Arnolds! haha. I've never heard steroids called arnolds lol. Have you?
Arnolds! haha. I've never heard steroids called arnolds lol. Have you?
Lmao should have asked what kind of cycle he recommended. Prolly would of been a dbol only lol
lol he would have said well the
combo seems to be everyones fav rite now
You should have asked him if he wanted some FUAHOLE
one time at the local YMCA some guy with a curly mullet and construction boots on approached me, got in real close lowering his voice to a discrete level and said "hey man..are you on that new 'ultimate orange'? i hear it makes you go ****in in-sane.."
not quite as ridiculous...but yeah, made me laugh.
yea its the street name for dianabol
little arnis they call em
I am going to tell everybody that I am on NO Xplode and Nitro Tech when I start to blow up.
If I get froggy I will whisper that I am taking Halodrol Liquigels.
People at my work are so damn gullible
I get asked at clubs sometimes.....
"yo..... yo bro...... can you hook me up with some juice?"
"Hey bro..... u get the roids?"
no one has offered tho.....
Refer them to the South Beach Diet, and the "Gazelle" exercise machine
bee pollen and orange juice... that's sekrits.
I had some guy come up to me last week in the gym and start talking to me and was telling me how he was just getting great pumps and blowing up from NO Xplode.
He was asking me what supplements I take and powders. I said I have one protein drink a day, various vitamins and eat 6-8x a day.
He said yeah he eats 6x a day counting 2 protein drinks and his NO Xplode. LOL
BTW, he was no wear near being ready to start anything.
I picked some up yesterday.
blended tunafish and applejuice shakes...dumb asses...
cranberry...the antioxidants are the secret
pfff you all are weak i eat two bull testicles each meal. you have to order them over the internet though so buy them in bulk
Last edited by kalspic; 11-27-2009 at 08:20 PM.
I've got friends that are programed by every ad on tv. They see something on T.V for working out and they buy it. But they dont know shit about they actual working out.
On my first cycle I had MASSIVE water retention, moon face and all that, and I pretty much doubled in size in about 2 months. Funnily enough though, loads of people mistook the water retention for muscle haha, and for the first time in my life I had people calling me a "tank" and a "shit brick house".
So anyway during my first cycle, all bulked up on water, I was drunk in a bar one night, and a guy I know comes up to me and says "JESUS man how did you do it?!". Normally I keep my steroid use a secret, but of course being drunk, I wasn't very subtle, I said something like "I'm taking a little something special that really helps things along".
Naively he replied: "This supplement you're taking, is it Creatine based?".
I got a kick out of that.
I ended up telling him that I was injecting Testosterone, and straight away he started a quick-fire questions-and-answers round with me:
-Do you notice any problems with your eyesight?
-Do you notice any psychological changes, are you angered easily?
He must have asked me five different questions as if he was doing a survey for steroid research.
A week or so later I saw him at the gym and he was asking me about juice, so what I did was print out a page listing the side-effects of steroid use:
I handed him the sheet of paper and told him to go read it before he puts any more thought into juicing.
I'm not the kind of person to go running around advocating steroid use to everyone, but when someone comes to you with questions about steroids, you know the idea's already in their head. In that situation I think the best thing you can do is present them with the FACTS so that they can make an informed, educated decision all by themselves.
Even when you don't want someone to do something, I find that scare-mongering backfires in the long run -- for instance my father's mother died of lung cancer and so he drilled it into me from a young age that smoking is the worst thing since Satan (to be honest I don't blame him, it must have been harrowing to watch his mother die a slow painful death). The result is that I started smoking when I was 16. I think if he had presented me with factual statistics instead of scare-mongering, e.g. by telling me "If you smoke for 20 years your chances of lung cancer increase by 40%", then I actually would have listened.
I think it's pretty obvious when someone is being disingenuous, providing you with false information just to scare you out of doing something. Better to give solid statistics.
Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 11-28-2009 at 06:33 AM.
i've never had anyone come up to me offering gear or asking me for it.
I had to ask first too.
"If you smoke for 20 years your chances of lung cancer increase by 40%", then I actually would have listened.
Do you still smoke? Maybe you should listen to yourself and quit.
arnies.. funny..
Had a guy ask for a powder source, then got all pissy when i said I couldn't help him.. then i said tell ya what, you give me a Her*** source and i'll hook up a powder source for you.. same jail time...
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
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If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
arnies that's new
I got some ronnie's
and some dexter's
hey jbm ill trade you 10 arnies for 5 dexters
I want some Jays for sure.
hey there have u an interest of a roids..if yes..let me know...take care
my email [email protected]
I was just offered roids via email. Yes I know I left the morons email intact.
Please do not include email addy as some may go there and actually get ripped off... newbs please beware of anyone making you offers... *admin*
OK good point, MY bad.
Last edited by lovbyts; 12-04-2009 at 02:07 PM.
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