t show them because he doesn’t have any.

    Amcon would like you to think he’s not showing them because he’s a stand up guy, yet stand up guys don’t ask for pictures from women who are interested in them when the GUY IS MARRIED.
    Seems like Amcon randomly picks and chooses when he should be noble and when he should not. His initiative coming into this thread was to PROVE that nothing happened, (evident since his first post) yet the one single largest element of proof (pics) he won’t post.
    I consider that a massive contradiction in his story.

    Those pics are proof that she has lied, and essentially the only way he CAN prove she’s a liar, yet he’s so hung up on being a stand up guy he won’t post them. But apparently not hung up on it enough to not ask for pictures in the first place.

    Amcon admits he was in tampa on biz, I think business is the #1 excuse men usually use when they cheat.

    HRBP said when she came into this thread the second time that she had just finished reading the whole thread. Then 2 posts later she said she had to read through the whole thread because she was lost… and NEVER CAME BACK.
    Amcon says he goes out of his way to not lie, yet his intentions are still deceptive and behavior contradictory.

    HBRP continues to not address a single thing Amcon said.

    She never answered about inheriting money and using that to gain amcons attention.
    She never answered about the dirty talk.
    And she continues to not answer anything specifically.

    For the most part however after really going through everything, it seems amcon is being truthful while hbrp is clearly deceiving the entire board.

    And I’m curious also what would have happened if amcon actually liked the pictures she sent. Overall we will never get the third side of this story, but you can draw your own judgments a little better now based on all of this.

  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
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    Bo, LOL LOL

    you may be some kind of genius. a genius with A LOT of time on his hands. this is probably too much info for some guys on here to comprehend, and i doubt they ll read it all. no offense guys lol... you never fail to amuse me man

    bravo Bo, bravo

  3. #3
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Post of the century, YOU sir, would do great in my profession.

  4. #4
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    Bo, LOL LOL

    you may be some kind of genius. a genius with A LOT of time on his hands. this is probably too much info for some guys on here to comprehend, and i doubt they ll read it all. no offense guys lol... you never fail to amuse me man

    bravo Bo, bravo
    I'd tend to think if I was a genius I wouldn't have a lot of time on my hands in the first place.
    But thanks, I do admit I have a tad bit more faith in people then that. Its only 4 pages in ms word and it only took me 1 1/2 hours to do lol. So READ IT BITCHES!! haha. I just finished a 16 page research paper but took a nap earlier so I cant go to bed.

    nothn better to do

  5. #5
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    Post of the century, YOU sir, would do great in my profession.
    I honestly didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would lol.
    Research and punishment sometimes feel like the same thing.

  6. #6
    Flagg's Avatar
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    I thought this would be more drama but it was actually quite interesting.

    I think this "hrbp" is probably a bit of a trouble maker and I would say someone that would greatly exagerate things.

    That being said, Amcon isn't completely absolved. No he hasn't denied any direct questions or avoided them, but the "i was in Florida for business" does sound like a cop-out. I bet this hrbp person was on his mind the whole time while he was there.

    The whole situation is ridiculous to be honest.

  7. #7
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    Hazard's Avatar
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    LMFAO! How long did this take you? Thats insane LOLOLOL

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  9. #9
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    i read it would be good to know if you are right.....then youd know you are very good at what you do......i know we wont find out tho.

  10. #10
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    BO u should be on CSI..

    that was good shit bo..

  11. #11
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Bo.....for pete sakes could you at least post one post who is really short and I dont have to spend 15 minutes to read it........

  12. #12
    paulzane's Avatar
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    ha ha ha .... BO .... too much time and not enough play!

  13. #13
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Great post bo. Very interesting points made. I read into the thread pretty good but never realized she only responded to us and not amcon.

  14. #14
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    wow..i can't believe how attracted to you i feel right now.. lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet-jayne View Post
    wow..i can't believe how attracted to you i feel right now.. lol
    Uh oh, next month were gonna see a thread titled "bojangles69 why would you...."

    I can't wait

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Uh oh, next month were gonna see a thread titled "bojangles69 why would you...."

    I can't wait
    lmfao! never in a million..

    i'm no saint....i relate more to the other party that was involved in that debacle!

    Intelligence turns me on........but I'm in love. So Bo will have to wait...sigh.

  17. #17
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Some people have far too much time on there hands...

    But that post was good.

  18. #18
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    I think that was the biggest thrad I have ever actually read!

  19. #19
    Skully44420's Avatar
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    LOL that was great BO.

    i admit i usually don't read most of your posts...due to the fact they are so long...but this one was entertaining

    would be awesome to find out if you are right lol

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet-jayne View Post
    lmfao! never in a million..

    i'm no saint....i relate more to the other party that was involved in that debacle!

    Intelligence turns me on........but I'm in love. So Bo will have to wait...sigh.
    Haha I was just pullin your chain...

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