THis is not just for transfats, but consider sugars too (says low sugar and sugar free..but is it it..?)...
Basically I would like the FDA to standardize Nutrition values per 100g and to .XX signicant digits instead of just nearest Gram.... as opposed to the food producer setting serving size, which they do to be able to list their product as trans fat free or sugar free, which is most likely not true, as you can simply check the ingredients for hydrogenated-interserfied-modified oils
Who the hell eats a "serving size anyways" ? a Serving size might be set to 1 cracker, which can be set as 0g TF thanks to FDA rounding to nearest gram labeling laws, but let say has .49g per serving. you eat 12. you ate 6g of transfat ... Just as good as eating French Fries, yet you where illusion-ed into thinking you ate healthy.
yes its a facebook petition which is online, but once i get funds going I want to use their advertising system to spread the word to other users. And online petitions do work: was online and got the FDA to mandate Transfat listing.