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Thread: Identity theft

  1. #1
    jccnewbie's Avatar
    jccnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Identity theft

    Some POS charged over $500.00 to my account the past two days and now my car payment bounced. What is it with these people that makes them think they can just take what they want? Has anyone else had problems with these losers?

    Here is where one of the charges came from

  2. #2
    CMonkey's Avatar
    CMonkey is offline Associate Member
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    Someone got my debit card number and charged a bunch of porn sites to it. I lucked out and happened to check my statement online the day the charges came through. Called the bank and cancelled the card and filed a fraud report with them. I wouldn't have been near as pissed, if the charges had been to a grocery store or something like that, but porn sites....come on

  3. #3
    *Thiago*'s Avatar
    *Thiago* is offline Junior Member
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    Here is something I have heard that happens using private ATMs, they sometimes put a camera to see the keypad and get your pin.

    I have not been a victim yet but subconsciously always try to conceal my pin as I'm punching it in ... I think I saw it on 10/20

  4. #4
    Charlie6's Avatar
    Charlie6 is offline Senior Member
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    can't you track the expenses or somethign? see where something was shipped or who it was shipped to? i know this company might be diff but still...

  5. #5
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    it happens all the time.... especially if you do a lot of online transactions (IMO). My wife and i have had over 1200 stolen from us. One was for 1000 from a bunch of bars in el quidad mexico lol and 200 from a macy's in kentucky. Lucky for us we pay a little extra per month through our bank for indentity theft protection. My advice would be to do the same! It's a pain in the ass to get it all straightened out, and could take months to get your money back, IF you can even get it back at all.

  6. #6
    jccnewbie's Avatar
    jccnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    It was all done in Pakistan, so I have no clue where they could have gotten my info. I filed the claim within the same week the charges were made so everything should be credited back to my account (so they say) when the investigation is over. It's just frustrating trying to keep your cool about the whole thing when I know there is nothing I can do.

  7. #7
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Someone purchased a spanish porn domain in my name and address using my card......

    What really pissed me off was the site wasn't even working..... not even like I could see some nice spanish poon.....

    I let my bank know and they took care of it.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  8. #8
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    sorry about that Haz...

    no hard feelings...

  9. #9
    MaNiCC's Avatar
    MaNiCC is offline AR's Think Tank - Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    sorry about that Haz...

    no hard feelings...
    moose i thought we was keeping that on the down low

    but seriously to the op i feel gutted for my fellow a-r brothers getting robbed

    however i say if they can get away with it and nobodys is injured good luck to them

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