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Thread: I need a huge favor from anyone willing. PLEASE!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    I need a huge favor from anyone willing. PLEASE!

    I would be forever grateful and in debt to whoever who helps me with this....

    This guy down in South Florida grew up with my girl, and is continuously harassing her since she got with me. They never dated. She has blocked all contact with him, even changed her number but he still calls her in this threatening manor, leaving her awful voice mails. If I wasn't on probation I'd fly down there myself because the things this man says to her is just sick, and threatening and twisted. I have gone to pay him a visit once because he threatened to cut the child out of her womb when she was pregnant!!!! He wouldn't even come out of the house and called the f'king cops!!!

    I have both of his addresses but posting that kind of stuff up is illegal.

    Would anyone be willing to give him a phone call and leave him a voicemail if I was to pass out his cell number? I figure if I can get about 50+ people to call him in regards to this matter, that will just scare him away or at least wake him up. I can't leave the state or even the county because of my probation but this has gone way too far.

    This would mean the world to me guys. She's changed her number three times and it costs us money every time she changes it. It's just way out of hand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    That guy must die ASAP!

    If only I could help you bro! but I'm in Asia... too far!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    in the kitchen
    on probabation as well

    why dont you just report him to the police? get a restraining order and such

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    That guy must die ASAP!

    If only I could help you bro! but I'm in Asia... too far!
    It's okay bro, thanks so much..It just is draining so much out of me seeing her like this. It's constant now. She literally changed her number 3 days ago and he just called again!!!! I can't take seeing her like this...

    She's the sweetest girl in the whole world. I have known her for years and been with her for quite awhile, and I have NEVER heard her say a negative thing about anyone. How many people know someone like that? She's the only one I've known of ever. I just can't take seeing her like this...its bringing up a rage in me that I've never felt before.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by awesome1 View Post
    on probabation as well

    why dont you just report him to the police? get a restraining order and such
    Already got one, but we're in Indiana and he is in Florida and/or Louisiana. Depends on the time of year. They see it as a personal matter since its so far apart....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Where in Florida?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    How does he keep getting her new number, surely it must be illegally

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Where in Florida?
    I'll have to look up the address again. He was stupid enough to send me both of his full addresses. What a jackass. I'm digging through messages now.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    How does he keep getting her new number, surely it must be illegally
    Yes...That or hes buying information off someone. The guys insane

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I don't see how this is legal.... it's a form of harrassment..... I'd ask my local police to contact his local police.....


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I believe enough people here know of creative ways to bring this guy down .

    Lets say he ordered illegal drugs to his name and address and postal inspector was aware of actions .

    They sell disposable cell phones , or phones with addable minutes . Use his name when recharge phone with address for required information . Then do Bad .

    They have credit cards you prepay . Set up funds over phone in his name and address and then do bad. Order illegal weapons , foreign counter band or child porn in a trail that leads to him .

    These are poor ideas from someone not to smart ( me ) . So I believe others have better ideas that will give you the satisfaction of doing justice .

    Take a license plate from someones car , remove expiration date sticker and put on his car . Cops will do the rest .

    You need to remove your feelings and think of things with bad consequences .

    Vengeance is a reaction and not a emotion .

    Good luck , If this isn't a smart post then maybe it will be momentarily entertaining

  13. #13
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    I believe enough people here know of creative ways to bring this guy down .

    Lets say he ordered illegal drugs to his name and address and postal inspector was aware of actions .

    They sell disposable cell phones , or phones with addable minutes . Use his name when recharge phone with address for required information . Then do Bad .

    They have credit cards you prepay . Set up funds over phone in his name and address and then do bad. Order illegal weapons , foreign counter band or child porn in a trail that leads to him .

    These are poor ideas from someone not to smart ( me ) . So I believe others have better ideas that will give you the satisfaction of doing justice .

    Take a license plate from someones car , remove expiration date sticker and put on his car . Cops will do the rest .

    You need to remove your feelings and think of things with bad consequences .

    Vengeance is a reaction and not a emotion .

    Good luck , If this isn't a smart post then maybe it will be momentarily entertaining

    My friend,

    Excellent idea...All of the above. You are absolutely correct; I need to stay calm and creative with this.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    These are poor ideas from someone not to smart ( me ) .
    LMFAO - wish I could use this in my signature


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Pin it to win it!
    It seems a little wierd that he keeps getting her new number. Try getting a new phone in your name and have her use that one. If he gets her number after that she's givingnit to him.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Canada
    ^^^ or somebody close...

  17. #17
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    My friend,

    Excellent idea...All of the above. You are absolutely correct; I need to stay calm and creative with this.
    Threats could incite people or cause consequences .
    Do research on the individual , Information is power .

    Drop a dime on a dealer and let the word out he is the source .
    Know someone that moves some weight and let em know that he's been asking about him and he's a nark .

    When the bad comes . The worst happens .

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    Threats could incite people or cause consequences .
    Do research on the individual , Information is power .

    Drop a dime on a dealer and let the word out he is the source .
    Know someone that moves some weight and let em know that he's been asking about him and he's a nark .

    When the bad comes . The worst happens .

    You are going to get someone killed doing that shit man.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    You are going to get someone killed doing that shit man.
    The guy threatened to cut her baby out of her womb . I can't see that being any benefit to the baby or the mother . The OP is free to exercise his imagination to facilitate a wake up call . Violence against women needs to dealt with harsh consequences . The police have not protected and served . A personal protection order is only enforced after perpetrator has violated the order . Then it may be too late if he acted on his threats or stalking .

    Anything I have posted is for entertainment purposes only .

  20. #20
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    newport richey fl
    websites like keeps up to date info between that white pages and google u can find just about all the info u need

    its sad in this day and age u cant hide anything anyone can find anything about you iv looked up people i havent seen in years on that site above

    without paying u can find as much as where they lived and what city there in now

    if u pay the fee you get

    phone home and cell every address they ever lived at where they work and how much they make email address and so much more

    im willing to bet hes doing this and theres no way to stop him from doing so

    this also covers info of people she lives with it gives household info such as who lives at her address

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    websites like keeps up to date info between that white pages and google u can find just about all the info u need

    its sad in this day and age u cant hide anything anyone can find anything about you iv looked up people i havent seen in years on that site above

    without paying u can find as much as where they lived and what city there in now

    if u pay the fee you get

    phone home and cell every address they ever lived at where they work and how much they make email address and so much more

    im willing to bet hes doing this and theres no way to stop him from doing so

    this also covers info of people she lives with it gives household info such as who lives at her address
    I'm pretty sure that's the website he's using....I've used it before and its insane how much information you can get for a few bucks.

  22. #22
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Wouldnt a "no contact" order be simpler and more effective?

  23. #23
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    The guy threatened to cut her baby out of her womb . I can't see that being any benefit to the baby or the mother . The OP is free to exercise his imagination to facilitate a wake up call . Violence against women needs to dealt with harsh consequences . The police have not protected and served . A personal protection order is only enforced after perpetrator has violated the order . Then it may be too late if he acted on his threats or stalking .

    Anything I have posted is for entertainment purposes only .
    I get you mate.

    But, there has been no violence and she has no baby.

    It's a big jump from someone making threatening phone calls from another state.
    To, getting a asshole killed, which is more then likely how it would turn out.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    Threats could incite people or cause consequences .
    Do research on the individual , Information is power .

    Drop a dime on a dealer and let the word out he is the source .
    Know someone that moves some weight and let em know that he's been asking about him and he's a nark .

    When the bad comes . The worst happens .

    man i really like ur style..

    i reallly dig this..........

  25. #25
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    Sometimes Some People Must DIE... It's a fact of life... Ryan.. PM me Bro...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Sometimes Some People Must DIE... It's a fact of life... Ryan.. PM me Bro...
    LMFAO! Deucy my brother! You of all people need to stay outa this thread


  27. #27
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    newport richey fl
    theres really no way to stop him from finding her everything leaves a paper trail id say your best bet is to get a metro pcs cell phone or a boost phone something where u dont have to use your real name cause if u use at&t or the others they have a a paper trail that can be found

    as far as putting the phone in his name that wouldnt work he would find it thru the website i posted under his name and then he would block his number from being seen call both or all the phones till he heard her voice and ud be back at the start

    so go with one of the two cell phones i said and for a home phone get magic jack

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Wouldnt a "no contact" order be simpler and more effective?
    Thank you!

    Just get a PFA or restraining order or whatever it's called.

    If he breaks it, he goes to jail.

    That simple, and best of all, it's legal.

  29. #29
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    I believe enough people here know of creative ways to bring this guy down .

    Lets say he ordered illegal drugs to his name and address and postal inspector was aware of actions .

    They sell disposable cell phones , or phones with addable minutes . Use his name when recharge phone with address for required information . Then do Bad .

    They have credit cards you prepay . Set up funds over phone in his name and address and then do bad. Order illegal weapons , foreign counter band or child porn in a trail that leads to him .

    These are poor ideas from someone not to smart ( me ) . So I believe others have better ideas that will give you the satisfaction of doing justice .

    Take a license plate from someones car , remove expiration date sticker and put on his car . Cops will do the rest .

    You need to remove your feelings and think of things with bad consequences .

    Vengeance is a reaction and not a emotion .

    Good luck , If this isn't a smart post then maybe it will be momentarily entertaining
    You still need a social security number to activate a prepaid cc.

    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    It seems a little wierd that he keeps getting her new number. Try getting a new phone in your name and have her use that one. If he gets her number after that she's givingnit to him.
    I agree. She's talking to him bro. I know how to hide from people and it's pretty damn easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    websites like keeps up to date info between that white pages and google u can find just about all the info u need

    its sad in this day and age u cant hide anything anyone can find anything about you iv looked up people i havent seen in years on that site above

    without paying u can find as much as where they lived and what city there in now

    if u pay the fee you get

    phone home and cell every address they ever lived at where they work and how much they make email address and so much more

    im willing to bet hes doing this and theres no way to stop him from doing so

    this also covers info of people she lives with it gives household info such as who lives at her address
    People's tried to find me using intelius and lexus nexus and others and have had no luck. They found me via Facebook but i don't have any enemies.

    I'm always up for hire but i don't use the phone. haha......J/K....

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    the only way it cant find u is if

    1 u have no bills
    2 u live at home with mommy
    3 u get no mail
    4 u have no job
    5 u dont own a house in ur name
    6 or a car
    7 u live outside of the us
    with a real name first last and middle lol if u have a ssn u can be found
    Last edited by drdeath613; 12-21-2009 at 09:59 PM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Just got word on how he got her cell number.....

    She has had time periods where she has missed her statements in the mail and her phone has been shut off. I said before these two have known one another since childhood. This guys roomate knows me and my girl, he said that he personally has seen him opening her phone statements at his address!!!! That means somehow this twisted freak has redirected her mail to him for a period of time?!?! How is this possible??? We are in Indiana, and he is in Orlando!!

  32. #32
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    the only way it cant find u is if

    1 u have no bills
    2 u live at home with mommy
    3 u get no mail
    4 u have no job
    5 u dont own a house in ur name
    6 or a car
    7 u live outside of the us
    with a real name first last and middle lol if u have a ssn u can be found
    hahaha....I have bills, not w/ mommy, a job that pays cash, pay rent in cash, car's paid for and so is my truck, i live in florida. Find me big boy. haha...

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by RyanRoss View Post
    Just got word on how he got her cell number.....

    She has had time periods where she has missed her statements in the mail and her phone has been shut off. I said before these two have known one another since childhood. This guys roomate knows me and my girl, he said that he personally has seen him opening her phone statements at his address!!!! That means somehow this twisted freak has redirected her mail to him for a period of time?!?! How is this possible??? We are in Indiana, and he is in Orlando!!
    Damn!!!! He's only an hour and a half away from me! Make me an offer and give me an address. haha...

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Thank you!

    Just get a PFA or restraining order or whatever it's called.

    If he breaks it, he goes to jail.

    That simple, and best of all, it's legal.
    Isn't there an Ungodly amount of red tape to that though? I had to get an OP on my sisters punk ass ex boyfriend, and he broke it. The kid got off scott free because he had "emotional problems" and fvcking hit her.

    Plus this across several states; from Indiana down into Florida.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    lol pm me your full name ill find u in under 24 hours i know 6 differnt ways to track someone down

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    the place i love the most
    people can always track people...dig deep, some people do anything for a fix.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    United States
    just get a restraining order and the problem is solved the next time he calls because he will be in jail. if he would call the police because someone here called and threatened him then that person would have charges filed against them
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    its not hard to redirect someone mail all u have to do is if its a female have a female give the old address and the new address and they will change it all u have to do is fill out a change of address card and drop it off no id needed

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    damn i wish i was closer man im in STL or id get in on this for sure

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Dont wanna be old... haha man ur crazy... remind me not to piss u off

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