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Thread: 0g TransFat is not TransFat free, help join my petition...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    0g TransFat is not TransFat free, help join my petition...

    THis is not just for transfats, but consider sugars too (says low sugar and sugar free..but is it it..?)...

    Basically I would like the FDA to standardize Nutrition values per 100g and to .XX signicant digits instead of just nearest Gram.... as opposed to the food producer setting serving size, which they do to be able to list their product as trans fat free or sugar free, which is most likely not true, as you can simply check the ingredients for hydrogenated-interserfied-modified oils

    Who the hell eats a "serving size anyways" ? a Serving size might be set to 1 cracker, which can be set as 0g TF thanks to FDA rounding to nearest gram labeling laws, but let say has .49g per serving. you eat 12. you ate 6g of transfat ... Just as good as eating French Fries, yet you where illusion-ed into thinking you ate healthy.

    yes its a facebook petition which is online, but once i get funds going I want to use their advertising system to spread the word to other users. And online petitions do work: was online and got the FDA to mandate Transfat listing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I'm sry but that's just stupid.
    I would sign a petition against your petition

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Souf Afrika

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Isn't the FDA the same people that make steroids illegal.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    no fda didnt help ban steroids they said we shouldnt ban them

  6. #6
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    no fda didnt help ban steroids they said we shouldnt ban them
    Really? Who was it? Do you have a link that I can read up on about this.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2002

    The history of the U.S. legislation on anabolic steroids goes back to the late 1980s, when the U.S. Congress considered placing anabolic steroids under the Controlled Substances Act following the controversy over Ben Johnson's victory at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. During deliberations, the American Medical Association (AMA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) all opposed listing anabolic steroids as controlled substances, citing the fact that use of these hormones does not lead to the physical or psychological dependence required for such scheduling under the Controlled Substance Act. Nevertheless, anabolic steroids were added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990

    so FDA was against the ban..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    Thats a gay petition. We don't need any more regulation.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm sry but that's just stupid.
    I would sign a petition against your petition

    i will sign ur petition against his petition also K...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    F that sh!t....they should have to list EVERY ingredient....i will sign your petition...

    AND to those smarta$$'s who want to petition against your petition look up how bad transfats are for you...worse than cigarette smoke if you ask me...

    NOT saying you cant eat trans fats...Hell eat all you should just be able to know what has it and what doesn't...and they are FALSLY SELLING THEIR PRODUCT

    Same for should be able to know the danger and if you are ok with that...SMOKE AWAY!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by synthetic View Post

    The history of the U.S. legislation on anabolic steroids goes back to the late 1980s, when the U.S. Congress considered placing anabolic steroids under the Controlled Substances Act following the controversy over Ben Johnson's victory at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. During deliberations, the American Medical Association (AMA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) all opposed listing anabolic steroids as controlled substances, citing the fact that use of these hormones does not lead to the physical or psychological dependence required for such scheduling under the Controlled Substance Act. Nevertheless, anabolic steroids were added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990

    so FDA was against the ban..

    I thnk we should start a petition to legalize steroids.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bull_Nuts View Post
    F that sh!t....they should have to list EVERY ingredient....i will sign your petition...

    AND to those smarta$$'s who want to petition against your petition look up how bad transfats are for you...worse than cigarette smoke if you ask me...

    NOT saying you cant eat trans fats...Hell eat all you should just be able to know what has it and what doesn't...and they are FALSLY SELLING THEIR PRODUCT

    Same for should be able to know the danger and if you are ok with that...SMOKE AWAY!

    as a smatass i want to say anyone who needs the dangers of cig. smoke put on the box so they know how bad it is for u should be beat over the head with a 2x4 till they are a bloody.
    lazy people want everything with doing any work.

    and i just had a great cig. for u bullnutz...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    This is not just about transfats.... lets look at whey protein...

    as unset size would state
    Brand X / Y
    serving size: 33g / 50g
    fat: 2g / 2g
    carb 8g / 12g
    pro 20g / 30g

    an anti carb freak would say to Brand Y oh nooo too many carbs im gonna die, but at 100g

    brand X / Y
    fat 6 / 4
    carb 24 / 24
    prot 60 / 60

    same amount of carbs if you where aiming for 60g dosage of protein, but a negative now is you have 2 extra grams of unwanted fat

    yea it comes down to education, but to educate the vast lazy population is not easy. THe concern is with parents feeding children, thinking they are giving their child something healthy thanks to clever marketing servings sizes, but the kid is plumping up for some reason outside of food

    for instance, are beloved peanut butter, deemed as an anabolic and healthy fat, is negated due to this bad fat they put in it (why do you think many nutritionist recommend natural peanut butter)... products that lower hdl and raise hdl are catabolic, fat delivery and what not is done through cholesterol, you dont have an effeceint delivery system you are not gaining as much as you can be...

    also tortilla wrps, the low carb crazy etc, contains trans fat, and say 0g only because they are 6" servings of 25-30g, but who the hell eats one wrap, at that, any transfat even in trace amounts effects your body... it just sits there collecting and blocking blood flow, because the human body does not know how to burn this unnatural fat.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    my step dads diabetic and no sugar means nothing they use sugar alcohol in there stuff and its worse then surgar

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm sry but that's just stupid.
    I would sign a petition against your petition
    lolol!! you crack me up

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    lets look at what suppsoedly is health food @ mcdonalds, grilled chicken sandwich/salads...

    it has trans fat because of hydrogenated oils!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by synthetic View Post
    lets look at what suppsoedly is health food @ mcdonalds, grilled chicken sandwich/salads...

    it has trans fat because of hydrogenated oils!!
    what's your point
    going to mcdonalds for healthy cuisine makes about as much sense as buying vitamins from your crack dealer

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    how someone could be against ACCURATELY representing nutrients in food is completely foreign to me.

    I will sign your petition.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    let me make it simple for you petition lovers

    If having less then 0.5 grams per serving of trans fats is for some unexplainable reason important to you...just look at the freakin ingredients list.

    Any food that contains "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils actually contains trans fats.

    If you see one of those two terms and zero grams of trans know the real number is more than zero but less then 0.5 grams.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    still shouldnt be rounded to zero as i believe the product wouldnt sell as much

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I'm sry but that's just stupid.
    I would sign a petition against your petition


  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    let me make it simple for you petition lovers

    If having less then 0.5 grams per serving of trans fats is for some unexplainable reason important to you...just look at the freakin ingredients list.

    Any food that contains "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils actually contains trans fats.

    If you see one of those two terms and zero grams of trans know the real number is more than zero but less then 0.5 grams.
    that problem is many products advertise 0g trans fat and the average consumer does not know that it still contains transfat, all by resizing their portions to smaller size without changing anything. So thinking it has no tranfat the consumer will binge more on this junk food thinking they are guilt free...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by synthetic View Post
    that problem is many products advertise 0g trans fat and the average consumer does not know that it still contains transfat, all by resizing their portions to smaller size without changing anything. So thinking it has no tranfat the consumer will binge more on this junk food thinking they are guilt free...
    Its false representation, deceptive....and its wrong...If they are allowed to make money off of these products then they should be forced to be accurate to the nth degree.

    They know the lay person doen't know what ingredients to look for...and they base all of their sales on this....

    If you want to eat it...then eat it...

    Im supprised there hasn't been a lawsuit on this....

    I mean....why is it ok for them to sell their poison but it isn't ok to do juice. Im almost positive that buttermilk biscuits are WAY worse for your health than a heavy cycle of roids...if you want to eat biscuits, and frys and kill yourself its why can't I do my roids?

    Its amazing to me how all of this crap is backwards....

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    if u really think that eating buttermilk biscuits are WAY worse for u then a heavy cycle of roids then u are simply fvkin nuts brother..

    i get down with alot of ur posts in the news section but cmon man, the general public has to stop being lazy, and needs to learn how things are done from a nutrient side.

  26. #26
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    not many have the wealth of access to knowledge as we do. at least this change will prevent companies from putting 0g trans fat on products... as long as the public is constantly remidned that trans fat is bad, that all the education they need.... they have no idea what chemicals are used to make it nor the chemistry, it is beyond their scope of knowledge..

  27. #27
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    anybody who thinks that misrepresentation of nutrients on labels is ok should just think about things like msg, diabetes, diet soda, and just about everything labeled "healthy"

    I am not saying this because I need help figuring this shit out. I am saying this because I am sick of other people (dumb ****ing america) running up medical bills that I have to pay for. I am sick of fat people getting handicap spots, and all kinds of other subsidies. I am saying that "healthy" should mean something to everyone, not just a privileged few. People are stupid and unfortunately we have to accommodate for their stupidity (as long as we have to pay for it). tricking them is not the way to go. It is their fault for being ignorant, but look around you.... everyone is ignorant, even to the most obvious things. At least fat people are being tricked into it with multibillion dollar campaigns. nobody tricked your dumbass into thinking that an orange hat with a green bill was attractive, but you wear it anyway.

    why should an iron have a warning that says "don't iron clothes on body" but a food high in fats (bad), sugars, cholesterol, and other things that cause serious problems be allowed to be labeled "healthy"?

  28. #28
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    the guys that are arguing to the contrary of the op....would you be ok if the companies WERE held to the nth degree and were to not be allowed to list "zero trans fat", etc. ?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    How many people do actually think its going to stop eating wrong if they display the 100% correct nutrients? THey have all of these "Smoking Kills" and "Smoking causes lung cancer" warnings on, how many people have it stopped smoking? .....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    How many people do actually think its going to stop eating wrong if they display the 100% correct nutrients? THey have all of these "Smoking Kills" and "Smoking causes lung cancer" warnings on, how many people have it stopped smoking? .....
    dont know how many...but i do think some will not eat the shit, dont you? Do you think that adding that little bit of legislation is more of a problem than the direct deception they are purposely creating?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by synthetic View Post
    that problem is many products advertise 0g trans fat and the average consumer does not know that it still contains transfat, all by resizing their portions to smaller size without changing anything. So thinking it has no tranfat the consumer will binge more on this junk food thinking they are guilt free...
    Because it's the gram of trans fat they eat with their 800 calories of oreo's that's killing the public.

  32. #32
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    Souf Afrika
    I personally think it wont make much of an issue, if someone goes into a supermarket with the mindset to get anything, and theyve done so for 20 years etc, why NOW will they not buy it? I dont even think most people read it...
    Adding a Little more legislation is going to cost the consumer, so ...NO, i dont want/need that..

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    I personally think it wont make much of an issue, if someone goes into a supermarket with the mindset to get anything, and theyve done so for 20 years etc, why NOW will they not buy it? I dont even think most people read it...
    Adding a Little more legislation is going to cost the consumer, so ...NO, i dont want/need that..

    once again the educated have to pay for the uneducated...

  34. #34
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    Jun 2002
    The labeling does work... its not going to change everyone's mind set. but the hurtful thing is that some products people have been purchasing for 20 years had the TF oils recently added to them, with out their knowledge, for instance lets look at coffee creamer or butter, which can be made naturally from the cow, but in order for the product to last longer on the shelves they began adding the TF oils....better yet, replacing the natural fats with the TF oils

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    dont all labels have to show nutrition by serving size AND per 100grams?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by synthetic View Post
    that some products people have been purchasing for 20 years had the TF oils recently added to them
    dairy products have trans fat naturally

    I will tell you in simple terms trans fat has not been and will not be the problem with the American diet. The data is not conclusive trans fat is any worse for you then saturated fat. And the data on saturated fat is not looking so hot either anymore. Trans fat is the latest witch hunt in diet contents, and you've been brainwashed by it. Get over it and yourself, you figured out how to eat healthy, and anybody who wants to can do so just as easily. Find a new cause.

  37. #37
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