lol.. just wait it out bro, no point getting inpatient on your first cycle
the test will kick in very quick ( a week or so IMO ) and you will start to see solid strength gains.
I remember my first cycle. It was Test-E @400mg for 12 weeks. For the first month I thought the gear was completely underdosed or fake, because I was barely gaining weight. Suddenly after that I ballooned, and gained like 20 pounds in a month and a half.
lol... BTW, don't worry, a lot of people get into AAS usage w/ huge misconceptions about what steroids will do in terms of strength / weight gain.
Alternatively you could always back-load this cycle... (IE)
Test (weeks 1 - 12) @ 500mg
T-bol (weeks 9 - 14) @ 60mg ED
or swap the t-bol for anavar @ 60-80mg ED
I dunno, just an idea. Have a good one.