Sick and tired of seeing titles that gives no indication whatsoever as to what the post is about. You know... Like:
please help!
A quick question
whats your opinion on this
Its called a freaking TITLE... And its there so you could put a SUBJECT for your post! That means "a very brief summary of what your post is about"... A tile that is relevant to your post.
i dont get it. Do you choose not put the correct title because you think if you do...ppl are not going to read the post?
The thing thats so irritating is that there could be some useful advice on your post but there are some ppl (like me) that are not going to open/read your post because we dont know what your post is about.Plus you are missing the chance to get some really good advice because the people that could give you the best advice are not reading your post! We dont want to read a post titled "please help!" and spend 2 mins reading just to realize that we'd just wasted 2 mins of our lives reading something that isnt something we could give an advice on nor is it something that we have any interest in.
So for the sake of making our stay here at more enjoyable and beneficial. Please use the "title" column as its meant to be used. Put a title that says what your post is about. Thanks.