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  1. #1
    MDMA's Avatar
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    Im f*Cking DePResSed

    And it's NOT from the MDMA! I havn't taken the stuff in over 2 months...

    But it is because I just broke up with my g/f of 2 years. We been broke up for less than 10 days and she's already fuckin other guys. Its making me feel like shit.

    Damn hoes. I dont even wanna eat/train anymore. $850 invested in this cycle and I could care fucking less right now.

    You guys are my allies in all this, maybe you have some words of encouragment.... heh, maybe not.

  2. #2
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    Gee man... sorry about that... don't really know what to say... (yeah I know... great help I am...)

    I guess if anything this is probably the best time to hit the gym with a vengeance and put everything into it.

    As for her already fucking other guys well... good for her... I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I were you. She's history anyways...

    I say have yourself a nice cheat meal... hell screw that, have a cheat weekend, go out, go nuts, have fun and monday hit the gym with a vengeance.

    Sorry I ain't no "Dear Abbey" as far as advice goes... but well...


  3. #3
    tatty's Avatar
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    Been there, done that.

    Best advice I can give? Cut all contact. Give a rats ass about what's going on in her life...that's the biggest stab in the heart for her.

    Btw, it's the BEST time for you to go hard and train like a madman.

  4. #4
    adaptations's Avatar
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    Damn man...i know the feeling...that right there shows you how cold hearted and selfish she is...And shows that she wasnt/isnt the one for you...She seems young( i could be wrong)
    I guess in my case it was dif...i fucked up( to a point) so we decided to break it off untill shit got straighrtened out...we've remained friends...more than friends actually..., and still have the feelings for each other, and are gonna get back togetehr.,...but like i said...were just working through whats going on now...but its getting better...
    To me though, that doesnt seem like an option for you.
    She dismissed you like it was nothing, and is now with other guys...10 DAYS AFER YOU BROKE UP!!!....thats not love...

    TAke it as a lesson learned...dont let it bring you down( i lost 10-15 pounds in about 3 weeks, because i was depressed...) keep eating and training....
    LIke someone else said...itll really bug her to hell, if you ignore her and make her feel like you dont give a fuck...
    A good buddy of mine told me this:
    ' the only way to get OVER a to have another one under you'

    NOw for me i couldnt do that...
    but seriously....go out with the guys...go to a club/ some ladies...theres tons of em...

    hope that helped a bit...
    I know the pain, and i wish it upon NO ONE!
    PM me if you need to talk from experience...

    peace bro

  5. #5
    jarrett is offline Senior Member
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    try aggression it works while throwing those wieghts around cussing your ass off between sets 100 % adrinaline running through your veins..

    that stupid bitch...blah fucking some other guy........ oh yeah it worked for me!!

  6. #6
    br808 is offline New Member
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    The only reason she went out fucking another guy after ten days is to piss you of and hurt you in the first place. She wouldnt have done it if she didnt think it would fuck with you. The best thing to do is completely ignore everything and anything she has to say/do/ think/ whatever. And the best thing to do if you see her out is to faintly smirk at her and give her that peircing "im gonna stab your dog" look with your eyes. The smirk makes her brain think that your ok, and the eye look makes her feel like shit for what she has done. Just my .02 .

    btw i know this because i was raised by a women that taught me all the tricks in the book and im a psych. major.

    Good luck with everything bro. Dont get down about it and do like everyone else said...take your pain/anger out in the gym.

  7. #7
    abstrack's Avatar
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    just went throught the same shit, look back at my post bro!
    just hang in there and things will turn up better. You really have to think about if it was ment to be, if it is then it will be. Just keep you head up keep training and keep close to your friends. Keeping busy is going to help, vent your anger in the gym bro.
    good luck with the problem bro, just move on and find yourself and new shorty. one more thing, if she is already out dickin some other man, do you honestly think she respects you.

  8. #8
    painintheazz's Avatar
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    Damn man, all I can say is it must not have been meant to be. Just be happy she did this stuff now instead of if you married her. As for what to do now. Just use this as motovation for the gym. Take out all your agression in the gym. Everytime you go in there be like I am going to get huge and make her wish she never broke up with me. Hope this helps bro. Always try to turn a negative into a positive.


  9. #9
    zzo18's Avatar
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    Like abstrack said bro...You've got to keep yourself busy. I went through the same shit myself and didn't feel motivated to do a damn thing. My half-ass attempts of working out were overwhelmed by me sitting on the bench thinking about the b!tch. While my bros would go out on the weekends I'd sit home and mope around aimlessly. It wasn't until I forced myself to live my life that things actually began to change. Soon enough you'll be hittin' the weights harder than you ever have and she'll be beggin to get you back. At that point you have the power my friend. Best of luck...


  10. #10
    MDMA's Avatar
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    Awesome guys. This does help me. Its just a hard time, it sounds like most of you have been through it. I went out last night and like Red said, tried to have a cheat meal to get over this shit.

    All went well, found a hottie, invited her over with a couple friends and ended up getting drunk and things finally progessed into the bedroom. But came the time when we were about to bone down, I just lost all interest. Limp dick, and all I could think about is my eX. I just got up, got my bro and left.

    Heh, didnt expect that to happen. I guess I'll just give it another go tonight, and the night after, and the one after that until Im over her I guess. You guys are definatly right about keeping busy.

    Let me tell ya, 100mg Prop ED doesnt help this BS either. Dont know if its the extra Estrogen floating around or whatever, but Im taking this harder than I thought... feel like a fucking pussy cuz some stupid giRl is doing this shit to me.

    Pains the quickest way to evolution tho right? Hopefully I'll come out of this bigger, badder, wiser and stronger than before.

  11. #11
    Jdawg50's Avatar
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    suks bro, Like the other guys said, now is the time to turn the training level up. Women are tough sometimes. Good luck bro keep after it

  12. #12
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Im f*Cking DePResSed

    Originally posted by MDMA
    I dont even wanna eat/train anymore.
    BLASPHEMY!! You mean life without intense training and food? OMG! I don't think I could ever go that far - or say anything close to that... especially after breaking up with a girl friend. It ain't like you were married with children (even so...) - move on...

  13. #13
    painintheazz's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Im f*Cking DePResSed

    Originally posted by Warrior

    BLASPHEMY!! You mean life without intense training and food? OMG! I don't think I could ever go that far - or say anything close to that... especially after breaking up with a girl friend. It ain't like you were married with children (even so...) - move on...
    Warrior showing my favorite type of love, tough love.


  14. #14
    zzo18's Avatar
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    Warrior & painintheazz...
    Where were you two when the same shit happened to me and I was home (skipping the gym) and stuffing my face with shitty food?!?

  15. #15
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Originally posted by zzo18
    Warrior & painintheazz...
    Where were you two when the same shit happened to me and I was home (skipping the gym) and stuffing my face with shitty food?!?
    In the gym

  16. #16
    zzo18's Avatar
    zzo18 is offline Associate Member
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    Good answer.

  17. #17
    painintheazz's Avatar
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    Originally posted by zzo18
    Warrior & painintheazz...
    Where were you two when the same shit happened to me and I was home (skipping the gym) and stuffing my face with shitty food?!?
    Cooking my chicken breast and brown rice.. JK sorry I wasn't there to help bro.


  18. #18
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    When I get depressed I go to the gym and press my fustration away trust me your going to be mad even longer once you realized you waisted $800 but hope you move on bro

  19. #19
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    been there. gf of 2 years also. same deal, she was doing other people pretty quickly. it hurts, i know. you get depressed, i know. i was so depressed i had to break my lease so i could move in with some friends so i wouldn't go crazy. they even saw me crying once, it was terrible. sheeeeet, its been 6 months now and i still feel bad.

    bit of advice...month 1-2 is pretty bad, 3-5 aint so bad, month 6+ gets bad again....

    sometimes finding a new girl helps. i'm not talking about a new girl to just bone, that helps for maybe a couple of hours, then you feel like shit again real quick. i mean find another girl to love you and you'll feel better i think...

    -- clocky baby

  20. #20
    Polska's Avatar
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    What the fuck is it with girls man...

    I mean in the sense that they can just pick right up and bone somebody else so fast. I've had a couple serious relationships in the past with two virgin honeys. It took 8 months to bust one in, and 3 months to get the other one. Skank #1 ends up boning somebody else 2 weeks after we end it. Skank #2 is on the rebound in the blink of an eye too. Who knows how many guys have fucked them by now?

    Once you pop you can't stop I guess. It honestly makes me sick.

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