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Thread: Anyone else own a gun??

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by EXCESS
    If you live in Toronto you've probably gotten used to the stories in the news about gun smuggling from the USA. Our guns laws are strict but effective in preventing guns to be bought legally for criminal use. Unfortunately way too many criminals are getting their hands on smuggled guns.
    Is it true that you cannot own a hand gun in Canada?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by MBaraso

    Is it true that you cannot own a hand gun in Canada?
    Yes, you can't own a hand gun (i think). I believe the only way you can get a weapon is for hunting, and you need like two or three licenses for it. You also need some proof or something even when you want to purchase bullets or something like that. And you need to register it like every year (or your permit will expire). I believe (not 100% sure) that these were updated laws recently. Like two or three years ago.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Just a Rugar 10.22 here, I love it.
    For anyone under the misapprihension that it's just for plinking check out the Israeli Defence Forces use of them as a serious sniper weapon. With a suppressed barrel the I.D.F. saying they can achive a totatly silent kill at 100-150mtrs. Although I prefer their method of using Apache gunships

    And here's my kid with mine.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kev standing.jpg 
Views:	183 
Size:	42.1 KB 
ID:	15534  
    Last edited by BOUNCER; 01-12-2003 at 11:33 AM.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I agree about the 10-22 here...

    One I have is stock (except for trigger job) for hunting (well it actually belongs to my dad, but I use it), the other which is mine is highly accurized... I did a trigger job on it (brought it from 3lbs of pull to just a few grams), smoother than silk, break point like a glass rod. Then changed the barrel for a nice green mountain heavy fluted barrel, and hand carved thumbhole stock with a bipod. Top it off with a nice Tasco medalist scope and this thing shoots dime sized groupings at 100+ yards.

    But even the stock one I have kicks arse big time. I only did a trigger job on it and put on a low power scope seroed at 50ft for partridge hunting and I get head shots every time. Great toy.


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    Yes, you can't own a hand gun (i think).
    Our handgun laws are VERY strict in Canada.

    Basically to own a hunting weapon (ie: rifle or shotgun) you need a federally issued license to OWN hunting weapons, this is issued by the cops after a long background and references check.

    All this allows you to do is keep the hunting weapons you already own.

    If you want to buy new hunting weapons, you need an "Acquisition and Owning" licence that allows you to acquire weapons. Background check for this is a lot more extensive PLUS you need a certificate from an approved gun safety course. It's renewable every 2 years.

    On top of all that, all any any firearm you own must be registered with the federal government and each has it's registration papers.

    Now that only covers hunting weapons.

    Handguns are not hunting weapons here. They come under the "Restricted" category. That means that to own one, you need to do all the stuff above, plus you need to have a reason to buy the handgun (and "home protection" is not an acceptable reason).

    So say for example your reason is sports shooting, then you need to have a valid membership at a shooting range and be able to prove it. More background checks... bla bla... takes 3-6 months, and finally you get a permit to BUY the handgun. Then you need a permit issued by local police to TRANSPORT the handgun every time you want to move it from point A to point B. Even from the store to your house! For this reason most handgun owners here keep it in the gun clubs safe where they shoot it.

    As you can see this is so complicated that most people just do not bother with handguns at all. Oh and unless you are a police officer ON DUTY or a handfull of security guards (99% of security guards are not armed here), nobody can get a permit to carry a handgun here. Penalties for illegal ownership of a handgun carries LONG prison time.

    And of course assault weapons, shotguns, rifles or crossbows under a certain lenght, pepper spray, silencers or suppressors, tazers and handmade firearms (like zip-guns) are all prohibited weapons. Mere ownership of these toys will put you in a cell for a long long time.

    Of course if I am a bad guy and want an illegal Glock 17 or AK47 all I have to do is head to a nearby native reserve (which I will not name) that borders the US and Canada and I can buy anything there... freshly stolen or laundered and imported from the USA.


  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    seattle wa
    that 22 is nice but being a marine we shoot the m16 at 200, 300, and 500 meters open sight no scope and manage to make a pattern the size of a silver dollar at 500. then we step up to an m14 bigger is better but the real fun is a 50 cal it will give you a half mile of dead accurate penatration. best marksmen are marines and the best of the best are marine snypers. I've met plenty of navy seals that tryed to be marine snypers and droped out of training those that do make it are the best of the best at killing.
    Last edited by SirRed1; 01-12-2003 at 02:38 PM.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by SirRed1
    that 22 is nice but being a marine we shoot the m16 at 250, 350, and 500 meters open sight no scope and manage to make a pattern the size of a silver dollar at 500. then we step up to an m14 bigger is better but the real fun is a 50 cal it will give you a half mile of dead accurate penatration. best marksmen are marines and the best of the best are marine snypers. I've met plenty of navy seals that tryed to be marine snypers and droped out of training those that do make it are the best of the best at killing.
    Marine M16 rifle qual is 200, 300, and 500 - did better with the rifle than qual'ing with the M9 pistol. 50 cal is cool - but I always got a hard on with the Mark 19.

    Or just loping grenades - Pull pin, thumb clip - PREPARE TO THROW! (bend down and grab your nuts) - BOOOM!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    seattle wa
    hummer mounted mark 19 at high speed is a blast. I was 3531 moter t. drove for a armored hummmer unit once they let me have a go at it

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2002
    right now I only posses a 12 guage pump
    just sold my glock26 and
    s&w 40cal. sigma
    but looking to buy back into a h&k or maby a kimber
    probably a 45cal and a revolver probably a 357 by s&w

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I have a rugger 10/22 , 410 single shot (thats all you need )lol(was my first gun ), 12 guage pump action , 338 browning and i guess thats pretty much it


  12. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    two ParaOrdnance P-10 compact .45s, one blue and one stainless, and one Colt Defender .45. Tiny little 45's are the way to go. Carry a MAN'S gun comfortably and discretely.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Jdawg50

    Bro you are the man on the board here and I think a lot of your opinions regarding gear/ working out, etc, however if you are crazy enough to kill someone you will find a way to get a gun knife or whatever. In England where there is a no gun law. Violent crimes with guns were up 36% last year- (ABC news 1/07/2003). So my point is that places like Texas where they have a conceiled carry permit law violent crimes have been reduced signifigantly.
    Bro guns dont kill people, people kill people
    late Jdawg
    Exactly. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them. The honest citizen is a helpless victim.

    The City of New Orleans recently decided to allow concealed carry without a license. Open carry, while rarely practiced, was always legal, and the state has issued CCLs for quite a while. There is reciprocity with several other states. Remember, New Orleans is traditionally a liberal democrat city with HYOOOGE welfare population. Yet unlicensed concealed carry was seen as a rational means of allowing the honest citizen a less restrictive means of defending himself and his property.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    So it's pretty much legal to own any kind of gun and as many as you like? As long as they are in your house and not ON you when you go out? Are they aloud to be loaded? If a cop came to your place and saw them, would he have the right to confiscate them? Or you tell them you have a permit and it's all good then?

  15. #55
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    Oct 2002
    There is an NRA class to conceal any handgun up to 12 inches in length... and then a person would quaify with each weapon at the range to put on the card. Before the class though you have to go through a background check. And you have to keep your ass clean - absolutly no fighting while armed, no pointing at anything you don't intend to shoot, never pulling the weapon on an unarmed person that is attempting approaching you with bad intensions (and again - no fighting, it really is tricky) unless he is in a group (a group can easily cause serious bodily injury), no felony's at all, and NO domestic violence... to include conviction of fighting between you and a roomate, or you and any significant other (even if you don't live with the other person). If you are convicted of domestic violence (very loosly defined by today's laws) only the President of the United States can parden you - otherwise you can not even own a weapon for the rest of your life. Felonies and other arrests can not be pardened.

    Open carry is legal in some states but you will be jumped by a cop every 200 feet to run you through the books. If you are causing a public disturbance - they can cite you or at least do more than check you in the system.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Warrior
    There is an NRA class to conceal any handgun up to 12 inches in length... and then a person would quaify with each weapon at the range to put on the card. Before the class though you have to go through a background check. And you have to keep your ass clean - absolutly no fighting while armed, no pointing at anything you don't intend to shoot, never pulling the weapon on an unarmed person that is attempting approaching you with bad intensions (and again - no fighting, it really is tricky) unless he is in a group (a group can easily cause serious bodily injury), no felony's at all, and NO domestic violence... to include conviction of fighting between you and a roomate, or you and any significant other (even if you don't live with the other person). If you are convicted of domestic violence (very loosly defined by today's laws) only the President of the United States can parden you - otherwise you can not even own a weapon for the rest of your life. Felonies and other arrests can not be pardened.

    Open carry is legal in some states but you will be jumped by a cop every 200 feet to run you through the books. If you are causing a public disturbance - they can cite you or at least do more than check you in the system.
    So...if you can't really do anything, why on earth own them? Does it make someone feel more powerful? Superior? I'm not trying to insult anyone, but I mean someone else has to pretty much walk into your house and point a gun at your head, then you can try and shoot him

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    One more thing, if your say in a bank, and you have a gun ON you (whether it's legally or illegaly) and someone walks into the bank and starts to rob the bank, and he kills say ONE person. But, no more, and all he is doing is threatening he will kill you if you don't cooperate. Could you then take out your gun and shoot him? As a civilian protecting himself or wutever? Kinda like a "citizens arrest" except it would be a "citizens kill" ???

    Just curious thats all.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    One more thing, if your say in a bank, and you have a gun ON you (whether it's legally or illegaly) and someone walks into the bank and starts to rob the bank, and he kills say ONE person. But, no more, and all he is doing is threatening he will kill you if you don't cooperate. Could you then take out your gun and shoot him? As a civilian protecting himself or wutever? Kinda like a "citizens arrest" except it would be a "citizens kill" ???

    Just curious thats all.
    Hey brah - some of us where weapons to protect ourselves whether it is job related or because we don't live in Mayberry. Union reps are one example of a person that often carries a concealed weapon.

    There is a fine line between how you use the weapon. You are not a cop. An you have to tell yourself that when you are packing. The bank is not your money - why do you care if it is robbed? That is the thinking that they want you to have. You are better off getting a description then starting a gun fight. However - you can use some reasoning...

    If I was in the situation that you described I would do as I am instructed. If the man started to shoot people, and I was in a position that a stray bullet from my weapon would NOT kill someone else (using hollow points to avoid overshots) I would take the oppotunity to stand up and shoot him. If he was directly threatning me and I felt my life was in danger - I would shoot him... shooting to kill since he is holding a hot weapon. I am a good shot too - epecially in a small area. Once he is down I would be sure the gun is away and administer first aid, and instruct someone to call the police and an ambulance.

    That is the right way to do it. But becasue you have a weapon - does not make you a cop.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Good answer, GOOD ANSWER!

    But...I do wanna be a cop

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    Good answer, GOOD ANSWER!

    But...I do wanna be a cop
    Well... then the rules change a bit. Not having attended the police academy - I don't know what they are instructed to do in off duty hours when something like that happens. But I know they have to carry the 24/7 attitude about their job and many will carry concealed weapons because their are a lot of people in their city that don't necessarily like them

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    ...someone else has to pretty much walk into your house and point a gun at your head, then you can try and shoot him
    You can't shoot anyone in protection of personal property. If you peak out your window and someone is attempting to jack your car - you can holler at them knowing you are protected if they choose to attack you. Or let them know you are armed - they won't come back then But you can't just peg him off for tying to steal your car. You would get into some pretty thick civil cases as well as criminal.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Does anyone know how it works for a cop? I saw in Ronnies movie (Unbelievable) that he had his gun on his belt in his locker. And they would just put it on when they get on duty.

    I'm not sure, but, what would happen to a cop if he was caught carrying a gun off duty (concealed).

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    Does anyone know how it works for a cop? I saw in Ronnies movie (Unbelievable) that he had his gun on his belt in his locker. And they would just put it on when they get on duty.

    I'm not sure, but, what would happen to a cop if he was caught carrying a gun off duty (concealed).
    Cops are issued weapons. And I believe they keep them in an armory - like the military. I don't think they can conceal their duty weapon. But if I was a cop on duty, I would have a back up around my ankle or in the small of my back... somewhere. A personal weapon I would also wear off duty. So if I was to get kidnapped or lost my weapon - I would have option B available I don't see why they wouldn't allow it...

    It's a pretty athletic job, I know someone on here must be a cop...

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by The Baron
    two ParaOrdnance P-10 compact .45s, one blue and one stainless, and one Colt Defender .45. Tiny little 45's are the way to go. Carry a MAN'S gun comfortably and discretely.
    hey bro, can you post a pic of these guns?

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    I'm not sure, but, what would happen to a cop if he was caught carrying a gun off duty (concealed).
    In America? Probably nothing, but Canada seems to be a whole other story...

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    I'm not sure, but, what would happen to a cop if he was caught carrying a gun off duty (concealed).
    YES. They can obviously conceal weapons off duty - they are in a high risk job. And if they couldn't pass the requirements to conceal - they wouldn't be a frickin' cop to begin with...

    However, I don't think they can conceal there duty weapon.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Warrior i gotto ask.

    If someone pointed a gun at you and then started to fire - and you shoot him in self defense - would you then really start giving him first aid?

    I dont think i would try and save someone that at first tryed and kill me.

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by palme
    Warrior i gotto ask.

    If someone pointed a gun at you and then started to fire - and you shoot him in self defense - would you then really start giving him first aid?

    I dont think i would try and save someone that at first tryed and kill me.
    You're suppose to - as soon as you light someone up you have to call an ambulance. And NRA also teaches to use 3 round bursts - but no more once they are down or if they try to run away. If you shoot someone running away or after they are down - you now become a subject to murder. And if criminal courts don't rape you - civil courts will if their families deside to come after you.

    But calling for an ambulance or simply treating for shock will keep your credibilty in court. Avoids making you look like Rambo. And when it comes time for sourt - you want all the shit you can to show that you used justifiable force and you are a competent person to keep your gun rights.

    In the case of being fired at in the bank - if you go Bruce Willis style and shoot him up and then walk over and pump a few more in them to make sure they are dead... you're fucked now. If you shoot them and wait a couple hours for him to suffer - you're fucked. Better to shoot them no more than three times and then get them an ambulance like NRA teaches. NRA protects our rights to bear arms - so you do what they suggest.

    If he's dead, you don't touch the body either - you don't alter the crime seen... that can also cause problems in court.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I didn't mean their ON DUTY weapon (why would they). I mean i'm off duty, and I go to the gym at night to workout, or I drive over to my girlfriends house at night and we go out for a long walk on the beach. Can I have a weapon on me? OFF DUTY in a public place.

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    I didn't mean their ON DUTY weapon (why would they). I mean i'm off duty, and I go to the gym at night to workout, or I drive over to my girlfriends house at night and we go out for a long walk on the beach. Can I have a weapon on me? OFF DUTY in a public place.
    Unless it is posted otherwise - YES. BUT - owners or those in charge of private property have the right to not allow weapons on their property. Cops obviously are exempt from that when they are carrying out there duties... obviously you can't tell a cop to leave his weapon outside. But if you wanted to go to Home Depot and it says "No Guns Allowed" then NO, you can't and off duty police can not either. Most people who have a justifiable concern for their safety won't shop in places like that.

    Your only other option is to have a gun safe bolted in your trunk and lock it up before going inside. If you throw it in the glove box or the back seat and your car is stollen - you are liable for what happens with that weapon because you lost control of it. However, if it is locked in a safe in the trunk - chances are the the thief won't have any access to it and if they somehow busted open the safe - the courts would recognize that you went throughh the loops to protect it.

    If a store saw your gun - which they shouldn't since it is suppose to be CONCEALED, they would probably call the police or security and you could be put through the ringer. Once you have been cleared (concealed carry permits and what have you), then you go on your way. So keeping it concealed would keep it from being noticed.

    Also - you can't carry it into any place with a metal detector. To include basic wands (not just the big walk through thingamagigs...).

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    I didn't mean their ON DUTY weapon (why would they). I mean i'm off duty, and I go to the gym at night to workout, or I drive over to my girlfriends house at night and we go out for a long walk on the beach. Can I have a weapon on me? OFF DUTY in a public place.
    Also I don't think you read my last post right. I said "YES. They can obviously conceal weapons off duty - they are in a high risk job. And if they couldn't pass the requirements to conceal - they wouldn't be a frickin' cop to begin with..." I meant they couldn't conceal their DUTY WEAPON - that would probably be locked up at the station in an armory... not used for personal reasons - they would by their own weapon to conceal off duty...

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Warrior

    Also I don't think you read my last post right. I said "YES. They can obviously conceal weapons off duty - they are in a high risk job. And if they couldn't pass the requirements to conceal - they wouldn't be a frickin' cop to begin with..." I meant they couldn't conceal their DUTY WEAPON - that would probably be locked up at the station in an armory... not used for personal reasons - they would by their own weapon to conceal off duty...
    Very nice, okay, thnx for clearing that up

    So a cop would (in Canada at least) buy an "extra" gun illegally. Or maybe there would be some people in the force that would hook him up if he wanted one?

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox

    Very nice, okay, thnx for clearing that up

    So a cop would (in Canada at least) buy an "extra" gun illegally. Or maybe there would be some people in the force that would hook him up if he wanted one?
    I don't know anything about Canada laws. Canadian cops probably get a special permit to carry... but I don't know anything about Canada - never had any interest in it... too cold for me I like the south - the deep south, lol

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    So a cop would (in Canada at least) buy an "extra" gun illegally. Or maybe there would be some people in the force that would hook him up if he wanted one?
    Nope, cops in *most of* Canada (except for the RCMP) may not carry a weapon when they are not on duty. Unless I am mistaken RCMP are considered always on duty.

    I say "most of" as in some areas of Canada, cops are always on duty. This is quite common with cops and mounties in the northern communities. Obviously they live with their service weapon.

    But "normal" city cops in Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal cannot walk around with a gun (concealed or otherwise) when they are not working.


  35. #75
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks for clearing that up Red

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    So it's pretty much legal to own any kind of gun and as many as you like? As long as they are in your house and not ON you when you go out? Are they aloud to be loaded? If a cop came to your place and saw them, would he have the right to confiscate them? Or you tell them you have a permit and it's all good then?
    You do not need any sort of paperwork to own any sort of gun in TX or LA or most other states, except for destructive devices or machine guns which are rather tightly regulated. The constitution, specifically the 2nd ammendment, gaurantees that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The liberal yankee bastards up north often disagree with this simple fact and prefer that only the criminals and the state have guns, but I would not live in such a place where I must meekly comply with a hoodlum who HAS a gun because he does not CARE about the law.

    Of course I can carry a gun in public, with certain exceptions in certain places, such as in a school, bar, courthouse, or the secure side of an airport terminal or a federal building or installation. In Texas one cannot carry openly except under certain circumstances such as when traveling or engaged in sporting events involving firearms, though in rural areas this isn't rigidly enforced. Normally in TX one must carry hanguns properly concealed and must be licensed to do so. The state is REQUIRED to issue a license to any qualified applicant. Louisiana has similar laws except that open carry is legal. No license is required for open carry. Concealed carry is legal with a license, and LA just happens to recognize TX licenses. The city of new orleans now allows concealed carry without a license but in most of the rest of the state concealed carry without a license is a crime, a misdemeanor, I believe, and arrests are rare unless the individual seems to be up to no good, is a convicted felon, or is not in posession of his faculties of reason.

    The criminals have guns. The cops do, too, but have extremely rigid rules that often hinder them and prevent them from using deadly force to effect the capture of a criminal. So the criminals are not the least bit scared of the cops. The only thing that truly controls crime is to make the criminal fear his potential victim. Armed honest citizens are a criminal's worst nightmare. Even in places like up north where you can actually go to jail for defending your home or your person from a dangerous criminal, often, the "victim" decides it is better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6 and so the perpetrator is toast. In more right-minded locales, it is a given that you can take whatever steps necessary to ensure the safety of yourself, other people, or your property. The onus is of course on the criminal, where it belongs, because if he wants to live a long life, he need do nothing more than simply choose not to perform criminal acts. Cops investigate a crime after it occurs. They do not prevent the crime, because they were not there to prevent it. Armed citizens, on the other hand, DO prevent crimes through the simple expedient of shooting the person intent on doing them harm at the time of their attack.

    It can be said by those apologists and guilt ridden middle class liberals that the criminal is simply a victim of his environment, and that it is simply wrong to shoot somebody for, say, breaking into your house and stealing your TV, or raping your daughter, or terrorizing your family, etc. I say this... there is a job for everybody who wants one in this country. They aren't all great jobs, often paying far less than thievery or dealing crack, but they are jobs and one can eke out an existence on them and even raise a family. I say, if you want to live, then live right and do the right thing. No law abiding person is going to hunt another human being down for no reason, and no reasonable person is going to shoot another over a simple argument. It simply doesn't happen except among the criminals or the drug crazed madmen who increasingly are taking over our public housing projects and poorer areas of many cities.

    Ultimately, democracy and justice and freedom originate from the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun. A weapon is the great equalizer. Do you think King John was feeling fine one lovely morning at Runnymede and just felt like signing away half of his royal perogative with the Magna Carta? No, I think it might have had something to do with all those knights and barons and dukes and stuff with all those great big pointy swords. Telling them "Hey, I'm the f@cking KING, so you little people can kiss my royal ass" probably would not have gone over too well. Another king of England also had to be persuaded through force of arms that 13 small but determined colonies ought to be free and independant states. The infant Republic of Texas did not negotiate with General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, president of Mexico. The vastly outnumbered and outgunned Texans captured the asshole fleeing the field of battle through force of arms by determined and righteous men. That is the way it has been throughout history. The first thing a totalitarian regime does on assuming power is to disempower the people, chiefly by disarming them. Even those democracies that seem to have sprung up by themselves are generally allowed to happen by greater nations who guarantee through the potential threat of armed intervention free and open elections. NOTHING is more democratic than every law abiding man having a gun.

    OF COURSE my guns are loaded, to answer your question. What good would it be, otherwise? If I own it and it is not being disassembled for cleaning or maintainence, it is ready for immediate use, even if it is stored in my safe. And there is a sign on my door:

    "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot some more."

    So far nobody has called me out on this.

    Well, that's my rant for the day.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by The Baron

    You do not need any sort of paperwork to own any sort of gun in TX or LA or most other states, except for destructive devices or machine guns which are rather tightly regulated. The constitution, specifically the 2nd ammendment, gaurantees that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The liberal yankee bastards up north often disagree with this simple fact and prefer that only the criminals and the state have guns, but I would not live in such a place where I must meekly comply with a hoodlum who HAS a gun because he does not CARE about the law.

    Of course I can carry a gun in public, with certain exceptions in certain places, such as in a school, bar, courthouse, or the secure side of an airport terminal or a federal building or installation. In Texas one cannot carry openly except under certain circumstances such as when traveling or engaged in sporting events involving firearms, though in rural areas this isn't rigidly enforced. Normally in TX one must carry hanguns properly concealed and must be licensed to do so. The state is REQUIRED to issue a license to any qualified applicant. Louisiana has similar laws except that open carry is legal. No license is required for open carry. Concealed carry is legal with a license, and LA just happens to recognize TX licenses. The city of new orleans now allows concealed carry without a license but in most of the rest of the state concealed carry without a license is a crime, a misdemeanor, I believe, and arrests are rare unless the individual seems to be up to no good, is a convicted felon, or is not in posession of his faculties of reason.

    The criminals have guns. The cops do, too, but have extremely rigid rules that often hinder them and prevent them from using deadly force to effect the capture of a criminal. So the criminals are not the least bit scared of the cops. The only thing that truly controls crime is to make the criminal fear his potential victim. Armed honest citizens are a criminal's worst nightmare. Even in places like up north where you can actually go to jail for defending your home or your person from a dangerous criminal, often, the "victim" decides it is better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6 and so the perpetrator is toast. In more right-minded locales, it is a given that you can take whatever steps necessary to ensure the safety of yourself, other people, or your property. The onus is of course on the criminal, where it belongs, because if he wants to live a long life, he need do nothing more than simply choose not to perform criminal acts. Cops investigate a crime after it occurs. They do not prevent the crime, because they were not there to prevent it. Armed citizens, on the other hand, DO prevent crimes through the simple expedient of shooting the person intent on doing them harm at the time of their attack.

    It can be said by those apologists and guilt ridden middle class liberals that the criminal is simply a victim of his environment, and that it is simply wrong to shoot somebody for, say, breaking into your house and stealing your TV, or raping your daughter, or terrorizing your family, etc. I say this... there is a job for everybody who wants one in this country. They aren't all great jobs, often paying far less than thievery or dealing crack, but they are jobs and one can eke out an existence on them and even raise a family. I say, if you want to live, then live right and do the right thing. No law abiding person is going to hunt another human being down for no reason, and no reasonable person is going to shoot another over a simple argument. It simply doesn't happen except among the criminals or the drug crazed madmen who increasingly are taking over our public housing projects and poorer areas of many cities.

    Ultimately, democracy and justice and freedom originate from the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun. A weapon is the great equalizer. Do you think King John was feeling fine one lovely morning at Runnymede and just felt like signing away half of his royal perogative with the Magna Carta? No, I think it might have had something to do with all those knights and barons and dukes and stuff with all those great big pointy swords. Telling them "Hey, I'm the f@cking KING, so you little people can kiss my royal ass" probably would not have gone over too well. Another king of England also had to be persuaded through force of arms that 13 small but determined colonies ought to be free and independant states. The infant Republic of Texas did not negotiate with General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, president of Mexico. The vastly outnumbered and outgunned Texans captured the asshole fleeing the field of battle through force of arms by determined and righteous men. That is the way it has been throughout history. The first thing a totalitarian regime does on assuming power is to disempower the people, chiefly by disarming them. Even those democracies that seem to have sprung up by themselves are generally allowed to happen by greater nations who guarantee through the potential threat of armed intervention free and open elections. NOTHING is more democratic than every law abiding man having a gun.

    OF COURSE my guns are loaded, to answer your question. What good would it be, otherwise? If I own it and it is not being disassembled for cleaning or maintainence, it is ready for immediate use, even if it is stored in my safe. And there is a sign on my door:

    "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot some more."

    So far nobody has called me out on this.

    Well, that's my rant for the day.
    "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot some more."

    Damn, then it's hard to be a cop down there. The fear of being shot BY ANYONE is just far too high. At least up in Canada you know that only criminals get guns, etc... I mean it's like that old lady I saw on COPS who was going around robbing stores, etc... I would never be a cop in the U.S. .... just too risky!!!

    Well, anyways, enjoy all your guns everyone. And if anyone is coming up to Toronto sometime, bring me up a nice Eagle

    Just kidding ... maybe.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ah, but honest men do not shoot cops. Most cops actually prefer that law abiding citizens have guns, rather than only the criminals.

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Warrior

    You can't shoot anyone in protection of personal property. If you peak out your window and someone is attempting to jack your car - you can holler at them knowing you are protected if they choose to attack you. Or let them know you are armed - they won't come back then But you can't just peg him off for tying to steal your car. You would get into some pretty thick civil cases as well as criminal.
    You most certainly can. Read the TCC for the straight answers. They teach this when you take the course in TX to qualify for a concealed handgun license. You may use deadly force to effect the recovery of stolen property that you might otherwise not reasonably expect to recover. You may also, during the hours of darkness, use deadly force to stop an act of "criminal mischief".

    The laws in Louisiana are not as intimately known to me, because while I do live in New Orleans, I do not posess a LA license. LA has reciprocity with TX. I HAD to learn TX laws.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Terinox
    Damn, then it's hard to be a cop down there. The fear of being shot BY ANYONE is just far too high.
    Not really - to get a concealed weapons permt you have to have a squeeky clean record - and maintain it. Background checks are ran on any applicant.

    But like The Baron said, cops like the idea of people not just concealing but nearly anyone being able to own one in their home. I mean, honestly - if no one had guns - our country would have a much worst crime problem. I saw a video that interviewed felons that all said they avoid houses or people they know have access to a weapon - obviously. Personally, I wouldn't attack or break into a house if I knew the person might have a loaded revolver of magnum rounds... hell no. It sucks man - but is reality... there are crooked people trying to steal shit and intimidate folks with little regard for anything...

    The US is a large melting pot with lots of desperate people... Cops enforce the streets but we need extra insurance to protect ourselves sometimes... like I said, some people have dangerous jobs and others live in shitty neighborhoods... and some have a little of both.

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