Originally Posted by
Dont wanna be old
I believe enough people here know of creative ways to bring this guy down .
Lets say he ordered illegal drugs to his name and address and postal inspector was aware of actions .
They sell disposable cell phones , or phones with addable minutes . Use his name when recharge phone with address for required information . Then do Bad .
They have credit cards you prepay . Set up funds over phone in his name and address and then do bad. Order illegal weapons , foreign counter band or child porn in a trail that leads to him .
These are poor ideas from someone not to smart ( me ) . So I believe others have better ideas that will give you the satisfaction of doing justice .
Take a license plate from someones car , remove expiration date sticker and put on his car . Cops will do the rest .
You need to remove your feelings and think of things with bad consequences .
Vengeance is a reaction and not a emotion .
Good luck , If this isn't a smart post then maybe it will be momentarily entertaining