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Thread: Regarding ppl putting titles that dont indicate what their post is about

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Regarding ppl putting titles that dont indicate what their post is about

    Sick and tired of seeing titles that gives no indication whatsoever as to what the post is about. You know... Like:
    please help!
    A quick question
    whats your opinion on this
    Its called a freaking TITLE... And its there so you could put a SUBJECT for your post! That means "a very brief summary of what your post is about"... A tile that is relevant to your post.
    i dont get it. Do you choose not put the correct title because you think if you do...ppl are not going to read the post?
    The thing thats so irritating is that there could be some useful advice on your post but there are some ppl (like me) that are not going to open/read your post because we dont know what your post is about.Plus you are missing the chance to get some really good advice because the people that could give you the best advice are not reading your post! We dont want to read a post titled "please help!" and spend 2 mins reading just to realize that we'd just wasted 2 mins of our lives reading something that isnt something we could give an advice on nor is it something that we have any interest in.
    So for the sake of making our stay here at more enjoyable and beneficial. Please use the "title" column as its meant to be used. Put a title that says what your post is about. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Are you done your ranting and raving? You haven't been here long enough to bitch...

    To be honest with you I am tired of people posting stupid sh*t in the Q & A section...

    I see no question here so therefore I can't answer this post.

    Lounge is for a reason.

    Thank you.

    To any mod or admin please move this garbage to the proper section

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Are you done your ranting and raving? You haven't been here long enough to bitch...

    To be honest with you I am tired of people posting stupid sh*t in the Q & A section...

    I see no question here so therefore I can't answer this post.

    Lounge is for a reason.

    Thank you.

    To any mod or admin please move this garbage to the proper section
    You both have a point people do need to title their threads correctly, but this is a waste of space in the Q&A section it belongs in the lounge
    Last edited by MaNiCC; 01-22-2010 at 04:46 PM.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you the man

  6. #6
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    I can put my cursor over any thread title before opening it and it will show me a paragraph or so in a balloon. Then I can decide if I want to open it. This works for everyone, right?

  7. #7
    Does for me.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I can put my cursor over any thread title before opening it and it will show me a paragraph or so in a balloon. Then I can decide if I want to open it. This works for everyone, right?
    yep ^

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I can put my cursor over any thread title before opening it and it will show me a paragraph or so in a balloon. Then I can decide if I want to open it. This works for everyone, right?
    Yes it does. But just be patient and try to help if you can regardless of the title. Op's gettin all shakin up over nothing.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_SANDMAN_x View Post
    Sick and tired of seeing titles that gives no indication whatsoever as to what the post is about. You know... Like:
    please help!
    A quick question
    whats your opinion on this
    Its called a freaking TITLE... And its there so you could put a SUBJECT for your post! That means "a very brief summary of what your post is about"... A tile that is relevant to your post.
    i dont get it. Do you choose not put the correct title because you think if you do...ppl are not going to read the post?
    The thing thats so irritating is that there could be some useful advice on your post but there are some ppl (like me) that are not going to open/read your post because we dont know what your post is about.Plus you are missing the chance to get some really good advice because the people that could give you the best advice are not reading your post! We dont want to read a post titled "please help!" and spend 2 mins reading just to realize that we'd just wasted 2 mins of our lives reading something that isnt something we could give an advice on nor is it something that we have any interest in.
    So for the sake of making our stay here at more enjoyable and beneficial. Please use the "title" column as its meant to be used. Put a title that says what your post is about. Thanks.
    cry baby.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_SANDMAN_x View Post
    Sick and tired of seeing titles that gives no indication whatsoever as to what the post is about. You know... Like:
    please help!
    A quick question
    whats your opinion on this
    Its called a freaking TITLE... And its there so you could put a SUBJECT for your post! That means "a very brief summary of what your post is about"... A tile that is relevant to your post.
    i dont get it. Do you choose not put the correct title because you think if you do...ppl are not going to read the post?
    The thing thats so irritating is that there could be some useful advice on your post but there are some ppl (like me) that are not going to open/read your post because we dont know what your post is about.Plus you are missing the chance to get some really good advice because the people that could give you the best advice are not reading your post! We dont want to read a post titled "please help!" and spend 2 mins reading just to realize that we'd just wasted 2 mins of our lives reading something that isnt something we could give an advice on nor is it something that we have any interest in.
    So for the sake of making our stay here at more enjoyable and beneficial. Please use the "title" column as its meant to be used. Put a title that says what your post is about. Thanks.

  15. #15
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    An Linne Rosach
    Put your toys back in the pram

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I LOVE THIS LITTLE PIC.. it really LOL'ed...

    to the OP.. wtf !? You have 16 posts and u are posting threads like this.. are you serious?? Hahaha, how do you think us guys who have been here 2 + years feel?? 16 posts... lol.. and irritated already.. YAH you'll last long.. ok I am going to another place.. where there is no DRAMA and no Posts like this..

  17. #17
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    Who gives a fuk about a title

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I LOVE THIS LITTLE PIC.. it really LOL'ed...

    to the OP.. wtf !? You have 16 posts and u are posting threads like this.. are you serious?? Hahaha, how do you think us guys who have been here 2 + years feel?? 16 posts... lol.. and irritated already.. YAH you'll last long.. ok I am going to another place.. where there is no DRAMA and no Posts like this..
    see ya there

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    How can you complain about titles when you gave your own thread an incorrect title.

    It should read 'Lame'.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    A Lot of places
    DSM killed it with the crying baby, LMFAO

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