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  1. #1
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bouncers: share your stories

    I've only been doing this for about four months now and I have to say that while bouncing, you deal with some of the biggest jerk off, ignorant, beligerent people in the universe. Here is last Tuesday's story.

    I am checking IDs at the front door and this kid walks up dressed in an $800 wardrobe (white Burberry Blazer, Prada shirt, Diesel jeans, dress shoes). I work at a fvcking bar, NOT a club. I ask him for ID and he starts giving me an attitude, acting like a complete stuck little, rich prick. He says to me "listen you piece of shit, you should never card me, you dont know who I am, I almost never get carded when I go out." Sooo that really pushed me over the edge and I stamped him with the "21 years old" stamp on his fvcking forehead and said "look buddy, now EVERYONE is gonna know youre 21." He immediately goes to wipe it ofh the sleeve of his WHITE Burberry blazer and ets ink all over it like an asshole. He runs to the bathroom and starts screaming "when I come out of here, im gonna knock you the fvck out faggot blah blah blah. This moron goes to put water on his face and it makes it 10x worse, so now he has the ink from stamp all over his hands, blazer, and dress shirt. He comes out of the bathroom and charges at me, the fvcker was about 150lbs so I take him to the ground and put his legs back almost a long side of the head so his ass is sticking up in the air and I yelled to him "Do you wanna get fvcked by the FAGGOT????" This kid turns bright red saying " no no no no no." Meanwhile, his gf is watching this whole thing laughing her ass off....oh what a night

    Please- I would like to heasome other stories.

    and sorry for the idiotic typing- my keyboard is so effed up
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 11-27-2009 at 01:47 AM.

  2. #2
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    I'm in the wrong profession

  3. #3
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    I'm in the wrong profession

  4. #4
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    Bouncing would be a job i actually enjoy, no doubt there a many perks aswell lol

  5. #5
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    had a mate who bounces for bubble night club in melbourne

    last week guy he was bouncing with another bloke, that bloke got jumped by 10 asian blokes, 3 of them carry machettys ((those knives u see farmers chopping down cane feilds with, think der about neally 3 feet long)

    bouncer copped it hard

    reason why he got jumped and chopped by these guys was becuase he got into an arguement with a 16 year old kid on drugs who wanted to get into the nightclub with a fake ID the week before

    16 year old kid decided to call his mates and get the guy for it

    just goes to show what kind of people live in society,

    i call them scum

  6. #6
    terraj's Avatar
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    Worst thing I have seen.

    I had a drunk fool, he was bouncing off tables. Put him outside after putting him on the floor ( not to hard) ...he was smiling when I let him go outside.

    He walks down the street, 4 young guys...just kids 18-19, knock him down and jump on his head.

    They killed him.

    I felt like shit and I had to go to court.

    On a better note.

    Had some hell-a-good fights with Rugby clubs in Oz.

    Worked a gay club for a while, the BEST place to pick up girls....very little comptetion and the girls defences are down, YEAH.

  7. #7
    BJJ's Avatar
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    OP, you probably are a serious person and take your duty in a serious manner but some of your colleagues are not and in more than one occasion I wanted to come down heavy on some of them.

  8. #8
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    OP, you probably are a serious person and take your duty in a serious manner but some of your colleagues are not and in more than one occasion I wanted to come down heavy on some of them.
    X2 man .... I have a lot of bouncer friends back at home, but here in north America I have seen some real dickheads, some other really cool ones , but I think that a lot of the times it kinda depends on where they work, like if it's a bar there Is prob more problem to it than a club....or pubs and stuff likethat ...I don't know just my uneducated opinion

  9. #9
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    sounds to me like you were just as much of a d i c k as the d i c you wouldnt of done that if the bloke was the same size as you?.......i know a lot of bouncers and most are wankas NOT all but most.......they never treat people the same.....if a man of say 150lbs is drunk and larey they run over bang into him pick him and launch him outside....if a 230lbs well made bloke is doing the same...they have a word or look the other way...

  10. #10
    Noles12's Avatar
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    I have delt with a few crazy things.

    One of the worst a guy is pushing his girl around so i walk up and ask him to stop and he turns to throw a punch so i put him in a full nelson and start to escort him out when i feel a hard crack come across my face. His buddy took a beer bottle to my brow and split it. That just pisseed me off though so i throw the first dude down and then the buddy against the wall. Then some other bouncers came up and helped deal with them. Now i have a nice little scar across my eyebow from it

  11. #11
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I have delt with a few crazy things.

    One of the worst a guy is pushing his girl around so i walk up and ask him to stop and he turns to throw a punch so i put him in a full nelson and start to escort him out when i feel a hard crack come across my face. His buddy took a beer bottle to my brow and split it. That just pisseed me off though so i throw the first dude down and then the buddy against the wall. Then some other bouncers came up and helped deal with them. Now i have a nice little scar across my eyebow from it
    That sucks, dirty ballz

  12. #12
    warchild's Avatar
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    hahah thats awesome ******, surprises me that guy even had a gf. must be the money factor??

  13. #13
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I've never really bounced but I've done bodyguard work here and there. This one job I had was watching this local TV celebrity who is old as time itself, and just happens to be blind (which apparently the public isn't aware of). So we go to this street festival thing here with this old guy...theres about 6 of us protecting him. It was 8 hours of chaos. People wouldn't leave him alone. We had people trying to FIGHT with us in order to get to the poor guy while hes trying to eat his lunch. We had to put him in a corner and form a semi-circle around him just so he could eat. Hordes of drunk retards trying to get to him for God knows what. I think I punched more people that day than I have in my entire life.

    I also did security at the Ultra Music Festival, my first post was in front of the owner's RV. It was pretty dull but there was in incident where one of Prodigy's touring band members kept trying to get into the owner's RV. He did it a few times, every time he'd come back with a new excuse "Oh...I heard lost and found was in here"...kind of funny. No fights at Ultra, though. Everyone was on drugs, which was great...the most hassle I got was people bribing me to get into the press/photo area directly infront of the stage, which I didn't mind one bit.

  14. #14
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    I hug bouncers.

  15. #15
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    sounds to me like you were just as much of a d i c k as the d i c you wouldnt of done that if the bloke was the same size as you?.......i know a lot of bouncers and most are wankas NOT all but most.......they never treat people the same.....if a man of say 150lbs is drunk and larey they run over bang into him pick him and launch him outside....if a 230lbs well made bloke is doing the same...they have a word or look the other way...
    He could have been 3x the size of me and I still would have done it, it's all about the heat of the moment and reacting fast. A lot of people like to bash bouncers. However, its pretty much kill or be killed (exagerration). If you show any sign of fear, youre fvcking done- will probably end up getting stabbed or at the least, a bottle to the head. I work in Newark, New Jersey (THE highest crime rate for any city in NJ). I dont take any shit from anyone, and I get along with most customers because I give and get repspect. If you dont make an example out of someone, its going to progessivly get worse. Some bouncers abuse their power but you have to keep in mind, if we're not there and theres 6 guys jumping you, wtf are you gonna do?

  16. #16
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    He could have been 3x the size of me and I still would have done it, it's all about the heat of the moment and reacting fast. A lot of people like to bash bouncers. However, its pretty much kill or be killed (exagerration). If you show any sign of fear, youre fvcking done- will probably end up getting stabbed or at the least, a bottle to the head. I work in Newark, New Jersey (THE highest crime rate for any city in NJ). I dont take any shit from anyone, and I get along with most customers because I give and get repspect. If you dont make an example out of someone, its going to progessivly get worse. Some bouncers abuse their power but you have to keep in mind, if we're not there and theres 6 guys jumping you, wtf are you gonna do?
    well fare play if you would do that mate......not many do though(remember im talking form my area).....most bouncers dont treat people the same....

  17. #17
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    well fare play if you would do that mate......not many do though(remember im talking form my area).....most bouncers dont treat people the same....
    I feel ya. I deal with a fair share of assholes up my way as well, its everywhere.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    He could have been 3x the size of me and I still would have done it, it's all about the heat of the moment and reacting fast. A lot of people like to bash bouncers. However, its pretty much kill or be killed (exagerration). If you show any sign of fear, youre fvcking done- will probably end up getting stabbed or at the least, a bottle to the head. I work in Newark, New Jersey (THE highest crime rate for any city in NJ). I dont take any shit from anyone, and I get along with most customers because I give and get repspect. If you dont make an example out of someone, its going to progessivly get worse. Some bouncers abuse their power but you have to keep in mind, if we're not there and theres 6 guys jumping you, wtf are you gonna do?
    learn bjj

  19. #19
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    ****** - PM comming your way.....

    I'm considering getting a job as a bouncer to make some extra cash. The only hours I can take on are late at night and I have a familly member that is a DJ so I can get hooked up pretty quickly.

    I'm always cool with bouncers..... I understand the shit they deal with so i'm always polite..... make jokes..... w/e. What I have noticed is this..... Bouncers in NJ are more likely to be dicks than Bouncers at big clubs in the city. NJ bouncers, not all but many, act like they have this HUGE club to manage when in reality it's a small bar or medium sized bar/club. The bouncers in NYC can sometimes be dicks with regards to taking your money to get in...... but that depends on where you go. NYC bouncers have always been friendly to me..... The only one that wasn't wanted $100 from me to get me and 2 friends in the club - He said to be discreet when handing it to him..... I told him to go fvck himself and got out of line. We just went someplace else.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    learn bjj
    BJJ is AWESOME to know..... but I wouldn't want to be on the ground when 6 guys are attacking me. Best to know the killer combo..... BJJ and Muay Thai

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  21. #21
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    BJJ is AWESOME to know..... but I wouldn't want to be on the ground when 6 guys are attacking me. Best to know the killer combo..... BJJ and Muay Thai

    Or just have a gun

  22. #22
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i was working in an afterhours club in philly. Houston the porn star was there she was featuring at a club down the road. She asked me to get her some party favors. I did and she treid to give me $. I told her to keep it. So instead we went out in her limo for a proper thank you.

  23. #23
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    A little off topic but as a bouncer, i cannot stand the bouncers who take their job too seriously.

    Im usually just like calm down man its just a bouncing job. Like guys are complete d!cks because they are wearing a shirt that says security. Me i just stand there bored most of the time and carry on conversations with people and just act normal. There is no need to act like the bada$$ tough guy all the time

  24. #24
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    BJJ is AWESOME to know..... but I wouldn't want to be on the ground when 6 guys are attacking me. Best to know the killer combo..... BJJ and Muay Thai

    Could not agree more!

    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Or just have a gun
    Sure, but if you know how to handle a knife or you good with nunchaku a gun can be superfluous.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i was working in an afterhours club in philly. Houston the porn star was there she was featuring at a club down the road. She asked me to get her some party favors. I did and she treid to give me $. I told her to keep it. So instead we went out in her limo for a proper thank you.

  26. #26
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    Alvin Iverson used to come to my club. So he comes has a bar tab around $1300 and tips $15. So we figure he had to fvck up. So he doesn't it again. So we ban him. That was a fun scene outside when he rolls up with his crew and we tell him he cant come in. Then in front of all the girls say what a cheap ass he is.

  27. #27
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Alvin Iverson used to come to my club. So he comes has a bar tab around $1300 and tips $15. So we figure he had to fvck up. So he doesn't it again. So we ban him. That was a fun scene outside when he rolls up with his crew and we tell him he cant come in. Then in front of all the girls say what a cheap ass he is.


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