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  1. #1
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    US Admits to not having information on bin laden IN YEARS.

    Well thank you Robert Gates for being honest. A first in government for a long time. Maybe now the people will be outraged and go protest at the whitehouse to bring our boys home. Fat fvcking chance.

    From BBC

    No Bin Laden information in years, says Gates

    The US has had no reliable information on the whereabouts of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in years, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has admitted.

    Mr Gates told ABC News in remarks to be broadcast on Sunday: "Well, we don't know for a fact where Osama Bin Laden is. If we did, we'd go get him."

    Last week a Taliban detainee in Pakistan said he had information that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan this year.

    However, Mr Gates said he could not confirm that information.

    When asked by ABC's This Week programme when the US last had a fix on the al-Qaeda leader, Mr Gates said: "I think it's been years."

    He could not confirm the details of the Taliban detainee, who claimed to have met Osama Bin Laden numerous times before 9/11.

    The detainee said that in January or February he met a trusted contact who had seen Bin Laden about 15 to 20 days earlier in Afghanistan.

    Bin Laden had previously been thought to be on the Pakistan side of the border with Afghanistan.

    But the detainee said that militants were avoiding Pakistani territory because of the risk of US drone attacks.

    The detainee said Bin Laden was well.

    I have a theory on this whole bin laden bunch of shit......

    **NOTE** BEFORE I GO INTO THE REASON I FEEL THIS WAY--IT IS IMPORTANT TO SAY THAT I AM NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. I don't believe bombs were planted in the twin towers, or any of that loose change BS. However I DO believe that the US Government is and has been using bin laden as the face of the War on Terror for years now and will continue to do so.

    I honestly believe Bin Laden was dead years ago and the US is keeping his memory alive as a justification to this bullshit war..............Here is why......

    This woman knew the middle east better than ANYONE IN THE WORLD. It was her life and her passion. She was killed a little more TWO MONTHS after this video.

    Then I come across this.

    Now why would the US Government go to such a degree to silence a peace seeking woman in the middle east? Because of what she said in Frosts interview.

    Think about it--the icon of the war on terror, bin laden, is DEAD and has been for YEARS......This would mean that the ENTIRE REASON for this 'MANHUNT' would come to a complete halt. Soldiers have lost their lives for nothing.

    Even if they had another motive such as fighting the Taliban, regardless people have been lied to on such a large degree it would cause a public outrage within the masses.
    Last edited by RyanRoss; 12-06-2009 at 12:24 AM.

  2. #2
    CBGB's Avatar
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    Ashamed. We should all be.

  3. #3
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBGB View Post
    Ashamed. We should all be.
    I'm disgusted.........angry, upset...I've lost family to this bullshit war. I'm an activist, I'm flagged, probably as a potential 'enemy combatant'. To hell with it...........I hate talking about these things because I get so upset and usually get heated and cry my eyes out because of friends and family I've lost. But if people don't talk about these things, who will?

    I just did some research and in BBC's archives I have found the video with the interview of Bhutto and David Frost. Guess what? That part of the video where she mentioned what happened with bin laden, was completely edited out. This is sick.......And what's sicker?

    We expect this kind of behavior from our Government, and we tolerate it.

  4. #4
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    its no shock to me this whole war on terror has been a crock

    many feel this is a war about oil as Countrys Crude oil production (1,000 b/d)
    Russia 9,499
    Saudi Arabia* 9,198
    USA 4,955
    I.R. Iran 4,056
    China 3,802

    as it was the first thing we did was take over the oil fields

  5. #5
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    its no shock to me this whole war on terror has been a crock

    many feel this is a war about oil as Countrys Crude oil production (1,000 b/d)
    Russia 9,499
    Saudi Arabia* 9,198
    USA 4,955
    I.R. Iran 4,056
    China 3,802

    as it was the first thing we did was take over the oil fields
    Yeah that's what it's all over. Some paper currency we call money.

  6. #6
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Not surprising at all.

    Bin Laden is roaming the streets of America right now.

  7. #7
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    well the us dollar keeps going down at a alarming rate pretty soon Canadian dollar will be worth more

    and it was bound to happen cause as a country we out source more jobs and labor to other countrys

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    Well thank you Robert Gates for being honest. A first in government for a long time. Maybe now the people will be outraged and go protest at the whitehouse to bring our boys home. Fat fvcking chance.

    From BBC

    No Bin Laden information in years, says Gates

    The US has had no reliable information on the whereabouts of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden in years, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has admitted.

    Mr Gates told ABC News in remarks to be broadcast on Sunday: "Well, we don't know for a fact where Osama Bin Laden is. If we did, we'd go get him."

    Last week a Taliban detainee in Pakistan said he had information that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan this year.

    However, Mr Gates said he could not confirm that information.

    When asked by ABC's This Week programme when the US last had a fix on the al-Qaeda leader, Mr Gates said: "I think it's been years."

    He could not confirm the details of the Taliban detainee, who claimed to have met Osama Bin Laden numerous times before 9/11.

    The detainee said that in January or February he met a trusted contact who had seen Bin Laden about 15 to 20 days earlier in Afghanistan.

    Bin Laden had previously been thought to be on the Pakistan side of the border with Afghanistan.

    But the detainee said that militants were avoiding Pakistani territory because of the risk of US drone attacks.

    The detainee said Bin Laden was well.

    I have a theory on this whole bin laden bunch of shit......

    **NOTE** BEFORE I GO INTO THE REASON I FEEL THIS WAY--IT IS IMPORTANT TO SAY THAT I AM NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORIST. I don't believe bombs were planted in the twin towers, or any of that loose change BS. However I DO believe that the US Government is and has been using bin laden as the face of the War on Terror for years now and will continue to do so.

    I honestly believe Bin Laden was dead years ago and the US is keeping his memory alive as a justification to this bullshit war..............Here is why......

    This woman knew the middle east better than ANYONE IN THE WORLD. It was her life and her passion. She was killed a little more TWO MONTHS after this video.

    Then I come across this.

    Now why would the US Government go to such a degree to silence a peace seeking woman in the middle east? Because of what she said in Frosts interview.

    Think about it--the icon of the war on terror, bin laden, is DEAD and has been for YEARS......This would mean that the ENTIRE REASON for this 'MANHUNT' would come to a complete halt. Soldiers have lost their lives for nothing.

    Even if they had another motive such as fighting the Taliban, regardless people have been lied to on such a large degree it would cause a public outrage within the masses.
    Too bad, you should!
    Especially being an USA citizen.

  10. #10
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    the place i love the most
    how old is he?? waint he be on his way out anyway?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    how old is he?? waint he be on his way out anyway?
    Yes and I guess he's feeling some kind of guilt.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swish View Post
    Gotta love a guy with conspiracy theories and says hes not a conspiracy theorist...lmao
    I know a few also but remember.... Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you...

    There is almost always some truth to the conspiracy theories. I dont think it's a conspiracy but more the government leading a bunch of blind mice and to many of us believe anything they tell us.

    Personally I dont want government controlling all aspects of our life or taking over and regulating ALL business like they are doing. Mother Russia here we come...

    It's not a conspiracy if you just realize they are NOT in it for your best interest but to control most of your actions, monitor you/us for shopping/commercial/advertising purposes.

  13. #13
    RyanRoss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swish View Post
    Gotta love a guy with conspiracy theories and says hes not a conspiracy theorist...lmao
    Then what's your take genius? What's the real reason for the war on terror? Just another brainwashed monkey who believes everything on Fox?

  14. #14
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    hey swish speak when ur talkin to

    in 2008 we only had enough oil to last 8 years
    while Saudi Arabia had enough to last 72 years
    if u could find a way to invade another country under any reason ud come up with that plan

    are reserves low around 30% tho we did just find a good spot for oil here in the usa but they say it will only bring us to about 50%

  15. #15
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    hey swish speak when ur talkin to

    in 2008 we only had enough oil to last 8 years
    while Saudi Arabia had enough to last 72 years
    if u could find a way to invade another country under any reason ud come up with that plan

    are reserves low around 30% tho we did just find a good spot for oil here in the usa but they say it will only bring us to about 50%
    The Saudi's have enough oil to last 72 years? Hmm, debatable. But hey don't worry, once oil runs out, water will be the next big sort after resource. That's when the West will decide to end tyranny in Africa. Oh that won't have anything to do with the shit load of aquifers underneath the continent there...

  16. #16
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Osama lives in Wembley London.

  17. #17
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    If Bin Laden was a true Arsenal fan, he'd start threatening other teams so we'd get over this poor patch we're going through.

  18. #18
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    LOL, we atleast had a results this past weekend. Well just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow in the UEFA versus Olympiacos, i hope Osama pulls through for

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