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  1. #1
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Drumsticks and Ice Cream

    I'm beginning to feel like a piece of shit.

    Breakfast - 6 eggs, 1 cup gritts, 1 slice of whole grain bread plain and 16oz. of skim milk.

    2 hours later - 2 cans tuna w/ pasta salad. Banana

    3 hours later - plain chicken breast and 1 piece of whole grain bread

    1 hour later - workout

    2 hours later - ribeye steak w/ sweet potaoe and broccoli

    And for the past hour i've been doing nothing but eating drumsticks(on my 5th) and butter pecan ice cream. I mixed in some cottage cheese but i don't think that really matters at this point. There's 3 drumsticks left and i'm sure i'm gonna kill them.

    Why do i need so much sugar right now? It's like my body is craving it and i can't get enough of it.

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL bro... I have found myself eating a ton of snickers the past 24 hours. Why are you not updating that log of yours? I ws getting worried about you brother. Figured that a shark got ahold of you or something on those beaches

  3. #3
    (TLF) CHAMPION54's Avatar
    (TLF) CHAMPION54 is offline Associate Member
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    Damnit I just ate 1/2 a box of chips ahoy cookies.

    And earlier I ate a double whiskey river bbq burger from red robin.
    With 4 strawberry freckeld lemonaids.

    It was a good week of solid diet and I had to pig out.

  4. #4
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (TLF) CHAMPION54 View Post
    Damnit I just ate 1/2 a box of chips ahoy cookies.

    And earlier I ate a double whiskey river bbq burger from red robin.
    With 4 strawberry freckeld lemonaids.

    It was a good week of solid diet and I had to pig out.
    theres piging out and theres pigging out

  5. #5
    Friend's Avatar
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    This thread is making me hungry

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol i usally just drink caffeine free, sugar free soft drink to help kill my cravings

    ^^ this shit rocks, im on my 3rd bottle for the night lol

    but im bulking atm so foods a challenge to eat for me usually

    though my dinner tonight was 3 main courses at a restauarant penne bolagnaise, chicken parmigana, side of bowl fries and chinese stir fry

    thats what i call bulking ahahahhahahaha

    anyways man i wouldnt worry, least it tastes good

    if your that worried grab the box and throw the drumsticks in the street or in the bin so u wont eat them

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